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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning

Chapter 1106
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Chapter 1106

After the doctor left, Madelyn’s eyes fluttered open. She saw Zach talking to the caretaker at the door.

When Zach came in, Madelyn, her head still spinning, sat up in bed. She dodged his hand as he reached out and,

while looking away, said, “Go wash off that smell, okay?”

Zach covered her with the blanket. “You skipped dinner, so I got someone to make oatmeal for you. It’s almost

ready. Try to eat more next time, alright? I’ll be back after a quick shower.”

Madelyn stayed silent.

Zach left his suit on the bed before heading to the shower. Weakly, Madelyn got out of bed and grabbed the suit.

She sniffed it and caught the smell of gasoline. She was right. She knew Zach had been out in the middle of the

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night, probably on some risky mission.

Feeling upset, Madelyn threw the suit aside and went to her art studio

to call Kai.

Kai was on his way home when he received Madelyn’s call.

When he answered, Madelyn’s worried voice came through. “Do you

know where Zach went? Why did he smell like gasoline? Did he…” She stopped, searching for the right words, then

continued, “Did Zach do something bad?”

Kai said soothingly, “Just breathe, Maddie. Let me explain.

“Maddie, you know how you’ve been feeling like someone’s watching

you? It’s not just your imagination. Yvonne has been secretly keeping

an eye on you. Remember when the power cut out at the villa? That shadow you saw was real–it was Yvonne. And

Maddie, Yvonne’s not gone like we thought she was.”

Madelyn gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. A mix of surprise, joy, and disbelief flashed in her eyes as she

processed the news.

Kai kept talking. “Yvonne almost hurt you last time. Zach was only

trying to help you out. I made it in time, though, and everyone’s fine.

You wouldn’t believe how much Zach has changed, especially when

the situation involves you.”

Madelyn, sounding unsure, asked, “If Yvonne’s still around, do you

think Ethan might be too?”

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Kai took a moment, knowing she was still holding on. “Sometimes, no

news is good news. No one’s found him yet, so he might be out there,

just like Yvonne.”

Madelyn suddenly felt lighter, like she could finally hope again. The

mystery about Ethan had always been a heavy thought for her.

She hung up and just stood at the window, thinking for what seemed

like forever.

Zach came out of the bathroom and noticed the bed was empty. With

a puzzled frown, he stepped into the art studio. His eyes landed on

Madelyn standing by the window, and he paused.

Madelyn turned and saw Zach silently standing behind her. She just