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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 136
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Chapter 136
Jocelyn and Ursula had decided on the rural school where they planned to teach as volunteers. They were just waiting for the
winter break
Melvin hadn’t shown up lately, while Jocelyn was too busy with finals to think about anyone else.
After the last mock exam, Preston caught up with Jocelyn in the hallway. “Hey, Jocelyn,” he said with a solemn look, “I won’t be
next semester”
Transferring? Jocelyn replied, a note of surprise in her voice.
“To another city, or just a different school in Yanova City?”
Im heading abroad” Preston’s tone was matter-of-fact. “Mom’s taking me.”
Jocelyn nodded. “Sounds exciting”
“It was cool knowing you Preston tried to sound grown-up. “Would’ve been better if we became family”
Hearing this, Jocelyn didn’t get angry anymore. She just smiled Family is all about fate.”
Preston nodded, agreeing. About my uncle don’t worry, Im not here to persuade you to make up with him. I just mean, if he’s
really not worth it, then forget him. Find someone worthy of your love That’s my mom’s advice, too.”
Jocelyn’s heart sank, but she accepted the counsel. “Don’t worry I will”
feel like
After finals, Jocelyn packed her suitcase quickly, waiting for the graded papers to be returned so she and Ursula could head to
the rural school to teach.

The night before they were set to leave, Yasmine asked Jocelyn out for dinner
Yasmine mentioned she and Preston would be leaving tomorrow. It seemed right to meet up one last time, as there was no
telling when they’d see each other again.
After a moment’s thought and knowing it was a sincere invitation from a student, Jocelyn agreed. Besides, Yasmine had
promised that Melvin wouldn’t be there.
Jocelyn zipped up her parka and took a cab to the cozy little farm-to-table restaurant Yasmine had picked out.

Preston was waiting by the entrance when she arrived.
The kid had great manners, Jocelyn thought. Despite his rocky start, he was a quick learner and his grades reflected his
willingness to put in the effort
Jocelyn, Preston called out.
“Why are you waiting outside? Aren’t you cold?” Jocelyn asked with concern.
Preston patted his chest “Built tough. I’m good.”
Jocelyn chuckled
Following Preston inside, she found Yasmine had reserved a private room for them. The greeting was warm, like meeting an old
friend After ordering. Yasmine offered Jocelyn a drink, but she declined, citing the early start the next day.
They chatted about nothing and everything, laughing and bonding in a way that made Jocelyn feel Yasmine could have been a
great friend if she weren’t Melvin’s sister.
After dinner, Jocelyn gave Preston some parting advice about getting along at his new school and not butting heads with others.
Preston nodded, then joked, “You’re more of a mom to me than my own.
Yasmine gave her son a playful swat on the head ‘Watch your words, kid. This is your teacher. Show some respect”
“I respect Jocelyn plenty. Only person in school I actually listen to, Preston quipped, fixing his hair after Yasmine’s ruffle. “Mom,
how many times have I told you not to mess with my hair?”
“So what if i do? Yasmine teased, reaching out to ruffle it again.

Preston dodged with a laugh, but then his gaze fixed on something-or someone-ahead. “Uncle” he exclaimed.
His shout drew everyone’s attention
Melvin, too, with the fully geared-up Willow beside him She met their gazes squarely without flinching
however, was watching Jocelyn protectively. Her disdain for Melvin was barely concealed.
Melven approached them. “What are you guys doing here?”
“Having a farewell dinner with Jocelyn,” Preston said with his usual bravado. He cast a disdainful glance at Willow “Uncle, what
happened to your taste? You’re hanging out with all kinds of people now?”
Melvin frowned. “Watch your tone.”
“I speak my mind. Preston retorted, his dislike for Willow as evident as his mother’s
Willow’s expression was invisible with a musk on her face, though her eyes apparently grew colder.
She studied Jocelyn, then glanced at Yasmine. It was clear Jocelyn had a way of winning over even those who disliked her most.
Melvin’s face hardened “Apologize to Willow.”

Preston scoffed, turning away.
“Preston, apologize now!” Melvin insisted.
“Why should he?” Yasmine chimed in. “He’s not wrong. You’ve been told to stay away from certain people, but you never listen.
Look at what you’re stuck with now.”
The tension was palpable, and Jocelyn felt it was time to leave.
“Sorry, I’ve got to run, she said as she pulled out her phone. “Yasmine, thanks for the dinner. If you’re ever back in Yanova City, I
owe you
“We’ll hold you to that Yasmine replied with a genuine smile.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Take care, Preston, Jocelyn added. “Listen to your mom and take good care of her.”
“I will,” he assured her with a serious nod
As Jocelyn left the restaurant, Yasmine tousled Preston’s hair one more time. He sighed and fixed it, and they watched Jocelyn
disappear into the night
Ignoring Melvin and Willow, the trios interaction unfolded with an air of finality
After bidding farewell, Jocelyn hailed a cab from the curb. Without a backward glance at the man who had once meant so much,
the vehicle arrived and she offered Yasmine and Preston one last smile and wave.
It was only when the taxi had disappeared into the distance that Yasmine’s smile faded, her gaze turning icy as she fixed it on
Melvin. “Birds of a feather,” she muttered. “Now that everyone’s gone, you do whatever you please.” With that, she took
Preston’s hand and they left as well
Tears brimmed in Willow’s eyes. “After all these years, Yasmine still dislikes me so much. I really don’t understand why she hates
Melvin spared her a glance, detached. Let’s go eat,” he said, striding ahead without waiting for her.
Scrambling after him, Willow persisted, “Melvin, can’t you talk to Yasmine for me? We’ll be seeing a lot of each other. I don’t want
every meeting to be so unpleasant.”
“Explain what?” Melvin shot back.
“I left back then to better myself, for our future. It wasn’t because I thought you were broke; I just wanted to contribute to our
future when I could,” Willow pleaded, her voice thick with unshed tears.
“You won’t have many future encounters with them. No need for explanations,” Melvin replied in a frosty tone.
Willow’s brow furrowed “But she’s your sister.
“Yes, she’s my sister. But you are just a spokeswoman for my jewelry brand, and there won’t be many occasions for you two to
meet With that, Melvin stepped into the diner.
Willow stood rooted to the spot, confused and hurt..

What was he implying? He had broken up with Jocelyn. Wasn’t he supposed to want to be with her now?