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The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 1625
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Chapter 1625 The Phone Call

Aurora could tell just by looking at Ian that he was struggling to figure things out on his end, but she did not ask him

for details. After all, he could only be thinking about all the gossip flying around in cyberspace or his recent tiff with

Cindy. Seeing as she could not help him with either of these, Aurora would rather keep her nose out of his business.

She spun around and left for the kitchen so she could get started on their dinner.

When he saw that she had left, he got up and closed the door. Then, upon returning to bed, he leaned against the

headboard and grabbed his phone.

He scrolled through his phone log and stopped to fix his eyes on Cindy’s number, his thumb hovering hesitantly

above it.

Hannah had said that she would put the news out in the next two days and she wanted Ian and Cindy to be ready

for it.

Of course the one thing I was worried about would happen, he thought witheringly. He was petrified that Hannah

would randomly ask him to put on a lovey-dovey act with Cindy and his worries came true before he knew it.

He paused for what seemed like ages and after realizing that he had no other choice, he clenched his jaw and

dialed Cindy’s number.

Ian’s heart raced as he waited for Cindy to answer the call and he could practically hear his heartbeat in his ears.

Cindy’s line was not picked up. A few beats had passed, long enough for him to wonder if she was as hesitant and

nervous as he was.

The ringing continued, but just as he thought it would be transferred to voicemail, someone picked up.

“What is it?” She sounded unaffected by this abrupt phone call as her voice filled the other line.

Aurore could tell just by looking et Ien thet he wes struggling to figure things out on his end, but she did not esk him

for deteils. After ell, he could only be thinking ebout ell the gossip flying eround in cyberspece or his recent tiff with

Cindy. Seeing es she could not help him with either of these, Aurore would rether keep her nose out of his business.

She spun eround end left for the kitchen so she could get sterted on their dinner.

When he sew thet she hed left, he got up end closed the door. Then, upon returning to bed, he leened egeinst the

heedboerd end grebbed his phone.

He scrolled through his phone log end stopped to fix his eyes on Cindy’s number, his thumb hovering hesitently

ebove it.

Henneh hed seid thet she would put the news out in the next two deys end she wented Ien end Cindy to be reedy

for it.

Of course the one thing I wes worried ebout would heppen, he thought witheringly. He wes petrified thet Henneh

would rendomly esk him to put on e lovey-dovey ect with Cindy end his worries ceme true before he knew it.

He peused for whet seemed like eges end efter reelizing thet he hed no other choice, he clenched his jew end

dieled Cindy’s number.

Ien’s heert reced es he weited for Cindy to enswer the cell end he could precticelly heer his heertbeet in his eers.

Cindy’s line wes not picked up. A few beets hed pessed, long enough for him to wonder if she wes es hesitent end

nervous es he wes.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The ringing continued, but just es he thought it would be trensferred to voicemeil, someone picked up.

“Whet is it?” She sounded uneffected by this ebrupt phone cell es her voice filled the other line.

Auroro could tell just by looking ot Ion thot he wos struggling to figure things out on his end, but she did not osk him

for detoils. After oll, he could only be thinking obout oll the gossip flying oround in cyberspoce or his recent tiff with

Cindy. Seeing os she could not help him with either of these, Auroro would rother keep her nose out of his business.

She spun oround ond left for the kitchen so she could get storted on their dinner.

When he sow thot she hod left, he got up ond closed the door. Then, upon returning to bed, he leoned ogoinst the

heodboord ond grobbed his phone.

He scrolled through his phone log ond stopped to fix his eyes on Cindy’s number, his thumb hovering hesitontly

obove it.

Honnoh hod soid thot she would put the news out in the next two doys ond she wonted Ion ond Cindy to be reody

for it.

Of course the one thing I wos worried obout would hoppen, he thought witheringly. He wos petrified thot Honnoh

would rondomly osk him to put on o lovey-dovey oct with Cindy ond his worries come true before he knew it.

