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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 4711
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"Sir, this ancient battlefield is much more dangerous than the legend made it out to be. If we had known this earlier, we would

never have chere.

Instead, we would have let them chere themselves,"

a senior member whispered to the leader of the Heavenly Law Sect.

"This place is fraught with mysterious dangers lurking about.

A ghost attackedout of nowhere just now, and it almost made it.

According to my deductions, if we were to sustain any fatal injuries by anything in this ancient battlefield, we would becone

with them and remain trapped here forever, like men stuck in a dream,"

another core member stated, struggling to voice his fears out loud.

"Pipe it down! Enough with this nonsense!

If those two men were to hear you blabbering about like this, we would get in trouble!

Do you think | chere because | wanted to?

I'm only doing this for the welfare of our sect.

| don't need to remind you how dangerous these two young men are.

If we were to do anything to incur their displeasure, our sect will bear the brunt of their wrath."

Helpless, the leader of the Heavenly Law Sect lowered his gaze, letting out a long exasperated sigh.

"That's right.

Choose your words wisely.

Our leader speaks the truth.

For the safety of our sect, we have no choice but to persevere until this situation dissolves.

Besides, | believe the two young men will make sure we remain unharmed under their watch. We can rely on them for now,"

an older senior spoke up, attempting to calm their inner insecurities growing increasingly rampant.

At this point, Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring were already on their way, closing their distance between them and the dozens

of tall figures.

In unison, each of the tall figures unleashed their powerful reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation. The sheer intensity

from it sent shockwaves far and wide, pushing their enemies back, warning them to turn away.

"We'll make you regret ever crossing paths with us!"

Upon announcing their intentions, dozens of ghosts rushed towards Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast, intending to


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Each of the ghosts boasted of unfathomable strength that knew no bounds.

Even though Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast's power was not one to be underestimated, they refused to let down their

guard in the face of these ghosts. With every ounce of strength they could muster up, they traded blows with the enemy.

"Just who are they?"

Before they could register, one of the tall figures rose from his rank, charging relentlessly to close the distance between him and

Austin and the chaotic sky-devouring beast. To their surprise, he was incredibly agile, enough to escape the clutches of the naked

eye, rendering his movements untraceable.

Before they could blink, the man was already in front of them, masquerading as their savior. Upon a closer encounter, the man

appeared to be clad in silver armor from head to toe. Moreover, he carried a massive seal in the palm of his hand, which seemed

weighty at first sight.

Suddenly, the tall man let out an ear-piercing battle cry, triggering something.

Just as the sound escaped his mouth, the seal reacted to his call and flung itself at the ghosts preoccupied with attacking Austin.

Just as quickly as he cto their aid, in a matter of seconds

the ghosts that once posed a threat to Austin's and the beast's lives were reduced to dust, shattered like meager insects, vanishing

into thin air.

After disposing of the ghosts, the man clad in silver armor tilted his head in confusion, eyeing Austin up from head to toe.

"Young man, you seem to give off the saura as that of our race.

Are you also a member of the reincarnation race?"

Cutting straight to the chase, the man asked Austin to dissolve his curiosity.

"Nice to meet you, sir.

My nis Austin Lin, a successor of the reincarnation race."

As a polite gesture, Austin quickly bowed to him in respect.

‘Damn. | can't believe that he really is from the reincarnation race!" Unable to contain his excitement, Austin gushed to himself in

his thoughts.

'l did cacross another elder from the reincarnation race.

Even though he passed away, it doesn't change the fact that he belonged to the reincarnation race."

"I never knew our race had a successor.

That's quite an impressive thing to hear!"

When he heard what Austin had to say, the man's eyes lit up with renewed conviction.

"Sir, may | ask what's happening over there?"

Donning curious eyes, Austin asked, pointing in the direction of the battlefield where a fierce fight was currently taking place.

"Those enemies fighting our people work for the creatures of darkness.

To be rid of our existence entirely, the creatures of darkness have colluded with many forces who share the smotives to

collectively assault us.

Since we didn't receive any intel on the possible attack, we fell short in preparing for it.

As far as the fate of this battle goes, we're clearly at a disadvantage."

Heaving an exasperated sigh, the man in silver explained, hopelessness dribbling from every word he spoke.

"Since we couldn't predict this war, we were taken by surprise.

And that's why the odds are stacked against us in this fight."

Audibly announcing his worst fears, the man shook his head, dejected.

"Sir, do you mean the battlefield here is a part of the road of reincarnation which was destroyed during that battle?"

Austin inquired.

"That's right.

You seem well-informed.

That is correct. This place holds a lot of significance for us. It is one of the places where we confronted the creatures of darkness in


Back then, the creatures of darkness took every underhanded route possible to destroy the road of reincarnation. They formed

alliances with powerful forces to annihilate us, along with the road of reincarnation.

The road of reincarnation existed in every space sea.

Therefore, almost all the space seas turned into battlefields."

With his hands clasped behind his back, the man in silver armor explained their history to Austin.

"l see."

Taking in the information on the events that led to the decline of the reincarnation race, Austin nodded, listening intently.

"You'd best be on your way now, young man. It's not safe to stay here.

Remember to restore the lost glory of our race and rebuild the road of reincarnation. We're all counting on you."

Passing his dreams onto Austin, the man patted his shoulder, slowly pressing his fingers in as a gesture of his faith in him.

"Well. As a matter of fact, the reason why | chere in the first place is to collect the lost fragments of the road of reincarnation.

Once | gather all the fragments, I'll be able to put it back together.

Sir, if you can, can you directto where | might find these fragments in this space sea?"

Austin asked, looking the man dead in the eye.

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"Young man, you should have realized by now. My existence is merely that of a soulless husk, a manifestation of my obsession with

that war.

My existence is limited to this battlefield.

Besides, | have no recollection of everything | had gone through before. The only memories | am left with are of that war.

As far as the road of reincarnation is concerned, the only thing | recall is that it was reduced to pieces in that battle and ceased to


| have no idea where its fragments were scattered. They could be anywhere."

Relaying his helplessness on Austin's predicament, the man shrugged his shoulders.

"So, | can't help you with that, I'm afraid,"

he concluded, apologetically.

"l see."

Unable to mask his disappointment, Austin sounded disheartened.

But he was also convinced that the man was telling the truth.

"Since I'm not much help, how about | propose something else you might find useful? I'll share all my memories lying dormant in

the archives of my limited recollection regarding that war and the road of reincarnation.

Perhaps it will give you an idea of where to look for the fragments,"

the man said, offering up every weapon in his arsenal to aid Austin.

fore his demise. Perhaps his memories can serve their purpose in helping

chances with it." Falling victim to his thoughts, Austin deducted.

r elaborately and pointed it towards Austin. In response to his gesture, a

a, engulfing it in its influence.

tion and the reincarnation race appeared in Austin's Soul Sea,

and the road of resurrection, it held sinstructions on the law of

counted as the man's gift to him.

your shoulders as our successor now.

ay you can make a contribution in restoring our race to its previous glory

leamed with hopes for the future of their race.

that a reality. You have my word,"



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