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The Return of His Unrivaled Ex-Wife by Zara Gibbon

Chatper 456
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Chapter 456

There’s probably no one else but Yanice Group who dares to provoke Bruce in this manner.

The Everett Group is the leading powerhouse in Greyport, with Yanice Group coming in second. Their primary

businesses revolve around real estate development and mineral energy.

Marcus Yanice, the president of Yanice Group who belongs to the same generation as Bruce’s father, is approaching

his sixties. The two families have always been fierce rivals, and their relationship has never been amicable.

Over a decade ago, Bruce and Marcus’s eldest son, Marlowe, engaged in cutthroat competition in the business

world. In the end, Bruce emerged victorious, while Marlowe was sentenced to nine years in prison for illegal


Last year, Marlowe was released from prison, and it was only a matter of time before he sought retribution from


“Mr. Everett, Marlowe, the vice president of Yanice Group, was released from prison last year. Could he be the one

pulling the strings behind the scenes?” Andy asked, his expression grave.

Upon hearing this, Bruce’s eyebrows furrowed, and a hint of menace flashed in his piercing eyes.

“It’s highly possible. Keep an eye on him, see what tricks he’s up to! If he dares to play dirty, we must be prepared


“Got it. Mr. Everett.”

Bruce exhaled a plume of smoke, his face growing even more fearsome amidst the swirling haze.

Marlowe was arrogant and domineering, bordering on madness. He had spent nine years in prison, not directly at

the hands of Bruce, but indirectly due to his actions.

If Marlowe didn’t seek revenge against Bruce upon his release, it would be a surprise indeed.

Twenty minutes later, the car pulled up directly at the children’s hospital.

“We’ve arrived at the hospital, Mr. Everett.”

“Hmmm!” Bruce stepped out of the car, shook off the scent of smoke from his body, and walked straight into the


Inside the ward, Joanna sat beside Lilia, carefully feeding her some liquid food. “Sweetheart, are you still feeling


“Mmm, not as uncomfortable as before.”

“Then take one more bite, okay?”

“Mama, I can’t eat anymore.”

“Come on, just one more bite. You need to eat a little more.” Joanna scooped up a spoonful of nutritious

supplement and

held it near Lilia’s mouth.

“Okay!” Lilia reluctantly opened her mouth and swallowed the supplement.

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“Mama, I really can’t eat anymore.”

“Alright, if you get hungry later, we’ll eat again.” Joanna quickly grabbed a few tissues and wiped the drool from her

daughter’s mouth.

Lilia had been vomiting for the past few days and hardly had any appetite. So even if she managed to eat a little,

Joanna was pleased.

With a click, the ward door swung open.

Bruce entered, holding an adorable toy panda in his arms and wearing a tender expression. “Little Lilia, Daddy’s


As soon as she saw her father, Lilia’s eyes lit up. “Daddy!”

“Look what Daddy brought for you.” Bruce presented the trendiest panda stuffed toy in front of Lilia.

Lilia accepted the doll with delight, her little face beaming like a sunflower. “Wow, it’s so cute! Thank you, Daddy.”

“Do you like it?”

“Mmm, I love it.”

“That’s great. When you’re feeling better, Daddy will take you to the zoo to see real pandas.”

Bruce played with the toy panda, constantly entertaining his daughter. He transformed completely into a tender

and loving father, a stark contrast to his stern and domineering presence during meetings.

Joanna watched from the side, a trace of worry crossing her eyes.

Although she hadn’t been following the news about the Everett Group closely lately, with information spreading


Chapter 456

online, she had come across some reports.

“Bruce, how did the meeting go today?”

“Pretty well!” Bruce smiled calmly.

Joanna’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I’m still a bit concerned about you.”

“No need to worry, I can handle it.”

“Day after tomorrow, Lilia will undergo her second round of chemotherapy. If the treatment goes well, the doctors

said she might need a bone marrow transplant next month. You need to be prepared.”

Bruce didn’t even raise his head, continuing to amuse his daughter. “Hmm, I know.”

Joanna sniffed and caught a whiff of the strong scent of smoke emanating from him, causing her brows to furrow.

“Didn’t you quit smoking? Why are you smoking again?”

“You can smell it?” Bruce had intended to quit smoking.

But when the pressure became overwhelming, he still needed to smoke to relieve stress.

