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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 186
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 186



Everyone is shocked to see Dante’s anger towards his brother. One minute he was this gentle person

taking care of me, and the next, he was this raging beast ready to take on his brothers.

I didn’t understand why he was this angry. So what if they brought me along with them? Why should

that make him this angry?

“Why are you blaming Atticus?” Damon growls. “It’s your recklessness that f*****g caused all of this in

the first place!”

“Please calm down, Dante.” Clarissa tries to lighten the mood. “I know this entire experience was

stressful, but there’s no need to blame anyone. We can all be adults about this. The main thing is that

Willow is now safe from any harm.”

“None of you were supposed to be there!” He growls. “It’s the one place I go to release my anger. Yet

all of you followed me there and messed everything up! I was supposed to lose that f*****g fight!”

“What the hell were we supposed to do?” Atticus demands. “Watch you get beat up? And what the f**k

is wrong with you? Why did you lie there and let that man kick your a*s? Why are you constantly happy

to get your a*s beaten up?”

“f**k!” Damon growls. “If you want to get your a*s beaten up so much, you could ask the two of us. We

would happily knock some sense into you!”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I knew they were only angry because they cared about their brother. It was their love for him that made

them react this way. I wish that Dante could understand them.

“Guys,” Autumn says as she steps between Atticus and Dante. “Please remember that Willow has still

not fully recovered. I think it’s best we leave this for another time. Dante should take her home so that

she could get some rest and heal the right way.”

I’d almost forgotten about fainting.

Dante looks over at me the second she mentions my name.

I watch nervously as he approaches me, “does anywhere hurt?” he asks gently.

The genuine concern in his voice takes me by surprise. He was angry with me earlier; why was he

acting so differently suddenly? Did he forget all about the kissing booth already?

“I’m okay.”

I was okay, physically, at least. Emotionally I was a wreck, and he was the reason for it.

Seeing him at the fighting ring with blood all over his body made me realize something I didn’t know


My feelings for him weren’t just some simple crush. It’s much, much stronger than that, to the point that

it would hurt me ever to see him in pain. I wasn’t sure what that meant; all I knew was that it was no

longer just a crush.

A part of me would do everything in its power to protect him. While Dante always protected me

because of his promise to my sister, with me, it was different. I wanted to protect him because I

personally couldn’t be happy if anything ever happened to him.

He walks me to his jeep and helps me get in. I held my breath when he leaned into me to fasten my

seatbelt. The scent of his blood mixed with his sweat hit my nose, and I was surprised that even that

was something I enjoyed.

I didn’t understand my own body at times.

When he enters the driver’s side and pulls out of the track, I can’t help myself as I blurt out, “I didn’t

know someone else would have been in the room.”

He had to know the truth. I didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings between us. He didn’t give

me a chance to explain before, and this may be the best time to tell him everything.

His hand tightens on the steering wheel, “it’s okay. I think I overreacted a bit. Let’s forget that

happened, okay?”

Forget it happened? Just like that? Was this the same person from before? I was not okay with just

forgetting it. I had to give my side of the story before he continued to think the worst of me.

“It’s not okay for me,” I whisper as I play with my fingers on my lap. “I truly wasn’t planning on taking

part in the kissing booth. I planned on doing just like you asked and staying as far away from it as

possible. However, Autumn and Clarissa told me that they had a plan. They said that if I participated, I

wouldn’t have to kiss a stranger. I know you think I went into that room thinking I would kiss some

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

stranger, but you’re mistaken. I didn’t go into the room hoping to see someone else; I went into the

room hoping to see you. I wasn’t surprised when I saw you, Dante. I was actually relieved that it was


I watch the movement in Dante’s throat as he swallows hard. He doesn’t say anything. I’m not sure

what he’s thinking. I hoped this confession would make him happier; however, I was disappointed when

I didn’t get much of a reaction.

Did telling him this change anything? Did he still think that I was wrong for taking part in the kissing


There were so many questions in my head, and I didn’t know if I should ask them or not.

“I owe you an apology, Willow.” He finally breaks the silence.

My lips part. Did he really just say that?

“It’s okay,” I assure him. “You thought I’d lied to you.”

His jaw clenches, “is there anything that you may have possibly neglected to tell us?”

I frown, “why are you asking that out of nowhere?”

He looks directly ahead, “Clarissa tried to warm you with her power earlier, but she couldn’t. Instead,

she was harmed trying to help you.”

“Harmed?” I gasp. “Harmed in what way?”

“There was a cut in the middle of her palm. It appeared out of nowhere. We haven’t confirmed if it was

because of you or something else.” He explains.

What did this mean? How was that even possible?