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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 111
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Chapter 111
Jocelyn rummaged through the closet, realizing he had used all the bedding. She’d have to buy new ones when dawn broke.
As she lay down, her hand accidentally brushed something under the pillow where he used to sleep. A sinking feeling told her
what it was before she saw it, Indeed, it was a box of condoms they hadn’t used.
He had hidden something like that behind the headboard.
Grabbing it with disgust and disbelief, Jocelyn tossed it into the trash can. She was determined to purge her space of everything
that reminded her of him.
Eventually, she thought every piece of furniture would have to go
But the problem was that he was once in this house. Every comer was a shadow of their past happiness.
Slumping against the bed, Jocelyn scratched at the hardwood floor, overwhelmed. The more she tried to scrub away the
memories, the fresher they flooded her mind like a deluge
The joy of being with someone you love, sharing the most intimate moments, living and sleeping together was blissful.
But even if she could erase all traces of him from her home, how could she erase him from her mind?
She thought of the bite mark on the back of his hand, his words, and the way he used their photo as a screen photo.
Jocelyn clutched at her chest, and her heart ached unbearably.
The next day, a call woke Jocelyn up in the afternoon
Squinting at her phone, she saw it was Harrison calling. She forced herself to sit up, patted her face to wake up, and answered
“What’s up?” he asked casually
“Just napping,” she lied. In truth, after a late night, she had skipped breakfast and lunch.
“Did I wake you? Harrison asked cautiously.

“No, I should be getting up anyway. Jocelyn ruffled her hair, got out of bed, and drew back the curtains. The sunlight was almost
blinding, nothing like the expected downpour.
It was as if the old saying was true. “After the storm comes a rainbow.”
Though there was no rainbow, the sunshine was a fresh start.
“Got any plans for today?” Harrison asked casually
“Til sell some old stuff and might hit a home decor store,” Jocelyn replied, heading to the bathroom, switching the call on speaker

she brushed her teeth.
“Thinking of redecorating?”
“Yeah. She didn’t avoid the topic, brushing lightly.
Harrison was silent briefly before he asked, “Ever thought about moving?”
Jocelyn spit out the toothpaste. “Not really. I still owe on this place.”
buy it, Harrison suggested. I’ll be coming to Yanova City for business now and then, needing a place to crash.”
Jocelyn paused, “You’re hardly here long enough to justify buying a house. A hotel works fine. There’s no need to keep a place
“You live there,” Harrison said bluntly. Consider it the start of our life together I’ll feel more secure knowing you’re at home. It also
gives me a greater sense of responsibility, reminding me I have a home and someone waiting for me.”
Jocelyn was stunned.
Something she’d longed for, and he was laying it out in front of her, ready for the taking if she agreed
They were both clever enough to know what the other was thinking
Too many shadows of that other man lingered in this house. If they were to take things further, it might unsettle anyone..

Jocelyn?” Harrison’s voice was soft, pulling her from her thoughts
She moistened her lips. “You’re not in Yanova often. Let’s table the house talk for now”
It felt too soon for such a big step
Morrison didn’t press her. “Okay.”
something to do now Talk later?”
After hanging up, Jocelyn stared at her reflection. Her face was devoid of a smile, her complexion not the best. She gondy
pressed around her swollen eyes.
After freshening up, she put on light makeup, changed clothes, and gathered the items she’d planned to return to Melvin into a
bag before heading out
Downstairs, Melvin’s car was still there. She felt something deep down when she saw his things, but she looked away and
walked on
She sold the jewelry at a pawn shop, not caring much for the amount, then donated the money to a charity focused on poverly
alleviation and education
The substantial sur surprised the charity’s manager, who asked for her contact details to keep her informed about the students

helped by her donation.
Instead, Jocelyn left Melvin’s contact. After all, it was his money. She might as well do some good with it
Lighter in spirit. Jocelyn then hailed a cab to a home goods store to pick out new bedding She left the store with two sets, only to
find Melvin’s sleek Porsche blocking her path.
She glanced at it and tried to walk around, but the car door swung open, and out stepped Melvin, dressed in a hospital gown,
hold of her hand.
“Let go!” Jocelyn was shocked by his restlessness for having driven there in his hospital gown.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Melvin’s face, gaunt and intense, his eyes deep and foreboding, gripped her hand tightly, his recovery seemingly having done
nothing to
soften him.
Without compassion, his grip was painful and unyielding
He tried to force her into the car, causing a scene that drew onlookers due to his attire and the flashy car
“Let go, or I’ll scream!” Jocelyn protested, her belongings scattered on the ground, resisting the pull into the car
Suddenly, Melvin roared, “Do you even have a heart?”
That shout seemed to silence the world.
Jocelyn stared at him, terrified by the man who seemed more monster than human.
Even though it was near evening, the area around the home goods store was bustling. Melvin’s hospital gown was already odd,
but his gnp on Jocelyn made a spectacle that was hard to ignore.
Jocelyn cared about her dignity.
Jocelyn watched as Melvin’s eyes turned in anger, the veins nearly popping out of his temples. She didn’t want to incite his fury
further, fearing he might do something drastic. With no other choice, she reluctantly followed him inside.
“My stuff,” Jocelyn remembered, referring to the pricey bedding set she had splurged on.
Melvin scooped it up and tossed it into the back seat, slamming the car door with more force than necessary.
Inside the car, Melvin was still breathing heavily. Jocelyn wasn’t sure what was going on with him physically. She was worried he
wasn’t thinking straight and could spell disaster for both of them if he lost control of the vehicle..
She didn’t dare argue with him during the drive, hoping his mood would stabilize. She had no desire to share any more pain with
him, physical or otherwise.
When they arrived at the base of her apartment building, he parked the car with precision, unfastened his seat belt, and got out.
He didn’t forget to retrieve her purchases, striding into the building as if he owned the place.

Jocelyn understood his intentions well. He was planning to stick around
Uncertain of how long Melvin’s madness would last, Jocelyn texted Preston before she got out of the car, pleading with him to
find some way to get Melvin out of there. She warned she wouldn’t be stepping in to help if anything went awry.
With a heavy heart, she exited the car and headed home, where Melvin stood waiting by the elevator.