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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2024
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Chapter 2024

Heel much better‘ Rosalynn booked at Wayne, ‘Wayne, you once told me about your first encounter with that young

boy, right? it

Nothaven, comect? Where partly was that?‘

Near the hospital where Paige was giving birth. The boy almost got hit by cyclist, Leaved him I got a minor injury in

the process, but I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to worry you” Wayne confessed

salynn spent every day with Wayne if he’d been injured, she surely would’ve noticed.

‘Do you mean

I went to see Jacob?‘ Rosalynn continued

“Uh huh, Wayne nodded, “Why the sud

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“Well the more know, the more can talk about when we meet, Rosalynn replied.

The wasn’t a profession

ychologist, and she wasn’t sure if suddenly shattering a person’s illusion would be harmful to them or not. So for


she had to pretend she hadn’t noticed anything. She needed to figure out when that boy had appeared.

As for treatment, she had to tread very carefully After all, this wasn’t a common psychological issue

I to choose a more trustworthy and discreet team to treat Wayne.

She didn’t know Penn well enough. She might i

Rosalynn’s mind was a tangled mess. She forced herself to calm down and try

find a thread to pull, to unravel the knot

After waiting for a white longer, the boy still didn’t arrive. Wayne’s calls to him remair Junanswered. Finally, Wayne

stopped waiting and ordered food from the waitress.

“We can’t wait any longer You’re not feeling well, let’s eat first, Wayne told Rosalynn, but Rosalynn could tell he was

worried and anxious.

He might have been held up by something Rosalynn soothingly suggested

Wayne glanced at her and gave a slight nod, then he looked at his phone again.

By the time they finished lunch, Wayne’s young friend still hadn’t arrived. Just before leaving, Wayne made a trip to

the restroom. The boy finally


Wayne immediately answered, “What’s the matter with you? My wife has been waiting for over two hours. Didn’t

you say you were almost here?” Tim sorry, sir had some unexpected issues, the boy’s voice on the other end was

choked with tears, “Could you please apologize to your wife for me?

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“What happened? Wayne urgently asked.

The boy was silent for a moment, ‘No nothing Fl be staying in H City from now on We can arrange another meet up

with you and your wife. I apologize in person then!”

Kid, did someone hit you again? Wayne asked sternly

No really No one hit me he quickly replied.

“Tell me where you are, my wife and I will come to you.” Wayne instructed, his voice brooking no refusal.

“There’s really no need Let’s lea it at this for now I’ll get in touch with you later,” the boy said, then abruptly ended

the call.

To has anuriety Wayne wasn’t careful and his hand brushed against a broken piece of porcelain on the edge of the

sink. A long cut appeared on his hand blood welling up from it

Wayne quickly turned on the water to wash the wound. But in his haste, he dropped his phone it landed corner first,

and the screen shattered amma–chately

Roselynn womed had followed him to the restroom Hearing the commotion, the didn’t care that it wa

What happeradr

stroom and rushed in