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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1556
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Stacy had met a lot of young man, especially those who were intelligent, fast, and strong. But staring at Austin who was giving off

yellow aura, she couldn't keep her mind straight.

Her thoughts kept on saying that this guy, this mysterious Austin, had such an amazing physical strength. She wouldn't even be

surprised if he could handle an cultivator who was at the medium stage of Emperor Realm without even using any martial art skills.

After checking his physical strength, Austin rested his eyes on Stacy.

"How is Violet doing?" he asked.

His eyes fell on the lawn near Stacy where Violet were.

Violet had transformed into her natural form—a floral-colored fox with three furry tails.

After the transformation, she laid on the grass motionless, eyes closed.

Austin was shocked by the sight of the fox. Taken aback, Austin reached Violet in a flash. Worry etched his face. His eyes were fixed

on her, concerned. He unleashed his spiritual sense to check the fox's condition.

Stacy stood beside Violet, close to Austin, also confused.

To his relief, Austin saw how Violet breathed normally, as if she was asleep. Good. The fox was fine. For a moment, he felt like he

would get a heart attack.

"She fell into a deep slumber after coming down from the vital energy shower," she said to sooth Austin.

"Before she went to sleep, she wantedtell you that she was going to cultivate."

Austin's mind was set at ease.

He had a notion that this had happened to Violet before. "When she wakes up, she will becmuch stronger, ' he speculated.

"I've never met a fox with three tails before," she said. "What is she?" She transfixed her curious gaze on Violet's fury tails.

Austin smiled.

"She is a nine-tailed demon fox," Austin replied with honesty.

"What?" Stacy's eyes grew, bigger than before. "She's the legendary nine-tailed demon fox?!"

Austin nodded.

Stacy was still in disbelief. She couldn't comprehend that tof the moment that she was face to face with the demon fox that

were told by stories passed through generations after generations! "The nine-tailed demon foxes... they said it was one of the

strongest species in ancient times."

"Yeah..." Austin, again, nodded.

Stacy didn't know she was holding her breath. Astonished by what she was seeing, she added, "I didn't expect this race would still

exist in our lifetime."

"Most of them don't anymore," Austin said, looking at Violet. "She's one of the lucky ones alive." He looked at their surroundings,

and then back to Stacy. "We should get out of here."

He then sent Violet into the Illusion Bead.

Austin had great harvest in the Secret Valley. Not only he had collected a great number of superior herbs, but also entered the

preliminary stage of Semi-emperor Realm after the vital energy shower.

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He was pleased with his harvest.

Stacy and Austin, returned to the portal in the mid-air.

They both went through it to leave the Secret Valley.

The teleportation power wrapped them up.

In the wink of an eye, they found themselves back in the palace.

As soon as they appeared, they found the palace slightly shaking.

Deafening sounds reached their ears from outside of where they stood.

Austin and Stacy quickly unleashed their spiritual senses to check what was the chaos was all about.

And as soon as they sensed it, they both looked at each other, alert. "They are trying to destroy the arrays on that golden path,"

Austin said. "And they are about to succeed."

Austin scowled.

The golden path was about two hundred meters long. The disciples of different sects had broken all the arrays within one hundred

and eighty meters. Now, they were only a dozen meters away from the palace and nobody could stop them.

It wouldn't take a long tbefore the disciples of different sects broke into the palace.

A troubled look cover Austin's face as he pondered.

He knew that once those people outside the palace saw him, they wouldn't let him go.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Loud sound reached the palace, and Austin and Stacy who were inside were all in panic.

"We're only ten meters away from the palace!" Josh declared loudly.

The people from other sects cheered. They were already in the festive mood.

"Con, guys, we'll be able to enter the Secret Valley soon!" he added.

They were in high spirits with what Josh had said. And so, they hit the arrays at full strength again.

"When | enter the valley and see that bastard, I'll tear him to pieces," declared Lance, the disciple in purple from the Arcane Holy


He couldn't hold back his anger at the thought of how Austin confronted him before.

"Someone needs to teach him a lesson so he won't dare pissing off the wrong person," followed Josh who was standing beside


Both of them had a ferocious look flickering in their eyes, thinking of that bastard Austin.

A few moments later, Austin and Stacy inside the palace couldn't hear any more noise outside.

"Oh, yeah! We finally broke all the arrays!"

