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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 495
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Having observed the ten mysterious young men who were surrounded by demonic aura, Austin deduced from their weird bodily movement skills and the special vital energy force that surrounded each, that they were from the Ghost Sect. He had no idea how they had managed to gain access into the Mysterious Nether World. They might have disguised themselves by joining the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games.

There must have been a lot of plotting and scheming involved in that! However, even if Austin had seen through them, he would not interfere in the matter. He always tried to avoid unnecessary trouble. He would not antagonize others unless he was first offended. As the saying went, "The well water does not intrude into the river water—each one minds his own business".

It was an undeniable fact that among the different cultivators scrambling for the martial skill jade slips in the palace, Austin was the fastest to react.

He used the Wind-commanding Skill to the fullest. Austin really outdid himself this time.

A single stride by him crossed a span of 250 meters! Besides, Austin's spiritual sense power had far overtaken that of any Sky Realm warriors. With the help of his spiritual sense, he was able to keep track of the motion, curve, direction, speed of every colorful jade slip that flew around in the palace. It was as if he knew them like the palm of his hand.

Moreover, he was able to focus on the sixth grade martial skill jade slips and targeted them successfully.

His innate lightning fast speed, together with the powerful spiritual sense, allowed Austin to catch a sixth grade colorful jade slip with every stride.

In a short span, he had already gathered seventeen or eighteen sixth grade jade slips! This was a most remarkable feat. Obviously, he was the one who managed to harvest the most treasures among all of the cultivators in the palace.

Soon Austin's outstanding performance had attracted the attention of everyone who had gathered around.

The ten intruders from the Ghost Sect had already irritated the warriors from the royal house. But now Austin had also joined the challenge, and he posed a great threat to them. The group of royal warriors couldn't restrain their anger any longer. They shouted and cursed in a blind fury at Austin, Dewey, and the others.

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Bruce and Graham were the most vexed. The moment that they saw Austin grabbing so many marital skill jade slips and within such a short time, while they had only managed a measly four or five, they bristled with rage. They looked at him ferociously, their eyes glowing with killing intent, as if they would devour him immediately.

"Damn you, asshole! Now you're only courting death!" Bruce and Graham lifted their hands in concerted effort. Within an instant, two streams of strong vital energy force surged from them, seeking to attack Austin from behind.

"Huh!" Austin sneered. He held nothing but contempt for their backhanded challenge. It lacked honor and would earn them no respect from him.

Before their vital energy force had left their bodies, Austin's spiritual sense had already perceived the attacking move. He snorted in disgust. But he also knew that they were both at the Sky Realm level and their formidable strengths were to be reckoned with.

Austin flashed away, leaving only a vague shadow trailing behind. In the blink of an eye, he was already 250 meters away. His incredibly fast speed enabled him to easily dodge their attacks. At the sthe reached out his hand and seized yet another sixth grade colorful jade slip from the air! Adding insult to injury.

Bang! The powerful attacks from Bruce and Graham's vital energy forces missed Austin and hit the black shadow on the ground. With a powerful concussive force, a dozen marble slabs were crushed into smaller pieces. Stones quickly exploded out and were shot upwards into the air. A huge hole, four or five meters deep and several meters wide, had appeared on the ground.

As their target eluded them, Bruce and Graham glared after Austin more viciously and resentfully.

"Brothers, he is the one | mentioned—Austin. He has previously injured several of our men. Don't allow him to escape!" As soon as Bruce and Graham had launched their attacks, Tolkien, who had been with Philip had immediately turned to look at what was going on. And when he realized that Austin was among the group of treasure hunters, he immediately shouted aloud, "You there, Austin!? You dared to be disrespectful to royal warriors? You are guilty of terrible crimes! Huh, | shall now give you a last chance to atone for your crimes. Take out all the sixth grade jade slips which you have claimed and leave the Emperor Library, then | will let it pass.

