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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 462 It Is Really Him! (Part Two)
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And yet, to sdegree, they feared for their lives too.

A question cto mind.

The sixth-level diabolic beast's cultivation base was equivalent in strength to a human warrior who was at the basic stage of the Mysterious Realm. Now that they had found at least 50 to 60 dead beasts along the way, they wondered, 'Who possessed such incredible strength? Who could kill these many sixth-level diabolic beasts? It felt like an insurmountable task for just one person. Leo too felt that this was out of depth for him. Rather, he shuddered at the thought, knowing that such a daring act could as well cost him his life.

Again a question echoed in their heads: Who among the 100 warriors in the Mysterious Nether World in the Violet Orchid Empire had such intimidating power? Somehow, finally, everyone cto a vague conclusion together—a certain figure, perhaps the only figure who was capable of this.

Austin! Of course, Austin had been the best of all in the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games, and then he was the mighty warrior who had single-handedly killed Abbott, the head of the Blood Wolf Team, his two guardians and two hundred members of their team.

Abbott and his two guardians’ cultivation bases were all in the Mysterious Realm.

And among the two hundred members of the Blood Wolf Team, there were several dozen warriors whose cultivation bases were in the Earth Realm.

Austin had overpowered all their strengths and impressed his superiority on all the dead irrevocably. The word of his deed had traveled far and wide and now it was imprinted in all four's memories.

Just when Leo and his fellows' thoughts were centered on Austin and the diabolic beasts, there were sudden shouts ahead. Ssort of fighting could be ahead, beyond a patch of trees they could see.

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Everyone shuddered as this was no ordinary forest and the man—who had killed a great number of sixth-level diabolic beasts—might be right ahead.

"Careful everyone! The man ahead is most likely Austin.

And let's keep it down so that we can quietly besiege him. If it really is Austin, there's no need for us to act decent. All we need to do is strike hard at the right tand take him by surprise." Leo whispered all this in a hurry to the group.

As a result then the group decided in unison to use the bodily movement skill to move ahead.

After moving with stealth for a long time, hiding behind shrubs and trees, they cto an open patch.

Here, a huge crowd of mysterious figures were enclosing on a demonic beast.

The beast was a terrifying sight to behold. It was a red python as thick as five human adults. A pair of short fleshy wings spouted from its back giving it all the more dexterity in attack.

Simply put, it was the six-level demonic beast called the Red Blood Magical Python.

The dozen figures, standing around the beast in a circle, were trying hard to bring it down.

Although technically they were laying down a siege, the majority of the attack was coming from a young man in a purple shirt.

He seemed to be holding a dauntingly long blade that was as sharp as a whistle. Every the swung the blade, a blinding light flashed. In a trice, with a first-rate shot, he decapitated the magical creature.

As its head lopped off, the lifeless body swung wildly as if in its last bid to defend itself. As it crashed with a terrifying thud, one could see the deep gashes the blade had made in its several attacks. The python now began to turn grey and shed its magnificent scales one after another. A river of blood seemed to be gushing both from the head and the serpentine flesh.

Despite having a legendary status, the Red Blood Magical Python had held no sway in the face of the attack.

Still, the young man in a purple shirt decided to stab it a dozen more times to ensure that it was after all really dead.

Before the final decapitation, the Red Blood Magical Python had injured two weaker warriors with its vicious fangs. One of them had got his right arm broken while the other had his right leg severed.

Finally, the man in the purple shirt harvested a lotus-shaped five-level elixir from a nearby stream.

Leo and his fellows had already recognized this man as soon as they saw his face.

It was Caden from the Bloody Hero Gang.

But they only decided to reveal themselves, once Caden had killed the Red Blood Magical Python.

"Aha, Caden, indeed, you are really strong and brave.

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So it was you who had killed 50 to 60 diabolic beasts all along this way. We weren't able to kill even half the amount!" Leo laughed and said.

It was true that Leo couldn't believe that Caden had the ability to kill such a great many six-level diabolic beasts.

On the other hand, Caden and his fellows were exhausted by the fight. The bitter fight with the python had drained everyone off their energies.

Once it got over, an unknown group of people coming all of a sudden and facing them had completely taken Caden and his warriors by surprise. They were shocked when they saw so many people but seeing that it was Leo and his warriors felt slightly relieved.

It wasn't that there was no competition between them. As the disciples of the five major sects, there surely was but they still had to maintain a semblance of friendliness.

"Ha ha, Leo, it's not me.

You've already seen how much it took out of us to kill that sixth-level demonic beast.

What you had said about the corpses of 50 to 60 sixth-level diabolic beasts, | didn't kill them.

But I think | know who did." "Who?" Leo, Symon, Garret and Wilson asked at the smoment.

"If I am guessing it right, all of that was Austin's masterpiece," Caden said deliberately.

"Austin!" "Is it really him?" "It Is Really Him!"