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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1301
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Soon, Austin's order had been passed on to all of his men.

As expected, the news aroused enthusiasm among all his warriors. They were so excited that they just couldn't wait to throw

themselves into battle and recover the territory that they had lost.

They had been savoring the sweetness of a lot of victories these days. First, Austin led them in a fight against a hundred-thousand

demon race army in the Trinary Star City and won. Despite how formidable their enemies were, they still managed to crush and

cripple them--causing many casualties to the demon army.

Then, they fought together and recovered the Crescent Kingdom in just a day!

These two triumphs meant a lot to the warriors. Before that, it could be said that human warriors were merely living in the shadow

of the demon race. In their eyes, the ferocious demon race had been unbeatable. But now, they had turned the tides and forced

the demon race to run with their tails between their legs.

Needless to say, they felt an incredible sense of achievement by winning these battles. They now believed that they could push

their limits and go beyond their expectations under the leadership of Austin.

Austin set off his spiritual sense and felt the high morale and confidence of his fifty thousand plus men. Knowing that he had

encouraged them and brought change to this city, Austin smiled to himself in satisfaction.

After all, he knew very well that the morale of the troops was a critical factor in winning a battle. Therefore, Austin thought it

important to solidify the morale of his men even before they went on to the battlefield.

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"It is now tforto cultivate sreally powerful demonic skills,"

Austin said to himself pleasantly.

Moments later, Austin had already retreated into a secluded secret chamber to cultivate and prepare himself for what he was

about to do.

Pushing his mind, he entered the City model in a flash. The City model he had been carrying around vibrated for several times

before it landed quietly on the floor.

The next instant, he reappeared on one of the streets of the City model, where

seven badly wounded demon warriors were lying almost lifelessly. Four of them were demon saints, while the other three were

demon semi-saints.

To avoid any accidents, Austin had sent out his demonic avatar to serve as a jailer while these seven demon warriors were being

held on this street.

After all, the demon saints and demon semi-saints were still top warriors in the demon race, and Austin wouldn't dare take them


But it seemed that he didn't have to worry about them fighting back at this point. The severe wounds on their bodies were

consuming their lives more and more with every passing minute as they lay on the ground motionlessly. Even if the street wasn't

there to imprison them, it was unlikely that they could escape in their condition.

The demon race was actually known for their powerful self-repairing capability. Generally speaking, they could heal themselves

within moments if they ever suffered from small injuries. To top that off, their bodies could even grow again even if they had

already lost their limbs or even half of their bodies! This was one of the things that made it very hard to deal with the demon race.

However, these seven ones were wounded by Austin's demonic avatar.

The demonic avatar had reached the level of a demon emperor. Therefore, not many ordinary demon race warriors could stand a

strong attack from it. When Austin attacked these seven members of the demon race with the demonic avatar, he unleashed a

demonic energy so powerful that it not only left visible wounds on their bodies, but also greatly impaired their bodily functions.

Because of this, their capability to repair themselves was also adversely affected.

That explained why, at this moment, they were all unable to rise to their feet just like sdrowned rats.

"Hello, everyone. Have you been having a good tin here?"

Austin greeted with a sneer as he walked up to them along the street.

It seemed as if his voice triggered a switch. The moment the seven warriors of the demon race heard his voice, they howled, "You

dirty, puny thing! I am a demon saint! Let go ofor | will tear you up into pieces!"

The seven of them went into a towering rage when they saw that Austin was standing nearby, looking down at them with an evil

smile. To them, this was truly a humiliation!

On all accounts, they were so strong that they almost never suffered a defeat like this. What was more, they were all authority

figures in the demon race army who held high positions and enjoyed others' worship. To put it simply, before they met Austin, they

were feared, respected, and followed by almost everyone in the Heaven Claimer.

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But now, Austin, a human and a nobody in their eyes, had insulted them by seriously crippling them, controlling them, and keeping

them in captivity.

It was just an extremely hard pill to swallow.

"Hey, watch your tongue, guys! You are my prisoners now. Could you please act like one?"

Austin said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. To be honest, he was a bit annoyed by the demon warriors’ threatening tone. Why

must they still act like they were a notch above human beings and try to threaten him with such angry faces when they could

hardly draw another breath? Who did they think they were? It was so ridiculous!

"Damn you human sucklings! You won't get away with this, | promise!" one of them shouted in a hoarse voice.

Austin's harsh words infuriated them even further. They squirmed and struggled to get up, but their efforts were all in vain. Had

they not been mortally wounded, they would have jumped at that human warrior and killed him even if it cost them their own lives.

"Wow, I'm surprised that you still have the strength to talk about such rubbish. Fine. It seems tothat you still need to go

through torturing games to learn to bend the knee,"

Austin said with a smirk.

Without saying another word, Austin pushed his mind and his demonic avatar left his body and made for the seven demon

warriors. Before they realized what was happening, countless punches and kicks rained on them heavily.

The demonic avatar was a powerful weapon made from a demon emperor. Thus, it could release immense demonic energy and

fight violently. Its punches and kicks were like huge rocks that kept smashing the seven demon warriors' bodies, pinning them

down like a mountain.