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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 449 The Secret Of The Fire Valley
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"Austin, how about joining us? With these notes recorded by the ancestor of the Pure Dream Convent, we know several places in the first circle that have precious medicinal materials.

However, they are being guarded by powerful demonic and diabolic beasts. The two of us won't be able to defeat them.

But with your help, we can get all the medicinal materials and divide them equally. What do you think?" the older woman of the Pure Dream Convent suggested with a hopeful expression on her face.

"Well, you might be right. But letthink about it," Austin said. After a moment's pause, he nodded his head in agreement.

"All right, then. | think that's just fair." 'l don't know where to look for the treasures without the map of the Mysterious Nether World. Since they have their ancestor's notes to guide them, I'd better go with them. That way, | can find more treasures, ' he thought.

"Really? That's great! I'm Iris Huang, by the way.

And this is Anna Zhang," said the older woman cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you, Iris, Anna!" Austin had a good impression of them and was willing to make friends with them. He could tell from their words and deeds that they were both good people.

He also heard that the Pure Dream Convent ranked middle among the sects of Violet Orchid Empire. Strange enough, the members of the sect were all women.

Iris Huang and Anna Zhang were thrilled when Austin agreed to their suggestion. They knew that he was a strong cultivator after witnessing his battles in the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games. With his help, they could deal with those demonic and diabolic beasts guarding the medicinal materials.

"But first, we need to go to the Fire Valley.

Austin, | must tell you that there is a kind of strange demonic beast in the Fire Valley called fire beast.

Its body contains a kind of crystal named fire spirit stone.

This fire spirit stone has an intense masculine energy that can drive away feminine energy.

To be honest with you, the only reason why we took part in the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games is to get in the Mysterious Nether World to find the fire spirit stones.

Our master was hurt by an enemy using sfeminine martial arts skill ten years old. The feminine energy has affected her internal organs.

We need the fire spirit stones to drive out the feminine energy from her body. That is the only way she can get better.

Only with your help can we get those fire spirit stones," Iris Huang said honestly.

‘Fire beast? Fire spirit stone? I've never heard of them before.

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If she's telling the truth, then the masculine energy in the fire spirit stones can helpcultivate the Golden Sun Scripture, ' Austin thought to himself.

"Are fire beasts very powerful?" he asked curiously.

"According to our ancestor's notes, the fire beasts evolve.

The weakest fire beast is equivalent to a level 1 demonic beast, while the strongest one is equivalent to a level 5 demonic beast.

But there could be more. The farthest she had gone into the Fire Valley was only less than two miles.

We don't know whether there are more powerful fire beasts in the depths of the Fire Valley.

Austin, we don't need to get deeper into the Fire Valley. There are fire beasts on the periphery of it. It's safer there and | think they are enough.

Fire beasts on the periphery of the Fire Valley are equivalent to level 2 to level 5 demonic beasts. They are no match for you, Austin. You can easily defeat them," said Iris Huang.

"All right! | won't argue anymore.

Let's get going," urged Austin.

He was more interested in the fire spirit stones.

The masculine energy in the fire spirit stones would be quite helpful to his cultivation of Golden Sun Scripture The three of them finally set off to the Fire Valley. It wasn't a smooth journey, but Austin was very determined to get his hands on those fire spirit stones.

After about six hours, the two ladies stopped.

Austin assumed that they were closer to their destination when he saw flames leaping to the sky ahead of them.

He watched in awe as these flames shoot up to the sky. Iris Huang pointed to the flames and said cheerfully, "Here we are, Austin. Ahead of us is the Fire Valley.

As you can see, the fire there is always burning, hence the nFire Valley." Austin took a closer look and saw that the entrance to the Fire Valley was engulfed in flames. The excitement was written all over his face.

They started walking again. As they got closer to the entrance of the Fire Valley, Austin noticed that the temperature started to get higher. The wind started to sting their skins, and they were now covered in sweats.

Worse was that the flames seemed to be poisonous. The fire poison was seeping into their body through their pores, but they only realized it as they started to feel uncomfortable.

They had to use vital energy force to drive the fire poison out of their bodies.

'Wow! That's interesting! So, it turns out that this Mysterious Nether World is such a weird place," Austin exclaimed in his mind.

With their vital energy force pushing out the fire poison, they managed to arrive at the entrance of the Fire Valley safely.

As they stepped into the entrance, they were instantly welcomed by a fire beast.

With a dazzling blaze, the fire beast approached them in a dash. It looked like a tiger on fire.