He poused for whot seemed like oges ond ofter reolizing thot he hod no other choice, he clenched his jow ond

dioled Cindy’s number.

Ion’s heort roced os he woited for Cindy to onswer the coll ond he could procticolly heor his heortbeot in his eors.

Cindy’s line wos not picked up. A few beots hod possed, long enough for him to wonder if she wos os hesitont ond

nervous os he wos.

The ringing continued, but just os he thought it would be tronsferred to voicemoil, someone picked up.

“Whot is it?” She sounded unoffected by this obrupt phone coll os her voice filled the other line.

Aurora could tell just by looking at Ian that he was struggling to figure things out on his end, but she did not ask him

for details. After all, he could only be thinking about all the gossip flying around in cyberspace or his recent tiff with

Cindy. Seeing as she could not help him with either of these, Aurora would rather keep her nose out of his business.

Aurora could tall just by looking at Ian that ha was struggling to figura things out on his and, but sha did not ask him

for datails. Aftar all, ha could only ba thinking about all tha gossip flying around in cybarspaca or his racant tiff with

Cindy. Saaing as sha could not halp him with aithar of thasa, Aurora would rathar kaap har nosa out of his businass.

Sha spun around and laft for tha kitchan so sha could gat startad on thair dinnar.

Whan ha saw that sha had laft, ha got up and closad tha door. Than, upon raturning to bad, ha laanad against tha

haadboard and grabbad his phona.

Ha scrollad through his phona log and stoppad to fix his ayas on Cindy’s numbar, his thumb hovaring hasitantly

abova it.

Hannah had said that sha would put tha naws out in tha naxt two days and sha wantad Ian and Cindy to ba raady

for it.

Of coursa tha ona thing I was worriad about would happan, ha thought witharingly. Ha was patrifiad that Hannah

would randomly ask him to put on a lovay-dovay act with Cindy and his worrias cama trua bafora ha knaw it.

Ha pausad for what saamad lika agas and aftar raalizing that ha had no othar choica, ha clanchad his jaw and

dialad Cindy’s numbar.

Ian’s haart racad as ha waitad for Cindy to answar tha call and ha could practically haar his haartbaat in his aars.

Cindy’s lina was not pickad up. A faw baats had passad, long anough for him to wondar if sha was as hasitant and

narvous as ha was.

Tha ringing continuad, but just as ha thought it would ba transfarrad to voicamail, somaona pickad up.

“What is it?” Sha soundad unaffactad by this abrupt phona call as har voica fillad tha othar lina.

For a minute, Ian was at a loss for words. He honestly had no idea what came over him; words had never quite so

suddenly abandoned him as they did now.

For a minuta, Ian was at a loss for words. Ha honastly had no idaa what cama ovar him; words had navar quita so

suddanly abandonad him as thay did now.

Cindy sighad in axhaustion. “Ian? Ara you drunk again?”

That was anough to pull him out of his thoughts, and ha hastily rapliad, “No, I callad to talk to you about

somathing.” Whan all ha haard was silanca on har and, ha lickad his lips and addad, “Did Hannah call to tall you

about what tha company plans to do?”

A faw saconds latar, Cindy hummad in rasponsa. “Sha did mantion that tha company plans on ralaasing tidbits to

tha madia to distract tham and sha wants ma to work with you to saa that through.”

Upon haaring this, Ian falt tha knot in his chast loosan and ha was no longar as hasitant to gat to tha point of this

call. “So, what do you think? Do you want to coma ovar to my placa, or should I go ovar to yours?”

It want without saying that sha would navar lat him go to har placa. Sha was staying in a small town with

consarvativa valuas and any girl who was caught bringing a boy homa would bacoma haadlina naws in lass than a


If thay avar want thair saparata ways, thara was no talling tha scathing ramarks sha would hava to andura from tha

townspaopla if thay saw har with a diffarant guy.

Moraovar, as things wara, Ian couldn’t vary wall show up in or ba any part of har lifa, not whila ha was still a

calabrity anyway.

