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The Understated Dragon Lord

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132 He's Just an Assistant "Well, why would I refuse? I'm surely not going to lose like you," Daniel responded with a chuckle, heading over to the lower-priced section and selecting a small, inconspicuous stone with a rough surface, barely the size of a fist.

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"This one's my pick." When Andrew saw the stone Daniel chose, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha...!" he jeered before continu did you?" ou didn't pick that ugly little rock just because it was cheap, "It is cheap! It's the cheapest one of them all, costing only 50,000," Daniel replied, prompting another round of laughter from Andrew.

"Henry couldn't help but speak up, "I thought you, a country boy, might actually know something about jade gambling. Turns out you don't know a thing. Do you think you just have to choose the cheapest stone and, relying on your luck, you might get it right just once? If you're correct once, all previous losses are recovered?" "The essence of Jade Gambling is cobbling, right?" Daniel replied. "You have to gamble with a small stake to win more; isn't that how it works?" After both Andrew and Henry had their laughs, Henry tried to give swell-intended advice, "You country boy, I presyou don't cby money easily, and jade gambling is way out of your league. So, my advice is it's best if you do not play.

If you purchase this stone for 50,000, I can assure you, you won't even find the smallest piece of jade inside. Once you buy this stone, you'll have lost 50,000!" "I don't care about the 50,000-it's not like it's coming out of my paycheck! This money was given toby my boss; it's not yours to worry about, you blind old fool!" Brittany, who had always disliked Daniel, felt this was an opportunity. She turned to make Jessica see how Daniel was spending her money carelessly.

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"Jessica, listen to what he just said! He's playing around with your money without a care, saying 'it's not my payroll'. He doesn't have any element of concern for these losses." Jessica intervened, "You don't have to worry about him; that ten million is his to use as he pleases." Brittany's jealousy was evident, and she couldn't help but complain, “Dear Jessica, this country bumpkin is just an assistant, don't you think you're favoring him a bit too much? You're talking about ten million, not just a thousand!" "Daniel may just be an assistant, but he's no ordinary one. He's never letdown, always bringing great surprises, and this twill be no different. We must absolutely trust him. It's only with our unconditional trust that he can surprise, us again." Skeptically, Brittany muttered, “Surprise? I seriously doubt he'll bring any surprises." Chapter 132 He's Just an Assistant 212 Jessica didn't respond verbally but gave Brittany a warning glare that compelled her to keep her mouth shut.

Daniel paid 50,000 and acquired that ugly stone.

Andrew, still somewhat baffled by Daniel's confidence mockingly m asked, "You country boy, you really think you're so smart?"

Daniel then made Andrew an offer that intrigued him even if just for a moment, "Andrew, that stone holds jade worth at least five million. You just lost dearly two two million. I can give you a chance to recover that. If you spend three million to buy this stone fromand extract the jade, you could sell it for five million. That way, you can easily win back the 1.9 million you lost, and then some."

Andrew's response was a cold sneer and a tone full of disdain. "You think ove as foolish as you, country boy?" X