But instead of attacking, Austin didn't move. He watched it carefully, trying to study its every detail.

He observed that it was like a fluid—sometimes taking a form and sometimes not. The fire beast could camouflage in the hot mist. Austin was on heightened alert as they were approaching the Fire Valley. However, it amazed him that he didn't sense the fire beast along the way until it showed itself before him.

Good thing Austin had a strong spiritual sense, so the moment the fire beast appeared, he instantly spotted it.

"Austin, be careful! Fire beasts can transform into any other beasts," Iris Huang reminded in a loud voice.

Austin then noticed that the fire beast before Iris Huang looked like a wolf, while the one before Anna Zhang looked like a bull.

'Wow, this is amazing! These fire beasts can turn into different beasts!" he thought.

Austin continued to study the fire beast before him.

Though it looked like a tiger, it seemed rather weak to Austin. It was only equivalent to a level 1 demonic beast or a cultivator at level 2 or level 3 of Energy Gathering Realm. It only had a half body with a head. Below its waist, there was only fire.

Austin shook his head in disappointment. The fire beast, however, didn't wait for Austin to move and took the initiative to attack.

Austin just poked it with his fingertip, and the fire beast easily exploded and vanished into thin air. With less power and move, he was able to defeat the fire beast.

As the fire beast vanished, a dark red sand-like particle fell to the ground. Austin reached out his hand and grabbed it.

'So, is this the fire spirit stone?' he wondered.

It was the first the had seen this kind of thing. He wasn't sure, but he could feel that it must be the fire spirit stone.

'But this is so small! The masculine energy inside the particle is pure, but there is only a little energy, ' he thought. He then used the vital energy to absorb the energy inside the particle. And in the blink of an eye, the fire spirit stone vanished as well.

He was not satisfied with the amount of energy in the fire spirit stone. He wildly guessed that the size of fire spirit stone might have something to do with the strength of a fire beast.

The bigger the fire spirit stone was, the larger the energy it contained. The fire spirit stones from level 1 fire beasts were only the size of a grain of sand.

Thus, he was no longer interested in level 1 fire beasts.

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He knew that he could find higher level fire beasts in the heart of the Fire Valley. So, without thinking any further, he dashed inside the Fire Valley.

As he moved along, he met many level 1 fire beasts, but he didn't stop to kill them. He continued to move into the depth of the Fire Valley. His physical strength was so strong that these fire beasts were like tofu to a sharp sword.

After running for almost 200 meters, Austin sensed something strange.

He abruptly stopped moving to sense his surroundings.

Then, suddenly, four level 4 fire beasts appeared out of nowhere.

Austin felt fear at the sight of the four level 4 fire beasts, not because of their strength, but because they were able to hide within the hot waves in the Fire Valley. Any cultivator could not spot them unless they showed themselves.

And when they showed themselves, one could expect a fatal attack to ensue.

Austin didn't waste any tand killed one of the four level 4 fire beasts.

He then got a fire spirit stone of the size of a pigeon's egg.

It was much bigger than the previous one and Austin guessed that it must contain much energy.

Thrilled by his new fire spirit stone, Austin immediately put it into his Space Ring.

As he moved further into the Fire Valley, Austin kept scanning the areas around him in case powerful fire beasts would launch a sneak attack.

He noticed that the topography was rather strange here. The valley was surrounded by mountains on all sides, looking like a giant pit and it had no trees at all. The valley was so big with seemingly no end in sight. Gullies crisscrossed the whole valley and appeared to be bottomless. The two women couldn't help but shiver at the sight.

However, Austin didn't pay too much attention to it and kept moving.

But suddenly, his facial expression changed. In a moment, he immediately got out of the way.

With his spiritual sense, he sensed an abnormal energy fluctuation in the area. He was familiar with this kind of energy fluctuation—a sign that a fire beast was about to appear and attack.

As he expected, several fire beasts of different looks and levels appeared at the position where he had just been.

He ignored them and was about to leave when the energy fluctuation cagain aiming at where he was standing right now. 'Why are there so many fire beasts?’ he thought.

With a frown, he changed his location again.

Before he could even settle into his new position, another energy fluctuation happened. It started to frustrate Austin.

Meanwhile, the whole valley seemed to start boiling. The energy in the air becunstable. And suddenly, streaks of fires flew out from the gullies and changed into fire beasts of different shapes.

There were so many streaks of flames coming out of the gullies and turning into fire beasts. And Austin could see more flames further away.

His facial expression changed tically.

‘Something is not right! Is this the fire beasts tide?' he wondered.