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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 370 The Purple Blazing Gas Formula (Part Two)
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The fight began. Hasson began displaying his skill. Gradually, a gust of hot air emerged from his body and began to spread around. The temperature skyrocketed so much that people could not stand the hot air and retreated further to escape the heat. Even so, they sweated heavily and all their clothes were soaked. But they still did not leave. The fight that was promised was too fascinating for them to just exit because of a little heat.

As the temperature of the hot air continued to rise, a light purple gas suddenly emanated from Hasson's body and started to whirl around him, the sound like the humming of bees. People estimated that the temperature of the purple gas must be far higher than that of the hot air. As moments passed, the color of the light purple gas darkened and became more visible.

"Have a taste of my Purple Blazing Gas Formula! You can go to hell!" Hasson barked.

Then, from the depths of the purple gas, came a piercing, rumbling sound.

After a while, the purple gas condensed into the shape of a giant purple palm and attacked Austin.

The people held their breath in fear as they watched the palm-shaped gas with open mouths.

The temperature of the surroundings became unbearable as the palm-shaped gas collided with the hot air and all but marched towards Austin.

People were so eager to find out what the palm-shaped gas would do to Austin that they refused to retreat and chose to bear the scorching temperature.

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The palm-shaped gas was now really close to Austin.

But just as it got close enough to touch him, the palm-shaped gas suddenly exploded and dispersed into a cluster of purple cloud.

The purple cloud began to rotate and swirl. Moments later, Austin was completely engulfed in the cloud and could no longer be seen by anyone. People watched, hands on their chest in fright, and some of them even screamed out in terror.

The scorching swirl began taking in and engulfing everything in its course. Tables, chairs, ceramic tiles, everything was wrapped up and thrown into the circle. Since the temperature of the swirl was too high, some objects caught fire and smoke began emanating from the swirl.

Hasson was satisfied by the power he had displayed in front of the crowd. He flaunted his happiness on his face.

"You want to defeat me, Austin? How are you feeling now? Do you even exist anymore? Or am | talking to myself?" Hasson said proudly and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

People began to gossip about the Purple Blazing Gas Formula Hasson had just demonstrated. "I didn't expect the purple palm-shaped gas to explode. Did you see that? Austin must have been roasted by now!" "That is so scary! As one of the Peripatetic Sect's secret skills, the Purple Blazing Gas Formula is indeed powerful.

If demonstrated by one who has achieved the Major Achievement Stage, the temperature of the purple gas would be strong enough to melt rocks and burn anything.

Hasson has neither reached the Major Achievement Stage nor has the ability to demonstrate the Purple Blazing Gas Formula at its highest state. But what he has displayed is still enough for him to burn Austin to the ground." However, as the crowd marveled at Hasson's prominent skill, something astonishing happened.

Everyone present was cocksure that Austin would be dead, that he wouldn't stand a single chance of escaping from such a devastating blow.

Not in their wildest dreams had they thought that they would see someone break through the scorching hot purple swirl. But on this day, they actually saw one do it. When the figure of a man broke through that blazing purple swirl and stepped out of it, a ringing silence fell.

That man was Austin.

Austin had gone greasy black, thanks to the fire, and his clothes had become ragged and torn. But he still looked as energetic and powerful as ever. His dark, bright eyes flickered vigorously under his thick, long eyelashes and his pace was light and swift. People couldn't see the slightest sign of injury in him.

"Fuck, you embarrassed me!" Austin grumbled sulkily as he walked towards Hasson.

People were still in a shocked trance.

Nobody moved; such was the intensity of their astonishment.

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It was like a dream playing out in broad daylight because nobody had anticipated this to happen.

What kind of a person was Austin to be able to withstand a direct blow from a fighter like Hasson? In all honesty, they had never before seen a person as mighty as Austin.

‘Looks like my ability to withstand attacks has climbed up to a new level after | reached the fourth stage of the Overlord Body-refining Formula.

Plus, this Purple Blazing Gas Formula he just used on me is obviously a skill of the masculine kind. So the vital energy impact capability it can release has a strong masculine energy feature.

When the palm-shaped gas had attacked me, | thought | was done for. But the light ball in my elixir field that | had earlier condensed as | practiced the Golden Sun Scripture began to glow and showed a strong desire for the masculine energy contained in the palm-shaped gas.

So the light ball had produced a strong suction and absorbed some of the vital energy impact capabilities that the Purple Blazing Gas Formula had generated.

I had not known that the light ball has the capability to absorb masculine energy on its own! But fortunately, thanks to this and the strength of the fourth stage of the Overlord Body-refining Formula, | was able to withstand the blow of the Purple Blazing Gas Formula. | would probably have been roasted otherwise, * Austin thought grimly to himself.

"What the hell?" Hasson said, stunned.

He hadn't expected in the slightest bit that Austin would emerge from the scorching swirl unscathed. He went completely numb with no idea of how all of this had happened.