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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 4946
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"Now are you afraid? Well your fear is useless.

You two are going to die!"

Austin snarled viciously.

"You're far too arrogant, Austin! It will be your undoing!

Do you honestly think you can kill us?"

Austin's words sent the two level-nine governing gods erupting into a rage.

They then used all the powerful skills they had cultivated in a desperate attempt to show they would not be intimidated.

As two outstanding level-nine governing gods, they had practiced many secret cultivation methods throughout their lives.

A great deal of them were core methods of the TChamber Sect.

Being powerful governing gods of their sect, they were naturally qualified to cultivate such methods.

But these two were more than just strong. They were the brightest prospects to potentially break through to becgods of


The leaders of the TChamber Sect had granted them large amounts of resources to assist in their cultivation. They were even

personally guided by many gods of chaos from their sect.

There was no question that these two level-nine governing gods' combat effectiveness was something to behold.

In the past, Austin would not have stood a chance against them.

Now, however, he had more than enough strength to dispose of them.

The battle broke out and in the heat of it, Austin unleashed magnificent mind power that penetrated into the governing gods’

bodies, hampering their movements and drastically reducing their fighting power.

After a fiercely fought, savage battle, Austin killed the two mighty governing gods of the TChamber Sect.

"How is this possible? How, with our strength are we dying at the hands of a young man like you!

This cannot be! | can't accept this!"


It's not true!" the other governing god added his cries to their demise.

Both the level-nine governing gods roared desperately and despondently as their lives were taken from them.

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And soon after, their bodies exploded and their souls were completely destroyed!

Austin turned to the other members of his team.

There were more than two hundred governing gods here in the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea. Now, as he glanced around, he found

only a few dozen of them still left. It seemed his companions had killed more than a hundred.

"Very good. The governing gods of the TChamber Sect are not ones to be looked down upon. Many of them are at level-seven

or level-eight. My companions’ fighting capacity must be far beyond what it used to be if they're able to take out more than a

hundred of them in such a short time."

Austin nodded, watching with satisfaction.

At the stime...

Two groups of the darkness race's wizards were busily deducing in the Cloudy Sky Space Sea and the Heavenly Cultivation Space

Sea at the stime.

"As suspected, this was the doing of Austin and the other successors of the reincarnation race. | have quite clearly discovered their

figures, auras, and their movements here!"

a wizard exclaimed, standing in the Heavenly Cultivation Space Sea.

"Wizard, are you able to deduce their current whereabouts?"

Bartholomew asked immediately.

"Lord Bartholomew, if you would be so kind as to wait a moment, | will find out where Austin and the other successors are right


| have already gathered sclues. This should not take long!"

replied another of the wizards.

"That's great!

Please find them as soon as possible!

I've already arranged an army of troops. Once we know where they are, the masters of our TChamber Sect will waste no time

in setting out to give them what they deserve!"

Bartholomew said excitedly.

The wizards then continued their deduction.

A moment later...

"Lord Bartholomew, | have good news!

I know where Austin and the others are!"

shouted a wizard suddenly.

"Really? Have you really found them?

That's amazing to hear.

Tellwhere Austin is right now!"

Bartholomew snapped, exhilarated and trembling with excitement.

He was doing all he could to contain his eagerness to get out there and get a hold of Austin.

"Lord Bartholomew, they're in the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea,"

the wizard replied dutifully.

"The Heavenly Spirit Space Sea? That...

That's one of our TChamber Sect's most important strongholds, isn't it?

Are they attacking it?"

The wizard's words had stunned Bartholomew and left him frozen in incredulity.

"Yes, they are indeed attacking the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea, as we speak.

| have also learned that the TChamber Sect's two most powerful level-nine governing gods in the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea,

have been killed.

In fact, almost all the governing gods there have died. There are only just over thirty remaining,"

revealed the wizard.

"How is that possible?

There were more than two hundred of them there. You're tellingthere's only thirty left?

How is this possible? Have they killed more than a hundred governing gods?

Damn them! These successors are getting too bold. They don't seem to be taking our TChamber Sect seriously at all!

Well, just wait and see. We will not spare them! They will not get away with this!

We will get our revenge!

All those successors of the reincarnation race will die miserable deaths!

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They must pay for what they've done!"

Bartholomew's fury was bursting out of every orifice.

Several of the TChamber Sect's strongholds had been destroyed by Austin and his gang quite recently.

The TChamber Sect had not been provoked like this for many ages.

Bartholomew roared out his frustrations before giving the order.

A large number of masters, most of whom were gods of chaos, immediately headed for the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea.

At the stime, Bartholomew conveyed the news to the other eight leaders of the TChamber Sect.

"Tell everyone to form up in a circle and surround Austin and his despicable companions. They won't be able to escape even if they

want to!"

ordered one of the leaders.

"That's a fantastic idea!"

The rest nodded in agreement with this plan of attack.

The masters of the TChamber Sect then encircled the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea from a distance, cutting off all routes of


They then used their bodily movement skills and one by one, they charged into the space sea in front of them.

Among them were more than twenty gods of chaos, all acting together!

In an instant, the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea was under siege.

Meanwhile, in the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea.

The chaotic sky-devouring beast, the leader of the Reincarnation Palace and the others had already killed all the governing gods of

the TChamber Sect.

Everyone then joined together to wipe out the rest of the people from the sect.

The stronghold was finally decimated!

"Damn it!

We're surrounded!"

Austin said, his face changing suddenly when he realized the situation they were in.

He could feel that more than twenty terrifying auras had locked onto the Heavenly Spirit Space Sea.

A massive force of powerful warriors had undoubtedly surrounded the space sea.