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The Understated Dragon Lord

Chapter 833
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Chapter 833 Smart Jax "I'm laughing at you, you pussy!" the boar's hoof replied, rolling around on the ground while laughing.

"Hee hee hee hee..." Chloe joined in, her laughter making her whole body shake.

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"Ha ha ha ha...!" she laughed, patting Daniel on the shoulder. "Troublemaker, did you hear that? Even a black hoof is laughing at you! Calling you a pussy! Ha ha ha..." "Oh, I'm a pussy? So, does that make you a dick?" Daniel quipped back, causing Chloe's face to flush red.

"Givea break! You troublemaker, stop talking nonsense!!" she quickly retorted.

After chastising Daniel, Chloe turned to the black hoof and commanded, "Black hoof, lead the way and take us to the cave to rescue the hostage.' "Yes, pretty lady!" the hoof responded, taking the lead.

The black hoof led the group through the unfinished villa area, finally arriving at the entrance of a cave. The entrance was overgrown with grass, but there were clearly visible footprints leading inside.

This was the cave! The inside of the cave looked dark and endless, exuding a chill that could be felt even at the entrance. The temperature there was colder than standing outside a freezer.

"The kidnappers, that Evil Raiser, and the hostage are all inside this cave," Daniel said. Then he turned to Jax and added, "Jax, you go first. Lead the way." The moment Daniel suggested Jax lead, he immediately refused.

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"Why should I go first? No way! I'm too old for this, and I have rheumatism. With that kind of chill, my condition could get worse.

you should lead, troublemaker, since you're the one who said the kidnappers and the hostage are inside. You should prove you're not lying." Jax's reasoning sounded quite convincing.

Daniel turned to Chloe with a grin. "Chloe, you're the captain! Shouldn't there be consequences for a team member refusing orders? Like demotion or docked pay?" Before Chloe could respond, Jax quickly spoke up.

"Troublemaker, stop trying to stir up trouble! When did I ever refuse orders? I'm not backing out! I'm just saying, you brought us here, so you must know the way best. Naturally, you should go first and lead.

As for me, I have a more important role. I need to stay at the back and cover our rear. Just in case we get ambushed from behind, I'll handle it." Jax was smart. He knew the O kidnappers could only be located ahead, not behind them. Whoever went first would be in the most danger of getting shot. These kidnappers had sophisticated equipment, including not just AKs but even sniper rifles. Whoever led the way would be an easy target for their snipers. X