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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1403
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The three Semi-emperor Realm masters from another three continents discussed with one another through their spiritual senses.

Moments later, they had reached an agreement.

"Tierry, if Commander Austin can forgive our rudeness and agree to send troops to help us against demons, we will each give him

eighty million divine vital energy crystal and apologize to him in person.

Please make sure this proposition reaches him,"

the elder from the East Continent said after taking a deep breath.

The brawny man from the North Continent and the elder from the West Continent nodded their heads even though they were

reluctant to give so many crystals to Austin.

After agreeing to the plan, the three masters of the Semi-emperor Realm shrugged, their consciences filled with remorse.

'If we had been nice to Austin, things wouldn't have ended up this way.

Now we have to give him so many divine vital energy crystals to persuade him to help drive the demons away.’

Austin's master Godwin watched the three cultivators, gloating over their misfortune inwardly.

"You deserve this. How dare you look down upon my disciple?’

Julius and Peter stood next to Godwin. ‘This brat is so cunning. Now he will get another 240, 000, 000 divine vital energy crystals, *

they thought with envy.

"I see. | will report this to Commander Austin,"

Tierry responded.

He then filled Austin in on the three Semi-emperor Realm masters’ offer through his spiritual sense.

Austin was residing in the mountain when Tierry informed him of the Semi-emperor Realm masters’ proposition.

Upon hearing the report, Austin's lips curved into a mischievous smirk.

"What? The three of them are willing to giveeighty million divine vital energy crystals each just to ask for my forgiveness?

Even if they didn't offer to pay me, I'll send troops to help them.

If the demon race has dominion over the other three continents, we will be in danger too.

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I'm not a short-sighted, selfish guy,"

Austin murmured.

If three masters of the Semi-emperor Realm had heard what Austin muttered, they would have been kicking themselves for

offering such a large sum for his help.

After all, they wouldn't have to turn in eighty million divine vital energy crystals.

"I see. I'll let it go. Let them in. We are going to work out a plan on how to assist them,"

Austin said to Tierry through his spiritual sense.

Tierry informed the three masters from other three continents about Austin's decision. The three of them were overjoyed and

asked Tierry to direct them to Austin immediately.

Upon meeting Austin, they immediately handed eighty million divine vital energy crystals over to him.

Austin swiftly took their offering.

After being briefed about the situation in the three continents, Austin decided to lead his men to head towards the West Continent

the next day.

The West Continent was at stake. Most countries there had already been occupied by the demon race.

All the human cultivators in the West Continent had retreated into the last two to three countries which had not yet fallen to the

demon race's legion.

The situation in the West Continent was worse than that in the East Continent and North Continent.

The following day, under Austin's leadership, the Southern Alliances Army which consisted of eight hundred thousand cultivators

headed for the West Continent across the Middle World Waters.

After marching for more than half a month, Austin and his troops finally set foot in the West Continent of the PrMartial World.

A thick, evil aura enveloped the whole West Continent. Demons were everywhere and seemingly made the West Continent their


Under Austin's command, Southern Alliances Army bravely charged the countless demon legions in the West Continent.

The denizens of demon race were no match for them. Austin and his men took the cities back from the demons one by one,

effectively wiping out all the demons they cacross.

Each tAustin's army clashed with the soldiers of the demon race, Austin and his demonic avatar would look for the stronger

ones such as demon semi-emperors, demon saints and demon semi-saints and swiftly strike them down.

After decimating the hardy opponents effortlessly, Austin's men would take care of the rest of the stragglers.

Clearing out the remaining demon soldiers was an easy task since there were at least thirty Semi-emperor Realm masters among

the Southern Alliances Army.

Twenty days later, all the demons had been eliminated.

There was also a space teleportation passage the Heaven Claimer tribe had built in the West Continent.

Austin destroyed the passage on his own.

All the people living in the West Continent were overjoyed to see the demons driven out of their homeland.

Everyone from the West Continent were grateful for Austin and Southern Alliances Army for successfully liberating their area from

the demonic menace.

Following their victory, Austin and his army left the West Continent and headed for the North Continent.

Hundreds of thousands of cultivators from the West Continent had volunteered to follow Austin to fight off all the demons in the

North Continent.

After half a month of marching, Southern Alliances Army reached their destination.


Austin ordered, gesturing at his men to engage and kill their enemies.

"Kill them all!"

the cultivators from the Southern Alliances Army and the West Continent shouted at the top of their lungs.

Their booming shouts echoed throughout the air, making the heavens tremble from the Southern Alliances Army and West

Continent's united resolve.

Over one million cultivators charged headstrong towards their enemies.

They were such an invincible force that those demons were powerless to hold them back.

The ensuing battle lasted for half a month.

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After a long, arduous campaign, all the demons in the North Continent had been vanquished.

Austin again single-handedly destroyed the space teleportation passage.

"There is one continent left,"

Austin muttered, his eyes focusing towards the direction of the East Continent.

He had undergone countless battles and killed thousands of enemies. This had made Austin's death stare terrifying because any

enemy who was unfortunate to be Austin's target would have his piercing eyes to be the last thing they saw before their end.

"Let's prepare to leave for the East Continent," Austin instructed his army.

After giving the order, Austin led his forces out of the North Continent.

Hundreds of thousands of cultivators from the North Continent had joined him to fight against the demon race.

After taking back and liberating the North Continent, Austin was commanding approximately two million cultivators.

Austin's army arrived to the East Continent after marching for twelve days.

Most of the East Continent had been occupied by the demon race by then.

The East Continent was the most powerful one among the four continents of the PrMartial World.

This was why the Heaven Claimer had sent their strongest legion here, and their legion vastly outnumbered the other three armies

from the other three continents.

Austin's army was close to two million, and over one hundred members were Semi-emperor Realm masters.

Meanwhile, the East Continent's army consisted of more than one million cultivators.

Therefore, the human cultivators had the upper hand in their battle against the demon race.

The war lasted more than a month. In the end, all the demons in the East Continent met their demise.

Austin destroyed the space teleportation tunnel the Heaven Claimer constructed in the East Continent.

Following the destruction of the space teleportation tunnel, all the demons in the PrMartial World had also been annihilated.

News of the human cultivators' victory against the demon race spread quickly throughout the land. All the people in the Prime

Martial World including cultivators and normal civilians were much relieved.

The nightmare the demons had brought them had cto an end.

Everything was back to normal.