They laughed cheerfully. "We made it! All efforts were not cast in vain!"

"What are we waiting for?" Josh exclaimed. "Let's enter the Secret Valley!"

As people outside the palace had a brighten up mood, those inside weren't.

"This is bad," Stacy said, her eyebrows almost touching each other. "They really destroyed all the arrays on that golden path."

Both fell in silent, thinking of what the plan would be.

At this critical moment, an idea occurred to Austin.

"Miss Ren," he said, "we need to hide from those people first before finding a chance to leave here.

I'm going to transport you into my magic treasure. Please don't panic; I'll be there with you," he reassured.

He activated the teleportation power of the City model, and the next moment, he and Stacy had been sent into it.

The City model turned into a dirt and fell on the corner of the palace.

The next moment, a group of people showed up in front of the door and rushed into the palace.

They were the ones with Josh and Lance.

"Look." Someone pointed at the opened magical gateway in the center of the hallway. "There's a portal! This must be the entrance

to the Secret Valley," he said.

People got excited.

The other cultivators dashed towards the portal.

Soon after, hundreds of people entered the Secret Valley through the portal.

"Here | am, the Secret Valley!" a guy exclaimed.

"The spiritual energy is richer here than in the outside world," someone said. "I bet there are lots of precious herbs here we could


A few hundred disciples from different sects looked around the valley. Elated and ecstatic, they dispersed in all direction and

started their journey to look for herbs and treasures.

To get more valuable items they could loot, their movements were faster than their normal pace.

As the other disciples went to the Secret Valley, Austin and Stacy on the other hand, showed up on a street in the City model.

Away from the disciples who were mad to Austin.

Stacy was amazed yet shocked as she surveyed the big city.

To her surprise, Austin didn't just have physical strength to boast for, he also had a spatial magic treasure with such a vast internal


She found herself surprised by what Austin could do in so many ways.

As the result, she got more curious about him. ‘What more can he do that | don't know?' Her guess was that she had a lot more to

discover. Deep inside, she wanted to know more about him.

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Although they were standing in the City model, Austin kept an eye on the situation in the palace with the use of his spiritual sense.

He found out that all the cultivators had dashed into the Secret Valley and there was no sign of people in the palace.

"Let's get out of here," Austin said. "We can leave the place already." Stacy nodded.

Austin then transported themselves out of the City model.

And in a flash, they got back into the place again.

Without a second thought, the two of them ran through the entrance gate of the palace, not looking back as they left.

At this point, the cultivators who had broken into the Secret Valley had their own discoveries for themselves.

Sof them cto the Breakthrough Platform and attempted to climb up the stairs made of stone.

Sran into the fields, looking around for herbs but couldn't found any.

Many people had spotted caves on the top of mountains. They destroyed the stone doors with violence and acquired plenty of

treasures from the said caves.

The Secret Valley, not as secret as it was before, was filled with more than five hundred cultivators.

In the middle of the search of treasures, the disciples of the Arcane Holy Land were gathered on a peak covered in clouds and fogs.

"Lance," one disciple exclaimed in delight, "here is a big cave."

In front of them was a cave with thick spiritual energy coming out from it.

Lance made his way to the entrance of the cave through bodily movement skill.

"The owner of this cave must be sbig shot," he said. "There might be priceless items inside.

C'mon, let's hit the door together,"

Lance gushed, a smirk on his face.

The other disciples of the Arcane Holy Land joined him and began attacking the stone door, trying to destroy it.

People cheered again. And as they went inside, they halted. There was a skeleton inside the cave.

Out of the blue, all of them saw how a visual figure floated from the skeleton.

An image of an elder with gray hair and beard appeared. 'Maybe he is at his fifty, ' sof them guessed in their thoughts.

"Secret Valley has been isolated from the outside world for thousands of years," the elder said. "But outsiders still found here and

broke in?"

The elder sighed and shook his head, right to left. "Now that our sect had perished, this place is useless. I'll end all of this."

Everyone was confused.

He waved his hands, made several gestures, until someone from behind felt something—a slight shake of the ground. All of them,

still didn't have any clue what was happening.

Moments later, one of them shouted from the outside.

"The sky!" Sof them looked. Lo and behold, the sky rumbled as the earth they were standing on shook and cracked. The

Secret Valley was ending.

Boom! Boom!