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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 531
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"Mike, what's going on?" Austin asked seriously as he quietly sat in the audience hall.

Upon hearing his question, Mike immediately filled him in on what occurred without missing a single detail.

According to his story, the warriors who were currently residing in the Royal Palace were all supported by the royal household, and were all in-debt in them.

But it was not long after Austin entered the Mysterious Nether World, when a man who went by the nGloomy Mountain Ancestor, whose real identity was Soren, proudly barged into the Austin Palace and started demanding a thousand vital energy crystals every day. He also required them to send their servants to do all the chores in his house.

Mike, Evan, and Herbert refused his unreasonable demands which were out of the blue, and decided to teach him a lesson instead and drive him away. However, when Soren started attacking them, the men realized that he was at the premium stage of Mysterious Realm.

Since the most powerful among them who were currently in Austin Palace was at the medium stage of Earth Real, they suddenly realized that they were no match against someone of Soren's caliber. They were like kids trying to fight a grown man.

In the end, every last one of the members of Austin Palace was beaten to a pulp. Swere killed and others were in critical condition.

More than 60 guards were easily killed by Soren's attacks.

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Cornered with no chance of retaliation, Mike had no choice but to give in to the mad man's unreasonable requests in order to save the rest of the men and to ensure a short-lived peace in the Palace.

Austin was already about to explode with anger and fury, and revenge was already formulating in his mind as he listened to Mike recounted the events.

He already knew that Soren was after him, hence the sudden surprise visit.

People who were living in the Austin Palace—Ivy, Sue, Evan, Herbert, and Mike were Austin's relatives and best friends, and each of them were significantly important to him. And they were placed under grave danger because of him.

Soren had definitely crossed the line. What he had done was way beyond forgivable, so Austin had already decided to kill the man in the back of his mind.

"Why don't you ask Prince Reuben or other members of the royal household for help? They won't refuse you," Austin asked confusedly. Prince Reuben had ingratiated him for a long time, so he wouldn't turn a blind eye to Soren.

"Austin, Soren had kept us on a tight leash since | accepted his requests. He watched our every move like a hawk. Nobody could get in or out the Palace without Soren's permission.

He had placed us under house arrest for almost a month now!" Mike said furiously, as he remembered his experience under Soren's tyranny.

"Oh? | see." Austin's eyes flared with so much hatred and anger, and he could actually kill Soren with just one glance.

Soren's tyrannous actions in the Austin Palace were completely beyond his patience.

While they were talking, Ivy and Sue rushed into the hall the moment they heard that Austin had returned.

"Honey, you are finally back!" Sue hugged Austin tightly, and tears flowed down her pretty cheeks. She had pined away ever since Austin left, and the long period of separation had taken a toll in her body, mind and heart. She missed Austin so much, and she felt she was in heaven when Austin stood before her and gave her a warm embrace.

Ivy, who used to be bashful, also took Austin's hand in hers like she never wanted to let go. Despite her silence, Austin could tell that she cared a lot because of the sadness and love which shone from her eyes.

He also missed his beautiful wives so much. It was like he was separated from his heart for so long, and had just recently reunited with it.

They clung to each other in the hall, and their hearts were full of happiness. They stuck together like glue, never wanting to let go.

However, a commotion suddenly happened outside of the Austin Palace.

Shoop! Shoop! Shoop! Ten figures suddenly swoop down in to the Austin Palace.

Over six hundred guards were right behind their heels. All of which were equipped with swords, and marched towards the palace with overbearing arrogance.

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Within a few minutes, the ten figures had floated down from the sky and stood before the gate of the Austin Palace.

The vital energy forces they emitted were overwhelming. It was obvious that they were masters at the Mysterious Realm.

A team formed by ten masters at the Mysterious Realm was a force to be reckoned with in the Violet Orchid Empire. They were extremely powerful, and were worth a thousand soldiers.

Shortly after they arrived at the Austin Palace, their guards also stopped marching behind them quietly.

"Go and surround this place. Kill everyone and anything who breathes in the Austin Palace. Don't spare anyone, not even their fowls and dogs." One of the leaders of the team was an old and sullen-faced man clad in black. Gathering his vital energy between his hands, the old man placed his palm on the gate which crumbled right before his eyes. It was as if the gate was only made of biscuits which easily cracked and disintegrated.

Bang! The Austin Palace's heavy door flew into the yard which created a thundering and booming sound.

"What the hell is going on?" The servants who were busy doing chores hastily ran over to see what had happened, as well as the guards who were patrolling the area.

As soon as they got out of the palace, they were surprised that their house was surrounded by hundreds of guards armed for battle. Fear suddenly took hold of them.

The ten leaders all emitted an overwhelming vital energy force, which froze the servants in place, effectively preventing them from moving and escaping.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" The servants didn't stand a chance to withstand the pressure and were forced to kneel on the ground, along with the successive sounds of crackling. They fell like dominoes one by one.

Most of Austin's guards and servants were only at the Energy Gathering Realm. They wouldn't stand a chance and resist the attacks from the ten masters at the Mysterious Realm. They were so strong that even the pressure from their vital energy force was able to kill all of Austin's guards and servants.

Although they were pressed down on their knees flat on the ground, they still looked firm and unyielding. Even these enemies were overwhelmed by just how loyal they were towards Austin. In the face of death, they still remained determined out of respect for him.