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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1484
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When Austin had jumped from the battle ring, he could witness the fighting in other battle rings had already ended.

Back in the rest area, he met Belle. Belle's eyes were downcast and she was terribly depressed.

Belle met an opponent at the premium stage of Semi-emperor Realm.

She had given her unyielding efforts, yet she lost.

"My Crystal Moonlight Body is capable of exerting only a small part of its power since | haven't fully master it. If it wasn't for that, |

would have definitely won the battle,"

she announced, obviously not resigned to her defeat. The defeat meant that she had already lost the chance to enter the three

holy lands.

"Don't worry! Your constitution is of high quality. | have got a strong feeling that you will do great in whichever sect you join after

this. | have faith in your gift and cleverness,"

Austin replied, trying to comfort her.

"Forget it. | would be greatly pleased if | could join a first-class sect in the East Mainland.

But look at you, you're more likely to becone amongst the top 3 competitors. The three holy lands will rush in order to recruit


Belle said sincerely. She stopped repenting about her defeat and started encouraging Austin, before much tcould pass by.

"Ha-ha. I'll try my best to make it happen,"

Austin answered in a very light tone, having a thin smile on his face.

At the smoment, the old eunuch once again appeared above the playground.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen. | have a very interesting announcement here. After the intense competition, we have finally got our

top 4 players.

| must admit that I'm really impressed by snew faces in this tournament.

For instance, Austin, a warrior at the preliminary stage of Semi-holy Realm, succeeded in defeating all of his opponents and

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beca top 4 player. It is something unbelievable and I'm very certain that most of you here wouldn't believe it if you didn't saw

it by yourselves. But it did happen here.

Before much tcould pass by, letmake a long story short. All the top 4 players are requested to step into the 1st battle ring

and appear in the final round.

And now... The top 3 finals begin,"

the old eunuch announced the beginning of the finals

"Be careful Austin, and you'll win,"

Belle said trying to cheer him up.

"I'm waiting for your good news!"

Caroline also flashed her most winning smile at Austin. She equally had faith in Austin's power and capabilities.

Both Belle and Caroline were delicate and beautiful girls in terms of their appearance and temperament. This had already drawn

the attention of many young men in the playground.

Austin saw the envious look in other men's eyes. These men had already disliked Austin for his intimacy with the two girls.

"Don't worry,"

Austin replied and smiled back at the two girls.

He then turned around, moved his body and stepped into the 1st battle ring in the blink of an eye.

Shoop! Shoop!

With only a few moments passing by, the other three players landed on the ground of the battle ring.

Austin looked up and sized them up carefully.

There was a handsteenager with a hook-nose and delicately-trimmed eyebrows standing there all alone. Austin sensed that

he was the one who had the most powerful vital energy. He stood there expressionless, calm and most of all very elegant. All eyes

from the audience shifted towards him.

It went without saying that he was the best warrior amongst the 4 competitors, in terms of the vital energy.

It was the sguy who had defeated Belle and put her out of the next round of the tournament.

Austin looked around. He saw another teenager who was at the age of eighteen wearing a black suit. The sight of him caused

waves of coldness and cruelty in his whole body. Hailstones, the size of his fist were floating around him. The ground on which he

stood was coked with a thick layer of ice. The ice then slowly and steadily encroached every part of the battle ring.

Allin all, his whole body looked like an iceberg which had been there for tens of thousands of years. Austin guessed that this

teenager was likely at the preliminary stage of Holy Realm.

The third competitor was a short man with broad shoulders. His black and dense hair reached down to his shoulders. He eyed other

warriors sharply and aggressively. Anybody whom he fixed his eyes on felt that he had been targeted and locked by sferocious

beasts. He was a competent warrior at the medium stage of Semi-emperor Realm.

Overall, the four competitors included two Semi-emperor Realm warriors, a warrior at the preliminary stage of Holy Realm and a

warrior at the preliminary stage of Semi-holy Realm.

Among all the competitors, Austin was the weakest.

At the very beginning, they all stood inside the 1st battle ring, measuring each other and holding back.

Neither of the 4 competitors had wanted to strike first.

Anybody qualifying for the finals must be smart, strong and experienced in fighting skills, strategies and reading his enemies’


Before long, the other three competitors turned around to look at Austin viciously.

They all considered Austin as the weakest among them.

None of them would think highly of any opponent at the preliminary stage of Semi-holy Realm.

The premium-stage Semi-emperor Realm warrior eyed Austin darkly and gloatingly, with a wry smile on his face.

"Ha-ha! The three of us here are eager to ascend to the top-3 positions.

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It is the only way that we can join the three holy lands.

In my opinion, we should kick the weakest one out of this battle ring first.

By doing so, the rest of us will stand a better chance of being recruited by the holy lands.

By putting Austin out, we can perform our skills. It will be a lot easier for us to learn from each other and decide who will be the

best competitor.

What do you think of my proposal?"

the handsteenager at the premium stage of Semi-holy Realm proposed slowly while casting casual yet contemptuous glances

at Austin.

"It sounds great. After all, joining the three holy lands and becoming an official disciple is something that matters most to us.

Winning the championship comes second in the list of my goals. By then, | won't regret coming to this tournament but wasting my

chance of joining the holy lands,"

the sturdy teenager at the medium stage of Semi-emperor Realm replied and nodded his agreement.

"Okay! With this being the case, | think we should work together and kick this weak guy out of the battle ring first.

Then, we can continue doing our other things,"

the handsteenager proposed again. He eyed Austin closely and then released the pressure of his vital energy recklessly. The

pressure was flowing to Austin as violently as raging torrents. It almost materialized, took shape and struck Austin.

The other two competitors immediately understood what the handsteenager meant. His movement signaled a joint attack

against Austin.

"This makes things easier."

The cold young man wearing black smirked. The coldness from him poured out reaching Austin.

"Fine. Let us make it happen here. Right now!"

the man with dense black hair flowing down his broad shoulders said in a deep voice. He opened his eyes widely, making him

seem like a beast. Besides that, he also looked like a wild and savage man who was ready to tear a tiger apart with his bare hands.

"Fuck you all. You cowards dare attacktogether!"

Austin shouted back at the top of his voice, raging at their shameless plot.