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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 170
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 170



I couldn’t find Dante anywhere. After Sharon had the worst things to say about our marriage, he’d


A part of me was hoping that he would defend me. However, I knew that only in my dreams would

Dante ever stand up for me in front of so many people or even treat me like his wife.

“I swear I hate girls like Sharon.” Autumn mumbles. “Why can’t they just mind their own business?”

“Because that’s their business,” Clarissa answers her. “Gossiping about everyone but themselves.”

“I can see now why my mother never wanted me to attend any schools,” I say while deep in thought.

“She kept me home to protect me from the outside world. But it also left me without any experience.

This is all so new to me.”

“Dante’s back,” Autumn informs me.

I can’t help myself as I follow her gaze. I wanted to stare at him even if he could see me.

His eyes aren’t on me; it’s on Sharon and her friends. I’ve never seen him look at another woman

except my sister; it made me uncomfortable to see him look at her. She catches his gaze and blushes.

I cringe at the sight. His eyes are emotionless as he approaches me.

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“There’s something I want to give to you, Willow.” He informs me.

Something that he wanted to give to me? What could that be?

“I should have given you this a long time ago.” He says as he pulls something out of his pocket. “I’m

sorry that I took this long.”

When he opens the tiny box, I’m almost blinded by the diamond inside. My lips part, shocked at the ring

in front of me.’

“This is for me?” I ask in disbelief.

He nods, “You’re my wife. This is your ring.”

My bottom lip trembles at his words. This couldn’t be real. It had to be a dream. There are gasps all

around us as he removes the ring from the box.

“Give me your hand.” He tells me. “Please.”

I do as he asks, and he quickly puts the ring onto my finger. It was a perfect fit. How did he know my


“Don’t ever take it off.” He orders.

I could hear the gasps all around me as everyone admired the ring now on my finger. When did he buy

this ring for me? And why did he decide to get it? Dante has never once acted like my husband. Why

would he suddenly do something like this in front of so many people?

His actions confused me and also made my heart flutter. I didn’t like it. I was okay with having a crush

on him, but this feeling was much stronger. It made me want him even more than before. It was almost


“Can I see it?” Someone whose name I couldn’t remember asked me. She wasn’t the only one;

everyone surrounded me while trying to get a better look at the ring.

“I’ve never seen any ring this beautiful.” She whispers while admiring it.

“Let’s give Willow some space,” Autumn announces as she takes my hand and helps me to escape.

I look behind me, searching for Dante. He’d disappeared in the crowd.

“Why did Dante get me a ring?” I ask Autumn as I stare at the sparking diamond before me. “It’s

beautiful. The most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned.”

Autumn smiles, “it’s about time he did something nice for you. But I’m just as surprised as you are.

Maybe he’s finally growing a conscience. Either way, I’m happy that he did. You deserve this and much


I didn’t do anything to deserve something like this. Dante’s actions had me very confused.

“It fits you perfectly,” Autumn tells me. “It means he had your measurements already.”

“How?” I ask. “I’ve never given it to him.”

She shrugs her shoulders, “Only he has that answer.”

My lips parted when I saw him speaking to Sharon. What could he possibly be saying to her? She

looked excited that he was giving her some attention. It made me angry. My eyes narrowed, and I felt

like pulling her hair.

“You’re jealous.” Autumn points out in excitement. “You’re jealous. My suspicions were right. You do

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like him.”

“Why is he talking to her?” I ask. “She was so mean to me earlier.”

I bite my lip to stop myself from saying anything further. I didn’t control Dante; he could do as he

pleased. However, the anger inside of me only intensified the longer he stood talking to her.

“He’s never even given another girl a second glance. Anya is all he’s ever been interested in.” I point

out. “I don’t understand why he would talk to her.”

“I’m sure there is a logical reason.” Autumn tries to assure me. “He’s your husband, Willow. If you have

a question, you can ask him. I also feel like it’s times you sleep in the same room with him.”

“They don’t even sleep in the same room?” Someone asks behind us. Autumn freezes.

We both spun around to see who it was, but the girl was already running and announcing this new

information to everyone. The girls were laughing and giggling while pointing at me.

Autumn slaps a hand over her head, “I’m so sorry, Willow. I didn’t know anyone was listening to us. I

should have paid better attention to our surroundings.”

“It’s okay,” I promise her. “It’s not your fault. I’m sure they would have found some way to get this

information. Everyone should know now than finding it out later.”

I didn’t want Autumn to feel bad; she was too nice. I was getting used to the bullies from the academy.

It still hurt when they tried to bring me down, but I was gaining the experience I needed to fit in.

Dante looks over at me as the laughter continues, and I think I see regret in his eyes for a split second.

My jaw clenches when Sharon leans into him.

“I don’t want to be here anymore,” I tell Autumn. “Can we please leave?”