“Don’t smoke during this period. You also need to take care of your health.”

Bruce looked up, gazing affectionately at Joanna. “Understood, my love!”

Joanna’s frown deepened upon hearing his words.

She hated it when he randomly called her “my love.”

Especially in bed, he would nibble on her car and repeatedly call her “my love.”

During their most passionate moments, he would even make her call him “my sweetheart.”

However, seeing that he was currently in trouble, Joanna didn’t want to argue with him too much

The next day.

Bruce arrived at the company early in the morning for a meeting.

He needed to wrap up his work by noon, as he planned to accompany his daughter to the hospital in the afternoon.

At the office, Mark and Andy wore grave expressions as they reported, “Mr. Everett, our assumptions were correct.

It appears that Yanice Group is indeed behind this incident.

“Marlowe is likely fanning the flames of public opinion from behind the scenes.

“And the anonymous person who submitted evidence to the Independent Commission Against Corruption is highly

likely to be him!”

Bruce sat back in his luxurious leather chair, his eyes filled with disdain and a touch of menace. “Hmph, this

Marlowe really never changes his ways!”

“What should we do now?”

Bruce let out a cold snort. “We’ll play by his own rules. Let him stumble into the same pit he dug for us.

“During this time, gather evidence of Yanice Group’s wrongdoing. And make sure we control the narrative. Double–

check the company’s financial records and tax filings, ensuring there are no loopholes for them to exploit.”

“Understood, Mr. Everett.”

“In addition, circulate some false news. Let it be known that the Everett Group might be giving up on the Green Bay


“Will do.”

“You may leave.”

“Yes, sir.”

After Andy and Mark left, Bruce leaned back in his chair, a dark cloud hanging over his face as he lit a cigarette.

At the moment, Bruce couldn’t spare the energy to retaliate. He had to set a trap, shifting the focus of attention to

the Green Bay project.

He needed some time to pass until Lilia’s condition stabilized. Only then would he have the capacity to deal with

them. properly.

Online, a new wave of reports emerged.

“The Everett Group Assaults Journalists, Leaving Two Reporters Seriously Injured with Severe Concussions.”

“Bruce May Face Intentional Harm Charges!”

Chapter 456

The two injured journalists are currently receiving treatment in the hospital. The Everett Group’s actions have

sparked outrage among the entire city of Greyport…”

The internet was buzzing with news about the Everett Group’s bodyguards assaulting journalists.

Although Andy attempted to suppress the websites, the scandal of the journalist assault was publicly reported by

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mainstream media outlets, making it impossible to contain.

The footage depicted journalists and bodyguards shoving and pushing each other, unequivocally showing an assault

had taken place.

Various websites and platforms started sharing the official news reports, making it impossible to suppress the story.

“Mr. Everett, the two journalists have filed a lawsuit against our Everett Group. We received the court summons


further. Bruce took a deep breath. “Resolve it as quickly as possible. We must prevent the situation from escalating


“Will do.”

Soon, Andy located the two journalists, intending to negotiate a private settlement with them.

The journalists agreed to a private settlement on the surface.

Little did they know that the next day, the recordings of Andy’s negotiation with them were leaked.

This caused an even greater uproar online.

Seizing the opportunity, the two journalists fueled public outrage. “We don’t want moncy; we want justice.

“We demand justice! Bruce ordered his bodyguards to attack us and even tried to bribe us!

“The Everett Group is an unscrupulous corporation, using its wealth and power to engage in illegal fundraising and

disregard human life!”

The two journalists stirred up a storm with their actions.

The scandal created a sensation throughout Greyport.

Although it had only been a short time, the negative impact was severe, attracting the attention of relevant


“Damn it!”

As Bruce watched the videos the journalists posted online, fury consumed him.

“How could you two mess up such a simple task?!”

“Mr. Everett, the two journalists had agreed to a private settlement, but they unexpectedly went back on their


This is like a repugnant odor that permeates the air, not harmful but extremely revolting.

He had intended to smooth things over with some money, but instead, he found himself caught in a trap and


torn apart.

It was like poking a small hole in the bottom of a boat.

If left unchecked, that small hole would transform into a large one, causing endless trouble.

“Mr. Everett, may I ask if you instructed the bodyguards to assault the journalists?”

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