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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 292 The Head Of the Blood Wolf Team Visits
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Far into the distance, the disciples of the Sun Sect saw smovement. A few minutes later, and after much squinting, one could see a group of heavily built men coming towards them, looking unfriendly and intimidating. The disciples who guarded the mountain hurriedly approached the group with a sense of foreboding.

"Stop. This is the boundary of the Sun Sect. Please introduce yourself. " The disciples of the Sun Sect dared to call out to the group in a commanding voice.

Being on his own turf and charged with the responsibility of protecting the Sun Sect's realm, the disciple bellowed to show not the slightest fear.

"haw-haw... | am pleased to inform you that the head of the Blood Wolf Team is coming.

And then an enormous resounding laugh was let out by the head of the Blood Wolf Team. Its harsh sound was like metal clattering loudly against each other.

The disciple of Sun Sect was shocked when he heard the nBlood Wolf Team.

In the Violet Orchid Empire, the Blood Wolf Team was considered an evil force, an almost equal in force to the Five Factions.

This was a fact known to every single warrior in the Empire.

And now the legendary leader of the Blood Wolf Team had suddenly cto Sun Sect for mysterious reasons.

The disciple dared not neglect them and so he flew to inform his superiors immediately.

In a matter of minutes, Theon, the leader of the Sun Sect, with the six Elders and several stewards, cto meet the Blood Wolf Team.

'ha-ha, your excellency, head of the Blood Wolf, Abbot Nangong, we are pleased to welcyou.

Each and every Sun Sect disciple is deeply honored by your sudden visit. What have you chere for? Theon's was very polite in his behavior for he too knew the strength of the Blood Wolf Team was not much lower than the Sun Sect's.

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The history of the Sun Sect was far more established and much older but the Blood Wolf Team too contained many masters. A large number of masters were in the Earth Realm and many too were in the Mysterious Realm. Abbott, among all, was a master in the Mysterious Realm.

In the territory of the Violet Orchid Empire, if one force has masters were in the Mysterious Realm, other warriors will not easily choose to provoke them.

Because in the territory of the Violet Orchid Empire, the masters of the Mysterious Realm are already the most powerful warriors.

The quantity and quality of the masters in the Mysterious Realm represent the strength and connotation of a force.

"That is very kind of you, Theon Xiang. | have cto your sect this time, mainly for one of your disciples named Austin.

Six of our thirteen Wolf Generals died at his hands.

Theon Xiang, forgivefor being rude this tand ask for justice from your sect.” "What? Six of your thirteen Wolf Generals were killed by Austin!" Why is Austin at it again? He starts fresh trouble even before he solves the last one,” thought the Elder of the Flaming Sun Valley to himself. He moaned inwardly at Austin's capers. Now the head of the Blood Wolf had cto square things! Theon and the six Elders of Sun Sect were struck dumb by fear as their minds went blank. For a while, they could not believe it.

How could Austin be so bizarre? "Ahem. Abbot Nangong, Austin is the principal disciple of the Sun Sect. His cultivation and strength are quite outstanding, but it is impossible that he can kill six wolf generals.

Anyway, the cultivation base of Austin is still at the ninth level of the Energy Gathering Realm.

But your thirteen Wolf Generals’ cultivation base is at the medium stage within Earth Realm, among which shave even achieved the premium stage within the Earth Realm.

The difference between their strength levels is too big. So it is astonishing indeed. How did you confirm that Austin has killed six Wolf generals? Theon had seen Austin last at the Top Ten Outer Disciple Challenge, where he had wowed the audience with his performance.

So somewhere, Theon thought of Austin as a rising star and an elite disciple of the sect. At this moment, despite the threat of the Blood Wolf Team facing him, he felt inclined to take Austin's side.

"Ha-ha, You mean | wrongly accuse Austin? Austin killed six Wolf Generals of our Blood Wolf Team. It is as true as their deaths.

There's no doubt about it. | hope you can hand over Austin and accord us with the dignity we deserve." Abbott was angered by Theon doubting his claim.

"So, what evidence do you have to prove that Austin had killed the six Wolf Generals?" Theon bristled as well. Though the Blood Wolf Team was formidable, the Sun Sect didn't pale in comparison. He felt he could take the risk and stand his ground in front of Abbott.

"Oh, so you're going to stick up for Austin?" said Abbott coldly, with a threat in his tone.

