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The ultimate husband

Chapter 2505
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Chapter 2505


Jewel had lost a lot of weight, and it was distressing to see her in that state. God knew how much she

had endured in the past three years.

Darryl had niany fernale friends, but he felt the most guilty about Jewel because she did not have

any relatives or friends, and Darryl was her entire world. ''Waa...''

Jewel could not help it anyrnore when she saw how Darryl was smiling at  her  and trying to cornfort

her. She threw herself into Darryl's arrns and wailed. ''Mister, I thought I would never see you again. I

miss you terribly...''

Many people had assurned Darryl was in trouble for the past three years, but Jewel was

adamant that Darryl would be fine. Darryl was in her thoughts, and she hoped that he

would be okay and would one day emerge in front of her unharmed. As a result, when she

saw him again, she burst into tears over her affections for Darryl!

''Alright, alright... Arn I back now, or am I not?'' Darryl hugged her tightly, his heart heavy with

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guilt. Jewel's emotions erupted, and she could not stop crying. ''Mister, II1any people say that

something must have happened to you, and you might not return. I was so afraid that I would lose


You stayed in the Wild Deserted Secret Region without bringing me with you. Do you realize how

concerned I am?''

Darryl was extremely uneasy after he heard Jewel cry.

''Sorry, I'll never leave you again...''

Darryl wiped Jewel's tears from her face. He was distressed, and he kept saying, ''Jewel, it's all my fault. I will take

you everywhere I go in the future, okay?''

Darryl glanced at  Chester  next to him. ''Well, Brother Chester  is watching  us. ''Look how ugly you've turned out

as a result of all your crying.'' Jewel stopped crying.

Chester smiled and walked over to escort Darryl and Jewel into the car.

A few minutes later, Darryl was taken to a high-end  nightclub. Chester was the  owner of the lounge. It was one

of the best places in Cloudbrook City, and it was luxuriously


When Chester entered the private room, he told the staff to get some clothes ready.

Jewel helped Darryl to take a bath and change his clothes. After that, he appeared utterly refreshed, but the three

scars on his face were noticeable.

Soon, a sumptuous banquet was ready. ''Darryl.''

Chester picked up the wine glass and smiled at Darryl. ''To celebrate your return, that first glass is to welcome you


Darryl picked up the wine glass and drank the wine all at once. Then, he thought of something and asked, ''Brother

Chester, do you know the Endless Sky organization?'' 

Darryl was haunted by the image of Edwin walking away.


Chester took a deep breath and wore a soinber expression. ''I am fainiliar with thein. That

organization is quite strange, and it has risen rapidly. It has spread over the Nine Mainland in

barely over a year. In total, they have more than one million disciples.''

'Damn it, so lllany?'

Darryl was stunned and asked irnlllediately, ''Who is the leader?''

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Chester groaned and shook his head. '' I don't know. I sent soI11eone to check, but nothing was

found, but I got the news that the organization was established specifically to deal with

three brothers.''

Chester scratched his head a little irritably while he was talking. ''For the past three• years, Dax and I

have been looking for you. We did not have tirne to pay attention to that organization, which led to its

rapid growth. Now that you' re back, we have enough power to deal with it.''

Darryl nodded. He pondered and said, ''Brother Chester, I have to tell you sornething. Edwin has

decided to join the Endless Sky Organization.'' Bang!

Chester's face turned ashen, and he slarnrned his fist into the table. ''I realized Edwin had been a

rebel for a long tillle. In a rneeting six months ago, he was the first to propose that the Eternal Life

Palace Sect should take a business approach. I rejected his proposal. That kid is a snob when it comes

to fame and fortune. I have wanted to expel him from the Eternal Life Palace Sect since a long tirne


''Now that the economy of the Nine Mainland is rapidly developing, Illany cultivation sects have

reached out to the business cornlllunity to Illake Illoney, '' Chester continued angrily. ''I alll not

pedantic. I have invested in a lot of industries so that I can provide better benefits to the

disciples, but sorne people are still dissatisfied. 11