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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 2095
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As Martin heard the news, panic surged through him like a wildfire. "What are we waiting for? Why isn't she being treated yet? It's

almost noon!"

"The doctors are doing everything they can," the nurse explained, her voice steady despite the urgency. "But the patient's chest

cavity has multiple bleeding sites. The severity of her trauma has led to deep vein thrombosis in her legs. If a clot breaks free, she

could suffer a heart attack or a stroke, any of which could undo all the progress we've made."

"What now?" Martin's voice faltered as he grappled with the situation.

"There's only one option left." The nurse hesitated before uttering the name, "Dr. Bella."

A heavy silence fell over Martin. He knew Arabella wouldn't operate on his family. Desperation laced his voice as he asked, "Isn't

there anyone else?"

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"Mrs. Cooper's condition is critical. Apart from Dr. Bella, | can't think of anyone else with the expertise needed." The nurse sighed

helplessly. "You could try to hire a renowned specialist from nearby, but | doubt they'd match Dr. Bella's skill."

Everyone was aware of Arabella's miraculous touch.

Martin stood, lost in thought, when another servant rushed in, "Sir, it's your mother. Her condition has worsened; she's been taken

to the emergency room."

Without hesitation, Martin bolted toward the emergency room. The doors were shut tight, the red light above them glowing


He grabbed the first nurse he saw. "How's my mother?"

"Florence has developed severe complications. I'm afraid she might not last two hours."

"What do you mean?" The news hit Martin like a sledgehammer. After a few stunned seconds, he blurted out, "She can't die. You

have to save her!"

"The doctors inside will do their best, but the outlook isn't good. Mr. Cooper, you should prepare for the worst."

"And what? Just stand here and watch my mother die?" Martin was frantic now. "There has to be another way!"

"Maybe Dr. Bella can do something."

At the mention of "Dr. Bella" again, Martin's frustration erupted. "Dr. Bella, Dr. Bella! Is she the only one in this whole hospital who

can do anything? With such a big institution, don’t you have any capable doctor? Do we always have to call in outsiders?"

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The nurse, visibly shaken, replied, "Dr. Bella is a once-in-a-century talent. We don't know for sure if she can help, but if anyone can

tackle this challenge, it's her... It's not that we want to push you to her, but she might be the only person who could save your


Defeated, Martin knew he had no choice. He reluctantly borrowed a phone from one of his aides and dialed Arabella's number.

He didn't use his own phone because Arabella had blocked him long ago.

Arabella never answered unknown calls, but this time, perhaps anticipating something, she picked up quickly.

"It's me, Martin. Don't hang up." He was apologetic and desperate. "Arabella, I'm out of options. Only you can helpnow. My

mother and sister are in surgery. One attempted suicide, the other was in a car accident. Both are fighting for their lives. Can you

save them? Please."

To his disbelief, Arabella didn't refuse. Instead, she asked calmly, "When?"

A flicker of incredulous relief lit up Martin's eyes. Had she agreed? Why had she agreed so readily?