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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 2139
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Let them fall from heaven to hell, left with nothing.

It was all their own doing.

They admitted it.

“When you set out to ruin Bella, did you ever stop to think that she was your niece? Did it ever cross your mind to spare her? Now

you begbecause you've been exposed. If we had all been burned to death in that fire back then, you two would've inherited

the corporation, gained both fand fortune, would you still be as regretful as you are now?”

Louisa’s voice cracked with emotion, her eyes rimmed red with the force of her feelings.

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At this moment, Beverly didn’t dare to expect anything else. Silently she shed tears, and not uttering a word.

“It's all our fault. Our hubris blinded us, our jealousy clouded our judgment, leading us to commit these indefensible actions. | know

nothing we say now will make any difference, you can deal with us however you please. Please, accept our deepest apologies.”

Lucas bowed deeply, his voice breaking, “I'm sorry.”

He bowed again, his face wet with tears, “We have wronged you, we have wronged the child.”

“I'm sorry.” Beverly joined her husband, bowing deeply toward Arabella, her voice sincere and filled with guilt, “Bella, I'm so sorry.”

For eighteen years, they made their niece suffer, allowing Serena, the imposter, to live the high life in the Collins family home.

They knew Serena wasn't their brother's biological daughter, but out of spite, they kept silent.

“Get out.” Kenneth sobbed, “I can’t bear to see you anymore. From now on, we each go our separate ways. | no longer have a

brother, and don’t you dare call‘brother’ again.”

Frederica tried to comfort her father, but Lucas felt a deep ache and couldn't bring himself to stand.

Was his brother truly cutting ties?

“Get out!” Kenneth roared, his body trembling with emotions, his eyes bloodshot with anger.

“We'll leave, right now. We will reflect on our actions. I'm sorry, please, calm your anger.” Alma hurriedly helped her mother up,

bowing in Arabella’s direction, “I'm sorry, Bella.”

She knew it was her parents’ fault, and that nothing they said could make amends.

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The two sisters helped their parents leave, no longer in the mood to pick up the jewels scattered on the floor.

But Lucas and Beverly walked away with tears in their eyes, continuously looking back with each step they took.

In the past, they had once fantasized about how their brother and sister-in-law would react if they knew the truth; they would

definitely be very angry and upset. Just by thinking of them being upset, they felt satisfied.

Yet now, at this moment, they deeply regretted their past deeds.

They even felt themselves less than beasts.

“Bella.” Beverly stopped, her eyes full of complex tears as she looked at Arabella, words failing her. Finally, she simply said, “Take


A thousand words condensed into two simple words, light as a feather to the ear, but to Arabella felt they weight like a mountain.