"Ha-ha, Abbott Nangong, | am the Elder Luo of the Sun Sect. Let's not escalate this anymore. | have an idea if you'd care to listen." Interrupting the tension heightening between Theon and Abbott, a skinny and shrewd old man cforward, completely out of the blue.

He is Jaime, an Elder of the Sun Sect.

"Huh, go head," Abbott snorted indignantly.

"Truth be told, as far as | am concerned, Austin is indeed a bad character, with a wicked mind and evil deeds. Now the Elders of the Flaming Sun Valley are also investigating Austin's murder of his grandchildren in the Sun Sect.

But hold on, Head Nangong. | suggest that when we summon Austin, you ask him face to face and see how he answers. Your eminence can easily determine whether he is the killer or not.

If it is true that Austin killed the six Wolf Generals, as a fair and just sect, we will naturally not shelter Austin and any other rogue disciple.

But, if Austin did not commit the act that you said that he did, you may have then wrongly accused a highly reputed warrior of ours.

What do you think?" After listening to this, Abbott thought that Theon was not easy to deal with. He won't make any headway, if he acted stubborn with Theon.

"Well, then, I'll see what he has to say.” As the tension fizzled out between all of them, the Sun Sect disciples invited them to the palace and took care of their guests.

At the high-level conference hall of the Sun Sect, Theon and the six Elders assembled to discuss the matter among themselves.

They started with the issue by talking about how to deal with the Elders of the Flaming Sun Valley, Dwayne, and the head of the Blood Wolf, Abbott.

As the discussion becmore entangled, the door was flung open by a silhouette.

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"Report, master, | have something important to tell you." "Well, Steward Wen, cin." Steward Wen approached the seating area with strepidation.

This hall was the place where the most important individuals of the sect, namely the Sect Leader and the Elders held meetings.

Even the steward of the sect could not enter just as he willed.

"Sect Leader Xiang, during this period, | found a clue leadingto the whereabouts of Steward Su." "Oh, it has been unknown where Steward Su has been for such a long time. Where did he go?" "I had been spending a lot of tsearching Peace Town and the nearby places, almost in a grid search fashion, before | found out about him.

And finally, Steward Su was found... dead. The last place where he was seen by witnesses was Peace Town.

‘What, Steward Su is dead? Theon and the six Elders were stunned, and then regretted the loss. Johnson had been a steward of the Sun Sect for more than ten years, which in a way made him a senior steward in a way. He was very likely to becan Elder of the Sun Sect in syears.

And now he had an unexpected death.

"Well, did you find out how he died?" "Your Majesty, from what | can gather at the initial stages of my investigation, is that Steward Su's death may have a great deal to do with our disciple, Austin.

The reason why Steward Su went to the Peace Town was to help his nephew our outer disciple, Marvin.

Steward Su disappeared after he arrived in the Peace Town, and then, it was found out that his nephew, Marvin, too disappeared.” Austin! It's him again! Theon and the six Elders exchanged glances as soon as they understood what was going on. How much trouble did Austin heap on their heads?! "Johnson is a steward of the sect. Of course, disputes arise in the sect. But Johnson should have resolved it peacefully to maintain harmony among the sect. How could he help his nephew instead?" said Theon.

"Sect Leader, Steward Su's action may be due to his love for his nephew, but even so, Austin should not have been disrespectful and offend his superior. He dared to kill the Elders of his sect, which is a capital crime! This Austin is proving himself to be evil and causing trouble everywhere. Through his eccentric deeds, he has been tarnishing the image of the Sun Sect everywhere! Sect Leader, | think we should arrest Austin, announce his crimes and punish him by death!" said Jaime, in an eager tone pouncing at the chance to depose him.

"Elder Luo, Austin is a disciple of our sect. Anyway, there is no real evidence. We can't just punish him on mere hearsay.

Let's call Austin back first and start an inquiry before coming to a conclusion.

Yes, | don't think that Austin comes off as an evil person. No one can be wrongly punished without any real evidence.

Even the Flaming Sun Valley and the Blood Wolf Team can't slander my disciples at will." A red-faced Elder said slapping his hand on the table with a loud thud.

"Let's send disciples to call back Austin first. Then we can initiate a thorough investigation before convene on this again.

Of course, if Austin is really a man of great evil, we, the Sun Sect cannot tolerate existence of such black sheep in our family.

Lest we get laughed at by others.”