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The Rejected Werewolf Princess by Didiadeyemi

Chapter 213
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CAMILLA'S POV For the rest of the day, it was like living with a stranger. He wouldn't look atfor longer than a few seconds and th tension between us was so thick that it could have been cut with a butter knife. I had hoped that before the day would be over, he would forgivebut nothing changed. When we went to tuck the girls in, he pretended to be his usual self but the moment we walked out, he was back to pretending like I didn't exist. The honest truth was that I couldn't even blhim, it was my fault after all.

When we got to the room, he lay on the lounge with his back turned to me. His breathing was even to mimic sleeping but I knew he was wide awake. I couldnt sleep either. I just lay in bed staring at his resting figure wondering how different things would have been if I had just told him. I honestly thought I was doing what was best for us all and now that he knew, I was on edge hoping that neither Marie nor Peggy figured out that something was up.

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"I can feel you staring at me," he drawled and my cheeks heated as I looked away. The air was thick with silence for a full minute before I heard him shuffling on the couch. "I don't hate you, Camilla, I'm not even upset with you." "It seems like you are. You barely even look at me." "I know, and it isn't for the reason that you think. I need you to trustand if that means letting you ctoor your own then that is what I will do. I need you to realize that you don't have to do this yourself. You could have just told me." "I couldn't," I whispered. "I told you, they are always there. I can feel someone watchingthe entire time. I cannot see them, but I know someone is there. I don't know how else to explain this. I didn't want to do this. If I had my way I would have told you from the beginning but I couldn't. I know you don't believebut it's the truth." "I have to believe you, Camilla, you're my mate, I am obligated to believe that you won't lie tobut that doesn't change the fact that you didn't try. You could have dropped hints, you could have said something but you didn't meaning you didn't mind doing this alone. What happens if you were right and someone had hurt you? I would neve have known that you remembered us." I sighed. "I'm sorry, Ryker. I know that isn't enough but that's all that I can offer right now." I wanted him by my side. I felt grossly overwhelmed and I just wanted my mate by my side and it dawned onthat my actions had broughtto this place. Visit Job n ibto read the complete chapters for free. He wasn't going to cto me, he had made that much clear but I couldn't help but wonder if he would stopfrom going to him. I hesitated for a minute before slowly sliding out of bed. I saw him tense, he was lying on his back but when I got clos enough, his eyes settled on me.

"Can you just hold me, please?" I whispered scared that he was going to say no. "You can go back to ignoringtomorrow, I just-" My words trailed off because the honest truth was that I had no idea what to say. He watchedfor a few seconds and it felt like minutes ticking by. Just when I had cto the conclusion that my demand was ludicrous and I was about to apologize, he stood to his feet. He placed his hands on my shoulders before stepping closer to place a kiss on my forehead. It was soft and I honestly felt like I could cry.

"I just wanted you to ask," he whispered against my skin before walkingover to the bed. As soon as he was settled in, I wasted no tin curling up into his side. He wrapped his arms aroundand for a second, all the tension was gone and it was justand my mate. "Ask me, Camilla, that's all I want from you." "I'll try," it was the best I could offer at that moment and he knew it too because he didn't push, he just traced small circles across my back until the sleep finally took me.

When I woke up, Ryker was out of bed and his side was cold. I tried to hide the disappointment on my face but I clearly wasn't doing a good job at it. It was still very early and I found myself going out into the gardens. I didn't expect Loris to be seated there in front of the fountain. I hadn't mentioned anything about wanting to start training. "I figured it was only a matter of tbefore you showed up," he mused. "Have you been practicing or are we going to have to start over? Because from what I heard, you had a great display of power up on that cliff" I turned my face down into a confused expression. "I guess so." "Don't be modest," he wavedover and I took a few steps towards him. "We can work on attack patterns, I am so excited to move forward with this." "Wouldn't it be better if she showed you what she could do, just to be sure that she can?" I stilled when I heard Marie's voice from behind me.

I had sensed her around, I just didn't know when she was going to show up. I turned to her and gave her what I hoped was my best relieved expression. She cto stand next toand thread her hand through my elbow. Loris was looking at her with confusion and I could tell that for sreason, it slightly annoyed her.

"I am sorry, but who might you be? I don't think we have ever met before." "I'm Marie," she held out a hand to him and he shook it. "Camilla askedto be here with her today. She wanted scompany, right, Camilla?" I nodded slowly. I couldn't tell her to leave or it would have raised suspicion. She smiled triumphantly at Loris who looked a little uneasy about the situation but seeing as I had agreed, there was little to nothing that he could do. Once she was sure that no one was going to send her off, she pulled away fromand went to sit by the bench close to the fountain. There was an eager look in her eye, as if she wanted to know just how far my powers went. "Why don't you try pulling the water from underneath us?" Loris suggested. "I heard that you managed to bend the water at the bottom of the cliff from where you stood. It must have been an incredible feat" "It was probably a spur of the moment thing," I lied but he wavedoff.

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"You'll never know if you don't try." "He's right, Camilla," Marie cut in making Loris frown. I could tell that he hated having her here. "You should try, you would be surprised at what you can do." I knew I could do it, I could feel the waves thrumming beneath my feet but I wasn't going to. I made a show of kneeling and placing my palms flat on the ground. I closed my eyes but did nothing, I didn't try to summon the wate or pull on it, I just stayed still making sure to squeeze my eyes every few seconds so it looked like I was trying. Despite my eyes being closed, I could feel Marie's disappointment and when I finally opened my eyes to look at her, thought of the most embarrassing thing I could think of so that my cheeks would ting pink.

"It's alright," Loris broke the silence first. "Your adrenaline was probably working overtthat evening. I am sure we will get back to there in no time. Today, we can focus on the basics just to be sure we are all caught up on it."

I went through the basics of training trying to avoid Marie's piercing gaze but there was nothing I could do ΟΙ m NO about it. As soon as Loris announced that it was over, she grabbed my upper arm and began to pulltowards the palace. I tried to ignore the fact that her grip was tighter than usual and that she looked a bit disappointed. "I thought you would be better with your powers," she drawled. "The way he spoke, it sounded like you were smaster at it. What did he mean by what you did on the cliff? I didn't quite understand it."

I shrugged. "I don't know. Ryker said that there was skind of battle but he didn't go into specifiesol could ask him if you really wanted to know." really w Sah the (F) indN\v\l. et website on Gøøgl to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

She shook her head. "If that is part of what caused your memory loss, I we think it is best if we leave it befor now. We don't want to bring up any En adverse memories instead. Speaking of Ryker, how is he? I tried looking for you last night but I was told that you were with him." She had a sly grin on her face and her eyes were alight with curiosity. I knew what she was expecting to hear but instead of answering, I just shrugged.

"Con, Camilla, that man is head over heels for you. You should take advantage of it. You are Queen but imagine having a man like that in love with you. It is something you should take hold of with both hands. If I had someone like that who wanted me-" She trailed off and I tried to clamp down on my irritation. She had said this exact phrase before and it wasn't any less irritating. He was my mate, not hers.

"I'm just saying, Camilla you might want to snatch that man up before someone else does. Men like him don't wait forever" X