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The ultimate husband

Chapter 2519
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Chapter 2519

A few minutes later, they were in Blakely Industries' office. Sophia was rnaking tea for them.

Then, Sophia sat opposite Darryl and said, ''So that is what happened. For the past six months, the

Endless Sky Organization has been acquiring companies all over to expand their influence in the

business world.

''For the past three months, many of the companies in the Nine Mainland have been acquired. They

do that only to earn more money and recruit Inore disciples. A month ago, sorneone froin the Endless

Sky Organization came to see me and asked me to hand over all Blake Industries in Cloudbrook City

to them, which I refused.''

Sophia's face was filled with rage. ''What happened next was that the Endless Sky Organization used

dirty tactics to destroy our company's businesses. I had no choice but to hire some cultivators, just in

case. At the same tiille, I got someone to check out the Endless Sky Organization branch hall here.

However, they are too sneaky. In the past month, they have already changed their locations five

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tiines.'' So that was the case!

Darryl nodded in realization. At the same time, he was also a little stunned.

The Endless Sky Organization was so rich that they could acquire so many coillpanies. However, 

after acquiring so many companies and so much wealth, they started to become bullies. No wonder

Edwin Banks had wanted to join them.

As he thought about that, Darryl was about to continue to ask more questions. However, right at

that moment, Sophia's phone rang.

Her expression irnrr1ediately changed when she saw who it was; then she picked it up.

''My lovely Sophia, have you considered what I told you previously? Give up all of your businesses in Cloudbrook

City within a month. It has now been half a month...'' A low, sinister voice echoed through the phone.

Sophia yelled, ''You can only dream of taking over the Blakely Industries. Let me tell you, we are not going to

give up.'' Sophia was so mad that shewas treillbling.

The person on the other end was stunned for a while before he sneered and said, ''How courageous. Not bad. I

know that Blakely Industries has businesses on the  mainland, but going up against us will do you all no good.

''I hear that you have recruited quite a few cultivators. If you want to fight the Endless Sky, then I'll give you a

chance. Tonight at eight. The abandoned factory is in the western district. Let's fight. If you don't show up, I'll take

it as a surrender!'' Then the person laughed.

Before Sophia could respond, they had hung up.

''How bloody arrogant!'' Sophia kept her phone. She was so pissed she stomped her feet and gritted her teeth.

Darryl walked forward and smiled. He coIT1forted her and said, ''Don't worry. If they want to fight, I'll head over

there with you tonight.''

''You would want to go?'' 

Sophia was stunned and a little worried. ''The Endless Sky Organization is pretty strong. They have a large

nuIT1ber of powerful cultivators. I'ni only afraid that

That Illan was her boss' guest. She could not let him risk his life. What if soniething were to happen to hilll? She

could not bear the consequences.

Darryl sniiled. ''Don't worry. If anything happens, I will tell Felix Illyself.'' Sophia nodded even though

she was still a little worried.  ''But once we're there, don't be illlpulsive, '' she said. ''I've hired

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ITiany powerful cultivators. Alright?'' Darryl smiled but said nothing.

As long as Darryl did not meet someone like

Zhang Jue, there was nothing for him to be worried about.


It was seven- thirty in the evening at the abandoned factories in the western district of Cloudbrook



That area had always been remote as it was next to a barren hill. The factory had been abandoned

for more than two years. There were wild bushes eve'YT here.

At that moment, night had already fallen, and it made the abandoned factory look a little

eerie. In the factory, a bonfire was lit; it illuininated the surrounding area.

More than ten people were standing there respectfully. Each one of themwas a Martial Saint.

A burly man sat by the campfire. He was the Hall Master of the Endless Sky Organization's

Cloudbrook City branch hall, Hector Berg.

''Master, do you think that Sophia would dare to coIT1e ?11  At that moment, one  of his men

walked forward and lit a cigarette for Hector as he asked hiin cautiously.

It was almost the agreed tiine, yet they saw no one yet. His Illen were getting a little iinpatient.