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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 390
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165 Griffin

Even with Cynthia trying to act up, with bits of Ayla’s sad past being brought up. Tonight has been a dream and

the reason for that is her. The mate I still can’t believe | am blessed with. The mate who calledperfect

tonight. Who is excited to not just be my mate but my wife too.

As the night went on though the heat got more and more prominent though. | could smell her arousal and | was

sure she could smell mine. | tried to not touch her too much because every slight touch would make the

symptoms worse. On the other hand, | was practically unable to keep my hands to myself. It is not the sfor

male wolves, but the heat. affects us too. | saw the unmated male wolves stare at Ayla in awe. The pheromones

she was realizing now drove them mad. Leaving Corian andon edge in return, wanting to protect what was

ours. What is ours! Parties like this usually go on until the sun rises again, but neither of us can wait that long. So

after thanking the crowd, pretending we were just tired when everyone knows what is actually going on we make

our way to our personal chambers.

| place a hand on the small of her back because I love leading her withlike this. And it is a fairly innocent

touch over her clothes. Still, | can feel her shiver with want, arousal spiking even more. | struggle not to push her

into the quiet hallway here, and just make her cthis once. To just drop to my knees, get under the wide

ruffled skirt of her dress, and taste just how much she wants me. | know Ayla has gone far enough to let me.

Nobody ever really uses this hallway. And if they would, they would notice what was happening and give us our




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165 Griffin

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We would not be the first couple in heat that doesn’t make it back to their hwithout a little taster

somewhere along the way. Not us though, because | want to make this special for Ayla | failed to make the night |

marked her special enough.

I know she said it doesn’t matter to her, that just marking each other was a dream cthrough. She said she

would never want to change anything about that night. | know she means it and | love her for it. Forthough it

is not enough I'need to make Ayla feel just how much I love her. Just how happy | am for her to be my mate. That

is why | tell her to take an ice-cold shower. The split second of confusion and hurt, followed by a slight pout as

she goes to shower. Almost makeswant to run after her to make love to her in the shower. She must have

noticed how tight my slacks are now. All because of her.

But she needs the shower to cto a little bit. The cold should help her get out of that lust-filled daze enough

to not be so dizzy anymore. If givesthe tto prepare the room. Just as | asked Gerald there are two dozen

red roses waiting for us in the bedroom. | make quick work of pulling the petals off a few of them and sprinkling

them down on the bed. Placing the vase with the others on her nightstand. just as I light the last candle | hear


“Baby, what are we waiting for | am so hot” | turn to her wanting to tell her why | needed her to wait for me.

But as | do she lets her silk robe fall off her shoulders draping to the floor. Revealing her perfect body inch by

inch. Now it iswho is unable to say or do anything. As | stride over to her desperate to feel her,



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touch her, taste her. However, her eyes widen in surprise as she takes a look at the room. Apparently, the

shower has brought her back to her senses enough to see what I did. Just like | wanted when | told her too. My

priorities and wants have shifted now. All | want to do now is make love to her. Claim her again, and when she

walks over to the dresser slightly bending over to pick up the card | placed there only seconds ago.

I lose control.

With one step at my wolf speed | crossed the entire distance between us | now find myself behind her my hands

on her hips. Her being in heat,. makes her ready for me. The scent of her arousal has never been so strong and |

can easily see how wet she is for me. | normally love foreplay but now | am all out of patience. With all the

discussion we had about the topic | know she wants this too. So the small sigh when | touch her is all the

unspoken permission | need before | slam into her in one hard almost desperate thrust. She grips the edges of

the dresser bending down further. So that | can go deeper, she is not holding back her moans and neither am I.

The card has fallen out of her hand and on

the floor. The rose petals sprinkled out over the bed to make our first tmaking love in heat special long


Overcwith the desperate need we had for each other. Lost in the bliss of how good it feels to be inside her.

How her body is made for mine, how her every curve and edge is created to makefeel good. Just as how |

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am made to make her feel good. That is why we fit together like we do because we are made to love and please

each other. We always have, from the first twe made love even with our.

inexperience it has always been perfect. We have always been fully in sync but now hearing her ask moaning:



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“Please baby, knot me, | want to carry your pups.” as | am about to come.

Adds a layer to being with her like this but her legs are already trembling and so are mine. If | knot her know we

are not changing positions for at least fifteen minutes. | am unable to tell her, | am unable to stop making love to

her like this until | reach the orgasm that | am so close to having. So after the last two thrusts we needed before

we both reach an earth-shattering orgasm I pull out of her still barely able to speak.

“Don’t stop baby, | am not done yet | meant it,” Ayla whines at me, and the desperation in her voice.

This all-consuming need to be knotted bysends another shiver of lust and heat through my body. Before |

can lift her up and tell her.

“I am far from down with you my darling, but it is going to be a while so you need to be more comfortable”

Before I lay her down on the bed, discarding the clothes I still had on because | was too desperate to fully

undress moments ago. This twhen | hover above her | can look her in the eyes and the lust, love and

admiration in her eyes tellthat what | am about to do is the right thing.
