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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 1092
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Chapter 1092

“No, no, by maid the same Calvin at the hospital. Shex adamant about finding hircor else the wort leave.

“Calvin Rosalynn’s face suddenly met serious

Calm had an accident abroad how could he possibly be here?

“Wayne head to the city hospital right away, Rosalynn told Wayne, then tumed to Jaime and said. “You stay here

and lock after by will go over them


After hanging up the phone. Wayne was already on his way to the hospital

“What’s happened to hy?” He seemed somewhat anxious

“She said she saw Calvin at the hospital Rosalynn said, frowning “Wayne, do you think hy might be hallucinating

because she misses Calvin so much?”

“Don’t jump to conclusions, maybe try just saw someone who looks like him “

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Rosalynn didn’t reply.

Soon, they arrived at the hospital.

When Rosalynn and Wayne found by, she was crying heartbrokenly

“Sweetheart” Rosalynn hued over


Upon seeing Rosalynn, Ny’s emotions became even more intense, and tears flowed down her face

Rosalynn walked up to her “Calm down, calm down.”

fry was sobbing.

“First, take a deep breath. Now, tell me, where did you see Calvin?” Rosalynn tenderly wiped away the tears

streaming down ly’s face.

Ivy sobbed for some time until finally managing to compose herself. The incident had occurred just two hours


Cory’s teacher was admitted to the hospital and feeling restless, Consequently, when someone visited him, he

insisted on keeping them company, refusing to let them leave Ivy and Cory had lunch together and then they

watched a couple of cartoons in the teacher’s ward.

Midway through, Ivy excused herself to use the bathroom. Upon returning, she spotted Calvin in the midst of the


Before she could react, that person was surrounded by people and walked into the elevator

“Uncle Calvin!”

Ivy immediately shouted, running toward him, but she was too small and couldn’t catch up

She had barely taken two steps when her bodyguard, Mike, picked her up: “Miss, you can’t run around

Ivy struggled, shouting: “I want Uncle Calvin, let me go!“.

Upon hearing this. Mike’s expression immediately turned somber “Miss, please don’t worry. Calvin will retum,” he

reassured, attempting to offer some comfort However, he firmly escorted her back to the ward against her will

As soon as ivy was placed back in the ward, her tears resumed, and she desperately tried to escape once more.

Sensing the distressing situation, Cory swiftly approached, his demeanor stem and concerned

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“Miss, what’s the matter? Cory inquired, his voice filled with urgency.

“Miss misses Calvin, Mike sighed, his voice tinged with sadness.

“No, I saw Uncle Calvin! He’s here! I need to find him!” by cried out in desperation, her voice filled with a mixture of

fear and longing

Rosalynn, turning to Mike, suggested, “Have you checked the surveillance footage?”

“We have,” Mike responded. The man described by Miss it couldn’t possibly be Calvin. Their physical appearances

are completely different”

Calvin was very muscular the difference between him and that man was too great.

After saying this, Mike showed Rosalynn the image from the surveillance footage.

The quality of the footage was a bit blurry, but the man’s build was indeed very different from Calvin’s.

The man lvy saw was wearing a mask and an old baseball cap, completely obscuring his face.

“Ivy, are you absolutely certain it was him?” Rosalynn asked, peening intently at ivy “Did you get a clear look at his


“Yes, it was Uncle Calvin, I’m sure of it. I wouldn’t mistake him. Mom, you have to believe me “hey sobbed, her

heart filled with anguish.

Rosalynn tenderly caressed ivy’s face, trying to offer comfort amidst the tears. “Please don’t cry: Daddy and I will

do everything we can to help you find this gentleman.”