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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2089
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"Monroe, this is not your panache. Are you showing him mercy?"

Those fledgling and wicked creatures from different lands seemed discontented. They shouted from behind.

Amazingly, it turned out that the rhinoceros shaped evil creature, was called Monroe.

Essentially, Monroe was testing Austin. He did not use all his strength to fight with Austin.

He seemed to be extremely energetic and powerful. With just a small move of his elevated body, the surrounding area would

repetitively shake.

"You have disappointed me. You're not as energetic as | thought. | will not show you mercy at all this time. That's it!"

Monroe told Austin.

Notwithstanding his facetious surface, after stesting, he cto realize that the other party's strength ability didn't seem to

be that weak, or even not frailer than his strength and ability.

Consequently, he planned to use all his strength without reservation and terminate his adversary with his extremely powerful



The two horns disconnected from the head and they turned into two black gigantic heaven slaughtering daggers with flashing cold

light and intense killing intent. Austin was about to be struck by lightning.


Monroe's entire body curved like a moving mountain and rushed against Austin as quick as a flash.


At the very moment, his mouth was wide open, and he spewed a black light. It tarnished everything and formed a massive black

corrosive net, whizzing with dreadful smoke and covering the head of Austin.

Monroe did three moves simultaneously. Out of the blue, black radiance shot everywhere and ferocious winds appeared. Evil

energy washed over this area.

These were his most lethal and powerful blows!


At this particular moment, there was a terrifying sound. The vacuum was crumbling, because Monroe's body was so strong that

wherever he went, the space around crumbled and the twas in pandemonium.

Now, he was completely invisible!

This was the only potency he could gather within a short period which was also a powerful blow that could put the adversary to

death in a heartbeat!

"Well played!"

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Austin rumbled as he shook the earth and mountains viciously. In a blink of an eye, he quickly jumped up and made a move. This

was the moment he had been waiting.

Now he wanted to establish his reputation and conquer his opponent as quickly as possible, to wash away embarrassment of

defeating in succession, and to make the most horrendous move.

The fire around Austin's body was so powerful that the blood energy around him was completely activated. His entire body was

soaked in the dragons’ blood vitality, which was so dazzling.

Austin's arms and limbs bechuge with the wind. In the meantime, his body also expanded indefinitely. Now, he beca

giant that took up the space between the sky and earth. Everywhere on his body, the flwas even more blazing and turned into

a sea of flames in blood red.

Austin looked divine and omnipotent, like a reincarnated immortal from heaven, and had unmatched power.

Austin's body was broadened infinitely, and this was the primary success of the Arhat Golden Body.

When a cultivator practiced the Immortal Body Refining Formula to a certain extent, he would be able to accomplish the hidden,

enigmatic potential, which was an omnipotent skill by the nArhat Golden Body.

The move that Austin displayed wasn't the real omnipotent skill yet.

He had not grasped it completely.

The real Arhat Golden Body, once mastered, would glaze every muscle fiber and skin of one's entire body with a golden light. The

physical body was then even tougher than the ultimate magical treasure.

Different weird sounds were heard.

The space in that area was twisted and collapsed uninterruptedly, as if it couldn't withstand the terrible corporeal strength of


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four house sized golden light balls rushed out of Austin's body, and a world of golden flappeared around him. Those four

gigantic light balls rushed up and obstructed the enormous black corrosiveon top of Austin's head.

The intensifying flincinerated up the black corrosive net, which then dissipated.

When the protruding pair of horns cstraight for Austin, he didn't even dodge. The Pot of Chaos in hand flew up, and it

expanded immensely until it beca huge tripod and fought back with intense vigor!

Then Austin's gigantic body moved forward straight.

Monroe's body was so frightening, as his skin was thick and rough. In the previous battles, even if the young masters of human hit

him with such powerful magic treasures, they wouldn't cause any impairment to his body.

It could be stated that the body of the Monroe per se was a giant magic treasure itself.

Nevertheless, Austin did not dodge. Instead, he went directly to the body of Monroe without chucking.

This was a direct showdown, and the most brutal and dreadful battle.

Normal people would never do that. They would certainly make scruple at each other and it was unbearable for them to fight with

one another in such a fierce fashion so fast.

Austin did this not only because he was self-confident but also because he wanted to put the fight to an end as soon as possible.

Only in this way without dodging, the fight could be terminated instantly instead of hundreds of exchanges of moves.

The reason for such a ruthless method was simple: to have the outcas fast as possible.

Monroe's eyes flashed with anger, coldness and fright. He didn't expect that Austin would pick a fight with him head on. Austin's

all-out attack made him scoff.

"This body of mine has gone through tremendous storms, trials and tribulations, and it's everlasting. Now you're inviting death by

fightinghead on with your corporeal strength!"

He was very poised that he could conquer Austin.

At this juncture, the atmosphere between heaven and earth was a little discouraging, and everyone was staring at the two people

that were fighting at the combat zone.

A lot of people on the side of the Immortal End World were nervous as hell.

"l want us to be victorious!"

"Never shall we be defeated again. Put to death this ferocious devil!"

Secretly, speople were praying, willing to see Austin win this battle to wash the embarrassment and make them proud.

In spite of everything, everyone on the side of the Immortal End World had witnessed how commanding Austin's physical might be.

So, everyone was with high hopes for this battle, and they were indefinitely thinking that Austin could win!

On the other hand, all those evil creatures were also observing them closely. At this time, none were brave enough to make a

sound. When the critical moment came, even these wicked creatures were a bit afraid and their hearts couldn't be calm.


The Pot of Chaos and the two gigantic blades transformed by Monroe's horns crashed against each other violently at first.

Then, to everyone's bewilderment, the two enormous blades were thrown up high in the sky and then pushed far away.


Austin's enormous body was finally coming close to the enormous body of Monroe.

Instantly, Austin delivered a punch!


Austin roared.

His arms were as thick as flood dragons, masked by countless enormous dragons, and his fists struck at high speed.

"Go to hell!"

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Monroe also used all his stamina and rushed quickly towards Austin with his body as huge as a mountain, regardless of anything.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Austin threw successive punches on Monroe's body violently one after the other.

Neither Austin nor Moore backed up.

The fists of Austin kept ramming with the huge body of Monroe.

The surrounding area kept crumpling and shattering, and limitless space fragments wallowed everywhere in the sky.

Immediately, the two gave up all kinds of commanding skills and fought in the most primeval and vicious way!

It was a do or die battle.

What was the outcome? Who would emerge as the winner?

Everyone's heart leaped to their throat. At this time, they were utterly silent. They were stricken with a little fear, as the results

were about to be revealed.


People shouted when they heard the sound of blood and flesh being smashed, as if they were in a do or die battle themselves.

When the blood red light rushed up, Austin stood up arrogantly. He didn't get any injuries whatsoever.

Monroe's face warped in immense and excruciating pain and his entire body was distorted with blood splashing from where the

bones were visible.

How chilling was this?

Moore's body was known as strong as a magic treasure itself. Even the most prevailing magic treasure couldn't cause any harm to

him at all. However, his body was now pierced by someone with bare hands. It was a frightening battle!


Monroe rumbled. His enormous body, as big as a mountain, was covered with fist-sized blood holes, with blood oozing out.

It was unbelievable that he would lose in the match fight!





