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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2006
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Chapter 2006

Strictly speaking, this snapshot was the first public appearance of Wayne and Rosalynn since Wayne’s mysterious

disappearance and return

And the netizens provided ample attention and respect.

Some even dug up a candid photo from years ago, which showed Wayne looking at Rosalynn with an intense gaze,

placing it next to the current photo for comparison..

“It’s still them, but the vibe they give off in these two pictures is totally different, isn’t it?”

“Back when Secretary Tesdal was just a stand-in, she seemed like a harmless little bunny, and Wayne looked like a

hungry wolf with eyes full of desire i felt like he could gulp down the bunny at any minute. Now, Secretary Tesdal is

like a leading lady after a glorious transformation, and Wayne, on the other hand, gives off a full-on family man


“Yeah, Wayne really does seem like a family man now!”

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“Having heard of their story, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I hope Wayne and Rosalynn are

together forever!”

“Speaking of which, has anyone noticed the faint scar on Wayne’s neck? It seems that accident really did a number

on him. I hope he’s fully

recovered now.”

Below this comment, someone replied, “I study psychology, and honestly, physical recovery is not the hardest part.

The toughest part is psychological recovery”

Somehow, many people with similar experiences started discussing under this comment.

“Had a car accident a couple of years ago, and now I have severe PTSD when it comes to car rides. I would rather

walk or take the subway, but I can’t ride in cars anymore. I just start sweating and can’t breathe”

“Same here, I lost a leg in an accident years ago. I may seem upbeat now, but the pain and fear from back then

never left me. I’m living a life of constant agony and often contemplate suicide.”

*I’m a survivor of a major earthquake. It’s been almost twenty years, and I still can’t face the night. I kept seeing

my friends who died in that earthquake appearing beside me during the first ten years. I had to take medication for

a long time, and it’s only after getting married and having children that things got a bit better.”

Comments like these amassed in the hundreds.

Mixed amongst them was a comment from an unknown IP address.

“Wayne’s biological father was a madman, so the chances of him going mad are higher than anyone here. It’s all


By a stroke of luck, this comment was seen by Paige, who was surfing the net.

She instinctively took a screenshot.

She was going to reply to the comment with a burner account to inquire further, but the person had already

deleted that comment.

Even the account was deactivated shortly after, as if that man was afraid of something.

Paige hesitated a moment, then she sent Rosalynn a message.

“Babe, give me a call when you’re available.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It wasn’t until two hours later, when Rosalynn and Wayne’s meeting ended, that Rosalynn saw Paige’s message.

She was walking shoulder-to-shoulder with Wayne towards the CEO’s office.

Wayne seemed to be in good spirits, which in turn, lifted Rosalynn’s mood.

She immediately called Paige back.

Parge picked up instantly

“What’s up? Not used to being back after maternity leave?” Rosalynn asked with a smile.

“Babe, can you talk?” Paige asked quietly.

Hearing her tone, Rosalynn knew Paige had something to say, and something she didn’t want other people to hear.

She told Wayne she had something to do and made her way towards the outdoor terrace.

As Wayne was waiting for the elevator, his eyes instinctively followed Rosalynn’s retreating figure.

At that moment, a damp sensation and the sound of water droplets started to encroach from all directions.

“You’re afraid and worried again.” The annoying himself, who had been absent for days, was standing next to

Wayne again. Sean and several deputy directors were present.

Wayne pulled his gaze away from Rosalynn, looking straight ahead with a blank expression, pretending he hadn’t

heard anything

“Paige doesn’t really like me. She’s always trying to separate me and Rosa.” The annoying himself said leisurely.

“What do you think she’s discussing with Rosalynn, so important that she told her to get away from you?”