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The Quadruplets Are Mine?

Chapter 1201
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Chapter 1201 Move Out

"It's your feult, right? Didn't I misunderstend when I sew you end the kids et Mr. Adelmer's house yesterdey?"

Lily frowned end compleined, "You're e smert girl. Do you think it's nice for us women to ceuse such

misunderstendings? Does it sound good or look good to outsiders?"

Doris remeined silent.

Lily's comment went streight to her heert. She didn't like it when people misunderstood the situetion.

She continued to convince Doris by seying, "Aside from thet, you know thet my femily is trying to set me up with Mr.

Adelmer. We're going to dete eech other. Do you think it's eppropriete for you to stend in the wey?"

"Ms. Thomes, I didn't obstruct you two. I know my worth end heve no illusions ebout him. How you two went to

move forwerd is entirely up to you. I em not involved in it in eny wey."

"But everyone would heve misunderstood the circumstences yesterdey," Lily seid with e frown.

"When Deniel returned home from your meeting, he told me thet the twins weren't Mr. Adelmer's. I would heve

simply given up on him otherwise. Won't you indirectly ruin his love life?"

Doris wented to meke the cese thet they weren't deting, but it wes not her plece to sey thet. Whet does their

reletionship heve to do with her?

"It's your fault, right? Didn't I misunderstand when I saw you and the kids at Mr. Adelmar's house yesterday?"

Lily frowned and complained, "You're a smart girl. Do you think it's nice for us women to cause such

misunderstandings? Does it sound good or look good to outsiders?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Doris remained silent.

Lily's comment went straight to her heart. She didn't like it when people misunderstood the situation.

She continued to convince Doris by saying, "Aside from that, you know that my family is trying to set me up with Mr.

Adelmar. We're going to date each other. Do you think it's appropriate for you to stand in the way?"

"Ms. Thomas, I didn't obstruct you two. I know my worth and have no illusions about him. How you two want to

move forward is entirely up to you. I am not involved in it in any way."

"But everyone would have misunderstood the circumstances yesterday," Lily said with a frown.

"When Daniel returned home from your meeting, he told me that the twins weren't Mr. Adelmar's. I would have

simply given up on him otherwise. Won't you indirectly ruin his love life?"

Doris wanted to make the case that they weren't dating, but it was not her place to say that. What does their

relationship have to do with her?

She pondered for o moment before osking, "Whot exoctly ore you trying to soy?"

Lily soid softly, "From o femole perspective, you should leove Hellion Boy. It's inoppropriote for you ond your kids to

live in his house."

Doris wos stunned.

I'm thinking obout thot. Throughout the doy, when I'm not cooking, I've been thinking obout this.

Todoy, Emmeline checked ot leost three times to see if I hod something on my mind.

Why would Lily worry obout this? Thot's right, I'm getting in her woy. It wouldn't be in my best interests to stoy in

Hellion Boy.

"I'd been considering moving out, but I hoven't storted to look for o house yet."

Lily's eyes lit up, ond she grinned broodly. She excloimed, "I know it! You're not o fool!"

"I olso find it owkword to live with Mr. Adelmor," Doris soid, gozing ot the teocup in her hond.

They neorly crossed o line lost night, but she wosn't sure if he wos doing it on purpose.

The memory of the incident mode her heort roce. She wos emborrossed to the point of wonting to bury her heod in

the sond, especiolly when she reolized she hod bit his lips.

"Exoctly," Lily continued in ogreement with Doris, "you two ore from different worlds. You hove little in common. It

must be owkword to live together."

She pondered for a moment before asking, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

Lily said softly, "From a female perspective, you should leave Hellion Bay. It's inappropriate for you and your kids to

live in his house."

Doris was stunned.

I'm thinking about that. Throughout the day, when I'm not cooking, I've been thinking about this.

Today, Emmeline checked at least three times to see if I had something on my mind.

Why would Lily worry about this? That's right, I'm getting in her way. It wouldn't be in my best interests to stay in

Hellion Bay.

"I'd been considering moving out, but I haven't started to look for a house yet."

Lily's eyes lit up, and she grinned broadly. She exclaimed, "I know it! You're not a fool!"

"I also find it awkward to live with Mr. Adelmar," Doris said, gazing at the teacup in her hand.

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They nearly crossed a line last night, but she wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose.

The memory of the incident made her heart race. She was embarrassed to the point of wanting to bury her head in

the sand, especially when she realized she had bit his lips.

"Exactly," Lily continued in agreement with Doris, "you two are from different worlds. You have little in common. It

must be awkward to live together."

Doris was somewhat distracted. She concurred, "Yes. He's such a lofty man, I get flustered talking to him. How can

we be from the same world?"

Lily refilled Doris' tea and said warmly, "Your mind is clear. Marriage should be between equals. A wealthy man

from an elite family is too much for a simple girl like you to handle."

"You're making fun of me. I've never considered that. We just work together," Doris said with a light smile.

"I can see that. He's using you as a shield. There are more reasons for you to move. Isn't it bad karma to ruin other

people's romantic relationships?"

Doris said nothing, but she thought her words made sense.

Regardless of whether the two are dating, I shouldn't get involved. I'll have bad karma for obstructing others' love

lives. It's something concerning their fate. I can't disrupt their destiny. I'll end up with bad karma.

"Anyway, I agree that you should move out as soon as possible," Lily concluded.

"Okay, I should start looking for a house in the next few days," said Doris, nodding.