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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 226
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Chapter 226

Henry had boarded the cargo ship at some point in time, and bellowed at Robin, stopping her just as

she was about to hit Irene.

When Robin turned and saw him, she remembered how respectful Ian was around him.

Knowing who he was, she refrained from hitting Irene, and gingerly retreated behind Ian.

As Henry walked toward them on his crutch, he growled at Ian, “Come with me.”

Ian naturally could not refuse his elder, but before he left, he gestured for his crew to keep Irene under

their custody and prevent her escape.

Once they were gone, the crew took her to another


As they stepped inside Ian’s office, Henry gave him a look and said, “Release Irene and her child now.

There is still time-”

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“Time for what, Grandfather?” Ian asked in return, cutting him short.

Then, before Henry could answer, he said, “Do you think

you could convince Isaac to step down?”

Henry’s expression darkened. “Let them go, and I’ll be able to do it. He’ll respect me as long as I’m


Naturally, Ian refused. “I’m your grandson, and my father’s your son! But you gave everything to Isaac

because he’s your favorite! My grievance, and the conflict in the family, is all because of you!”

Moneypenny could not stop himself just then. “Master Jefferson did so because your mother-”

“Stop,” Henry growled, stopping him just in time. “Since you’re being so obstinate, I have nothing to say

to you. You’ll be solely responsible for what’s coming to you now.

“Of course I will!” Ian certainly knew what he was doing, and the outcome was naturally his to bear.

He would not apologize for what he did either!

“In that case, there’s nothing more to say.” Henry headed outside then.

Moneypenny had no idea why Henry refused to tell Ian what his mother had done. “Sir…”

“Stop it.” Henry raised a hand, gesturing for his silence.

Moneypenny had to follow suit!

Still, after they left the cargo ship, Moneypenny finally asked his question. “Sir, didn’t you go on the ship

to look

for the boy? He’s right there, along with Ms. Irene-”

“Moneypenny,” Henry interrupted him. “What do you think my family needs to prosper?”

Moneypenny did not hesitate in his answer. “A leader who is competent, has foresight, and moves

swiftly and decisively. A man of such caliber would ensure a lasting dynasty…”

Catching on to Henry’s intentions just then, Moneypenny gaped. “Are you saying that you want to find

out who’s better among the two?”

“Ian deserves a chance.” Henry said earnestly – he was a Jefferson after all, and whether he could

claim the right to rule was all on him.

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Henry had decided to refrain from meddling this time, just to see if Ian stood a chance against Isaac.

If lan won, it would not be a bad option to have him become the next family head–that was only fair.

Personal merit will decide the victor!

“With two leverages against Master Isaac, Master Ian does seem to have the advantage of the

moment.” Moneypenny pointed out.

“It does seem that way,” Henry replied. “But it’s too early to say who is the victor.

Meanwhile, Ian’s crew had taken Irene to another container, inside of which was a simple bed arranged

of wooden crates with a simple quilt placed over it. Tommy was sleeping on it, but he was not reacting

at all, in spite of the loud clanging of heels against the container floor. That was clear, utterly abnormal.

Irene ran forward and scooped him up in her arms, slapping his cheeks lightly, but got no response eith

er. She turned sharply toward Ian. What did you do to my son? Ian said nonchalantly. He was being noi

sy, so I fed him a sleeping pill. Irene was livid. He’s still a baby. Ian thought nothing of it. He won’t die. H

e did not want the baby dead, but could not stand his crying fits. Not to mention that he would start dra

wing attention. That was why he fed him the sleeping pill after speaking with a doctor.