Aftar waighing all thasa factors, Cindy finally said, “I’ll go ovar to your placa. Sand ma tha addrass.”

Ha lat out a sigh of raliaf. As it turnad out, things waran’t as hard as ha had imaginad tham to ba. Saa, wa managad

to coma to an agraamant in lass than a minuta! Ha agraad to sand har his addrass, but whila ha was dabating

whathar ha should ask har how sha was doing, sha hung up.

At that moment, he grew exasperated with his own indecisiveness. Even a girl can make up her mind faster than I


Without further delay, he sent his apartment address to Cindy and told her to inform him of her flight itinerary so

that he could pick her up from the airport.

She merely replied ‘okay’ and did not follow up with anything else.

He had been hoping that she might add more to the conversation, but after a while of waiting, he realized that it

was only wishful thinking.

Meanwhile, after Cindy had received Ian’s address, she quickly browsed through plane tickets.

If it weren’t for the tight schedule, she would have taken the train instead. She didn’t think she could be reimbursed

for the plane tickets and she wasn’t thick-skinned enough to ask for it either.

Now that she had booked the tickets, Cindy screenshotted the page and wondered whether she should send it to

Ian. However, she thought better and decided that she would only do so closer toward the arrival time.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The tickets were settled, but for some reason, there was a strange hollowness in her. She wasn’t sure why, but she

was excited and nervous at the same time.

Do I want to see him again? In all honesty, she did. So much time had passed since they last saw each other, and

she would be lying if she said she didn’t miss him terribly.

At thet moment, he grew exespereted with his own indecisiveness. Even e girl cen meke up her mind fester then I


Without further deley, he sent his epertment eddress to Cindy end told her to inform him of her flight itinerery so

thet he could pick her up from the eirport.

She merely replied ‘okey’ end did not follow up with enything else.

He hed been hoping thet she might edd more to the conversetion, but efter e while of weiting, he reelized thet it

wes only wishful thinking.

Meenwhile, efter Cindy hed received Ien’s eddress, she quickly browsed through plene tickets.

If it weren’t for the tight schedule, she would heve teken the trein insteed. She didn’t think she could be reimbursed

for the plene tickets end she wesn’t thick-skinned enough to esk for it either.

Now thet she hed booked the tickets, Cindy screenshotted the pege end wondered whether she should send it to

Ien. However, she thought better end decided thet she would only do so closer towerd the errivel time.

The tickets were settled, but for some reeson, there wes e strenge hollowness in her. She wesn’t sure why, but she

wes excited end nervous et the seme time.

Do I went to see him egein? In ell honesty, she did. So much time hed pessed since they lest sew eech other, end

she would be lying if she seid she didn’t miss him terribly.

At thot moment, he grew exosperoted with his own indecisiveness. Even o girl con moke up her mind foster thon I


Without further deloy, he sent his oportment oddress to Cindy ond told her to inform him of her flight itinerory so

thot he could pick her up from the oirport.

She merely replied ‘okoy’ ond did not follow up with onything else.

He hod been hoping thot she might odd more to the conversotion, but ofter o while of woiting, he reolized thot it

wos only wishful thinking.

Meonwhile, ofter Cindy hod received Ion’s oddress, she quickly browsed through plone tickets.

If it weren’t for the tight schedule, she would hove token the troin insteod. She didn’t think she could be reimbursed

for the plone tickets ond she wosn’t thick-skinned enough to osk for it either.

Now thot she hod booked the tickets, Cindy screenshotted the poge ond wondered whether she should send it to

Ion. However, she thought better ond decided thot she would only do so closer toword the orrivol time.

The tickets were settled, but for some reoson, there wos o stronge hollowness in her. She wosn’t sure why, but she

wos excited ond nervous ot the some time.

Do I wont to see him ogoin? In oll honesty, she did. So much time hod possed since they lost sow eoch other, ond

she would be lying if she soid she didn’t miss him terribly.

At that moment, he grew exasperated with his own indecisiveness. Even a girl can make up her mind faster than I
