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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58

Isaac finally turned around to look at Whitney as he coldly growled, “Bring him over.” At the same time,

Whitney was dumbstruck as a sense of panic slowly seized her.” Doctor? What doctor?”

Isaac then took a seat on the couch in the ward, folding his legs elegantly as he spoke,” Weren’t you

saying that you suffered from a miscarriage? And after that, the doctor who operated on you fled for no

reason? My man managed to reach him, and we’re bringing him back as we speak.”

Whitney’s legs caved, and she almost dropped to the floor in sheer terror.

In reality, she had been the first person who regained consciousness after the accident. She quickly

spent a huge amount of money to pay off the doctor operating her, so that he would tell Isaac’s

secretary that she had suffered from a miscarriage and lost her baby.

The money she gave him naturally included the money he would need to run away… but Isaac was

saying that he had now been captured and brought back? Whitney began, “Listen to me, Isaac…” “You

can talk all you want later. Patience,” Isaac growled as he suddenly turned toward her.

Amenacing aura seemed to spill from his towering form like a storm, and Whitney’s legs seemed to turn

to jelly as she dropped to the floor. But even though she was trembling, she slowly crawled forward and

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gingerly grabbed the hem of his trousers, crying, “Please, don’t listen to his lies… Would I ever lie to


Isaac looked down on her, dragging her own body over the floor miserably. Was there anything about

her that was likable? Was there anything about her that was worth his affection? And yet, he had fallen

for her that night.

Now, it only seemed that the tenderness in the darkness would not last in the light.

Meanwhile, Isaac’s secretary returned, leading two men who were keeping the doctor restrained.

There was bruising on the doctor’s face.

It was obvious that he had been interrogated beforehand, and the instant he saw Whitney, he cried,

“That’s her — that’s the woman! She paid me off and told me to lie to


Whitney promptly looked up and shot him an angry glare. “What are you talking

about?! I don’t even know you!”

Naturally, she was not going to admit to anything, and it was true that the doctor was not an

acquaintance of hers. In fact, he would not have lied in the first place if he was not enticed by the

money offered, but now that he had been captured by Isaac, he was suddenly perfectly aware of whom

he should never have offended.

“Yes, you don’t know me, but it’s the truth that you’d definitely bribed me and told me to tell a lie. I have

evidence that I received your money, and it’ll just take a quick check to find out who I got the money


Pausing for a moment, the doctor then added, “Also, you were never pregnant. That can be checked as

well – we happen to be in a hospital, after all.”

“Don’t try to slander me!” Whitney screamed, struggling even though her fate was sealed. “Please,

Isaac, you can’t listen to his lies…”

“Lies or not, we’ll know once we’ve checked,” Isaac retorted, and held out a hand.

His secretary promptly presented him with the bank records, which showed that Whitney had indeed

bribed the doctor.

Isaac scanned through it with an impassive expression and flung the records at Whitney’s face when

he was done. “You never know when to give up, do you?” he growled, and turned toward his secretary.

“Take her away and get her checked.” “No, I won’t go!” Whitney cried as she wrapped herself around

Isaac’s foot. “Please, you have to believe me. He’s just trying to set me up…” “Why would I do that? I

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have nothing against you,” the doctor countered. Isaac lost all his patience right then, and barked,

“Take her away already!” The burly men standing behind his secretary promptly dragged Whitney away

from him, and despite her reluctance, she was forced into the pregnancy tests.

The results were out after just half an hour, and Isaac’s secretary returned to him to report, “Ms. Cox

was never pregnant. In fact, she’s currently on her period.”

Isaac glowered right then. So that was why he saw the blood trickling out between her legs… and for

some reason, the fact that she was never pregnant left him breathing a sigh of relier!

At the bottom of his heart, he was not eager to have a child with that woman, and things were just right

now. “Bring her here,” he said fatly.

“Yes, sir.” ‘The secretary lest again.

With the truth revealed with irrefutable evidence, Whitney could no longer try to lie her way out of it.

All she could do right now was to cry a river as she did all she could to plead for mercy, while looking

utterly miserable. “Please, Isaac, forgive me this one time… Didn’t I save your life? I only did all this

because I love you!”

Somehow, Isaac was becoming calm instead of angry or irritated. “You love me?” Isaac repeated her

words with much irony. “Is that how you love someone, by deceiving them?” “No… That’s not it. It’s just

that I made a mistake because I was so in love with you, I didn’t mean to deceive you!” One must admit

that Whitney had a way with words…