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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96 Daydreaming?

Unfortunately, in her past life, blinded by rage, she forgot all the kindness from her little uncle's


In this second chance at life, she had planned to deal with those troubles first before seeking

out them. Little did she know, her little uncle’s family had fallen on hard times starting the syear she got


Seeing her lost in thought, Rita climbed up and stared directly at the card, shamelessly saying,

“As an elder, | am tolerant and magnanimous. Givehalf of the money in this card, and | won't

pursue the matter.”

That brat got so much property. The card must have tens of thousands of dollars. It was

enough for her to buy a fancier dress for her daughter. Unfortunately, she could only take half...

Evelyn, looking at Rita's smug expression, knew exactly what she was thinking. With a cold laugh, she reminded

her, “The sun is still shining bright, are you daydreaming?”

“What did you say?” Rita was stunned for a moment, then realized what was said.

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Quetzal looked at Evelyn with admiration and burst into laughter.

Rita, with nowhere to vent her anger, could only turn around and direct it at Quetzal.

15:51 Thu, 22 Feb CDF

Chapter 96 Daydreaming?

“You little brat, is there something for you to laugh about?” She swung a slap directly at

Quetzal’s face.

From Evelyn's perspective, she clearly saw Rita's sharp nails.

Fortunately, Quetzal was agile enough to dodge behind Evelyn with a quick step.

Rita angrily said, “You little brat, you still dare to hide. Do you still want to stay here??”

The next moment, she immediately turned her aggression toward Lucy. “What about you? Do you want to pay

the rent now?”

Lucy’s hands clenched instantly. Even though they had gone from owning a mansion to now being unable to

afford a yearly rent of two thousand dollars, they had long endured countless cold stares. Yet, facing Rita's

pressing questions, she still felt deeply embarrassed.

Evelyn spoke in a deep voice, “Aunt, do you still plan to continue living in such a place? How can uncle recover in

this chaotic and messy environment?”

Lucy also wanted to change to a new environment, but they needed money for medicine and

school fees.

“Lucy, unexpectedly, you are looking down on our little place? Fine, if you don’t want to live here, you can move

out,” Rita glanced sideways, “I want to see what kind of good house this good niece can find for you.”

“But lettell you, moving out from here is easy. If you want to cback, I'll double the


Rita snorted coldly, her nose almost pointing to the sky.

Since the last tshe took that dress, Lucy felt embarrassed to trouble Evelyn.

“Aunt, as long as you want to leave, leave it to me, | can handle it.” Evelyn grabbed her hand, then looked at

Quetzal. “Go pack your things, I'll call for a car.”

Calling Gavin, Evelyn explained concisely, “I need a house, not too big, but it must be close to the hospital. Also,

find a car to cpickup for moving.”

Listening attentively to Evelyn's provided address, Gavin responded with a simple “Alright.”

Just as he was about to hang up, Evelyn added, “Cin person, | need to talk to you about

Chapter 96 Daydreaming?

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something. Important.”

Gavin: “..."”

If he recalled correctly, they had just met an hour ago.

“Go ahead,” Rita sneered.

Her family had always been so clever, so experienced, yet they went bankrupt after failing in business. Evelyn, a

little girl, could she really manage it?

She had heard rumors early on that this brat had fallen for a man, shamelessly giving away all her money.

Humph! Shameless brat, keep pretending!

The Hernandez family’s belongings were sparse, easily fitting into two suitcases.

Gavin arrived. Evelyn took the suitcases from Quetzal.

“Let's go. This place is too narrow; the car can’t cin.”

“Okay.” Quetzal smiled with joy. “I'll go in and bring my dad out.”

“Evelyn, | have to trouble you again this time.” Lucy's eyes turned red. Despite feeling guilty,

she also felt relief at escaping from this shabby shack.

“Lucy, | advise you not to be too happy too soon. Beware of being sold by someone.” Rita glanced disdainfully.

“Why choose such a lousy excuse? She even said the car can’t cin. This alley is three meters wide.”

After saying that, Rita went straight to the mouth of the alley.