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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 5212
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"How are things going, Austin? Did the wizard die?"

the infinity beast asked.

At that time, the infinity beast, Crosby, and the fire source beast had all ceased their attacks and were looking at Austin


"It looks like he's dead, but | can still vaguely feel sof his aura. It is extremely weak.

| think something is wrong,"

Austin said, carefully sensing his surroundings again.

"If you can still feel his aura, it means that he is still alive.

If he were dead, there would be no aura left at all,"

the infinity beast said.

"That's right.

If you can still feel sof it, no matter how weak it is, it means that he is not really dead,"

Crosby said, nodding his head.

"You are right, sirs.

The wizard's life energy is very determined! It's still holding on!"

Austin exclaimed, sighing and slumping his shoulders.

"We already knew that the life energy of the darkness race is very strong. That wizard is an elite member from the darkness race,

so his life energy is even more powerful,"

Crosby explained.

"But he is inside my worlds of mind power. If he is not dead yet, | should be able to feel his presence and find him."

Austin frowned.

"Lettry one more time. I'll make sure | look extra carefully,"

he added.

Then, he closed his eyes and activated his hundreds of worlds of mind power, releasing a steady flow of mind power energy. He

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searched in every corner of his worlds of mind power for the wizard.

He sifted through a large amount of dark energy and laws of darkness, and all he could manage to find was sof Cain's very

weak aura.

In fact, it was so faint that it could have almost been missed or ignored.

"Hmm... Is there something wrong with my sensation? Is it my illusion?

Or is he already dead?"

Austin asked himself.

In the meantime, right outside of Austin's worlds of mind power, a fierce battle was going on.


I'm coming to save you!"

the second Lord of Darkness yelled desperately as he temporarily broke through the second Lord of Reincarnation's defenses and

rushed towards Austin and his companions.

"Just watch! All of you are going to die!"

The second Lord of Darkness retracted his arm and threw a heavy punch. It flew through the air, heading straight for Austin and his


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Endless dark energy and laws of darkness shot out from the palm.

On his palm, there seemed to be stars that were rotating and destroying the surrounding space and time. It looked like he was

trying to create a new world.

Austin and his companions stared at it as it got closer and closer. It was large enough to hold a world that contained countless

stars. It wanted to capture Austin and his companions, suppress them, and then melt them.

"Run! All of you!"

the second Lord of Reincarnation shouted while he trailed behind the Lord of Darkness.

It had been his carelessness that allowed the second Lord of Darkness to break through his defenses and he felt bad about it.

"Let's go!

We can't fight against the three Lords of Darkness and win!"

Crosby yelled. There was a hint of fear in his voice.

"Go! Run!"

The infinity beast nodded, turning around.

Both Crosby and the infinity beast were gods of chaos and they had been alive for a long time. They understood how the strength

of the three Lords of Darkness was better than anybody else.

Without any hesitation, Crosby, the infinity beast, Austin, and the fire source beast all scattered.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

When they looked over their shoulders, they saw that the palm of the second Lord of Darkness was chasing after them.

Suddenly, beams of black energy light shot out from the palm.

It was like black arrows aiming at Austin and his companions.

All of them were extremely powerful, shattering space and tinto pieces wherever they passed.

"The Lords of Darkness are just as strong as everyone says!"

As they felt terrifying power of the black arrows chasing after them, Austin and his companions were beginning to panic. They

didn't know how they were going to escape.

Fortunately, the second Lord of Reincarnation arrived before they had to worry too much about it.

"How could you bully the younger generation? You are despicable!"

the second Lord of Reincarnation roared, stretching out a palm to attack the Lord of Darkness.

Beams of white light shot out from his palm.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Before long, the two palms caught up with each other and collided.

"Go to hell!"

the second Lord of Reincarnation roared.

His long, black hair was flying behind him in the air, and his eyes were as deep as the ocean.

Raising his arms, he clenched his hands into two fists and punched forward.

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Because he was one of the most powerful warriors in the Absolute Space Sea, the second Lord of Reincarnation released a large

amount of energy with every move he made.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

the second Lord of Darkness yelled, sending an attack.

Within seconds, they were locked in another battle, causing more spaces and times to collapse.

Countless fragments of space and twere floating in the air like the pieces of a mobile.

Currently, the first Lord of Darkness and the third Lord of Darkness had also broken through the defenses and were heading

towards them.

"Cain, are you still holding on?"

the first Lord of Darkness asked in a loud voice.

By now, Austin, Crosby, the infinity beast, and the fire source beast had run very far. When they heard voice of the first Lord of

Darkness, they stopped and looked back.

"Wait. Is the wizard dead or not?"

Austin murmured, staring into the distance and hoping to find the answer.

The spot where he had run from was still just full of dark energy and laws of darkness. There was no aura or sign of Cain.

"I didn't die, but I'm seriously injured."

A faint voice reached all of their ears.

Slowly, the dark energy and the laws of darkness started to shrink and fade before condensing into a figure.

It was Cain!

"The wizard is still alive!"

Austin exclaimed, feeling shock rush through him.

"This is almost unbelievable. We killed so many of his avatars, but we still haven't killed him!"

the infinity beast added, sighing.

"What a shame! The wizard has a very high status among the darkness race's wizards because of his deduction abilities.

That's why the three Lords of Darkness care about him so much!

It's a pity that we failed to kill him.

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