Austin, you're making a big mistake if you think that you are somebody just because you have reached the Mysterious Realm. If you don't do as | tell you, then when we leave the Mysterious Nether World, | shall hunt you down to the ends of the world. Do you think that with your ridiculously low cultivation base, you could possibly escape to somewhere? Not just anyone can get their hands on the treasures of the Emperor Library!" Graham said coldly to Austin, his eyes filled with a threat of resorting to violence.

In Graham's mind, Austin, who had only reached the Mysterious Realm of vital energy, was a nobody. In his eyes Austin was worth less than an insect. Once Graham returned from the Mysterious Nether World, it would be a piece of cake for him to kill Austin, given that Graham had a much stronger cultivation base than Austin.

"Ha-ha! The royals always like to put on airs. You do indeed look intimidating! But there are so many treasures which no one has claimed ownership of. Are you sure that you royals really have the ability to take them all? That's a huge number.

Cut the crap! It's a competition. And he that gets to them first, claims ownership," Austin laughed at Graham's threat.

Before, when Austin had been at the Earth Realm, he had offended the Flaming Sun Valley and Blood Wolf Team, and even then, there was never even a moment when he had felt fear at confronting those two powerful forces.

His strong will in martial arts told him to forge ahead, and that nothing could ever hold him back. He was not the kind of warrior who would flinch at mere threats. Even though the enemies which he now faced were Sky Realm masters from the royal house, he didn't show the slightest inkling of fear. On the contrary, he was flaunting an arrogant demeanor, with an expression filled with domineering confidence and pride.

At the present, to seize the treasures was to seize all. Austin immediately took two consecutive strides and seized two sixth grade colorful marital arts skill jade slips. He swiftly locked them away in his Space Ring.

While Bruce and Graham were attacking Austin and threatening him, the three Sky Realm warriors from the Ghost Sect paid no attention to the ruckus at all. They were seizing every moment to facilitate their excellent bodily movement skills and catch the martial skill jade slips.

Bruce and Graham saw that everyone was busy claiming the treasures, so they stopped fighting with Austin and turned around to chase the remaining Jade Slips. Occasionally, when they glanced at Austin though, their eyes were malicious and full of killing intent. Obviously, they would never forget their hatred towards him. Sooner or later, they would make him pay.

Austin had caught about twenty sixth grade martial skill jade slips already. Now all the remaining jade slips in the hall were of grade five or grade six. All the other sixth grade martial skill jade slips had been collected by those cultivators.

Realizing this, Austin decided to move to the next step. He immediately flashed to Dewey in several strides.

"Dewey, notify the others that you must get out of the palace right now, and find a place to hide.

Act quickly, or the chance will be gone.

| will get out later and join you.

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The royal cultivators in the palace might intend to cause trouble for us.

And those ten mysterious guys are not good people. They seem to be dangerous!" "Oh? Tin, won't you cwith us?" Dewey was confused by Austin's words of warning.

"No. I'm going to explore the second and third floors.

Quickly! You'd better retreat now," Austin reminded. Then he summoned Violet. In a flash, she materialized with a green mist and hid in the Illusion Bead.

Austin leaned forward with effort and flashed over to the far end of the palace with lightning speed, casting only shadows on the ground. At the end of the passageway was another gate that barred their way up to the second floor of the palace.

Dewey was usually rather slow in thinking and often looked dumb. But now, his mind was clearer than ever. He knew instinctively that the best tto get out of the palace was now.

Without any hesitation, he immediately sent the message to Maria, Iris, and Anna and they all quietly retreated.

At that moment, the other warriors were still busily engaged in the scramble for the remaining martial skill jade slips.

Austin reached the entrance leading up to the second floor of the palace in ten strides, leaving ten shadows on the ground. Without hesitation, he rushed in.

He entered a hall, much smaller than the one on the first floor—it was about two hundred square meters in size. Cautiously he stepped forward, his eyes glittering.

Ten colorful jade slips were floating in the air. Above each of them hovered a glowing, ethereal character which read, "Seven".

Seventh grade martial skill jade slips! Austin was so excited. All together ten sets of seventh grade martial skill jade slips were hovering right before his eyes!