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The ultimate husband

Chapter 99
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Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 99 – Paul James called her sis-in-law. Is Lily

having an affair? Everyone was dumbfounded.

Paul then walked up to Darryl, and gave him a bow!

“Bro, if I had known sis-in-law was Lily, I wouldn’t need to run an extra trip.”

Darryl said nothing but nodded.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll make a move,” Paul said, then left.

Everything happened too fast, only when Paul left, the Lyndon’s came to their senses.

What on earth is going on? Fifty-one percent of the shares now belong to Lily?

Granny Lyndon stared at Lily in dismay. She wanted to remark, but was at a loss for words.

Lily on the other hand was trembling. It was like a dream. She could no longer hide her curiosity, she

asked Darryl, “Darryl, you and Paul…”

“Just a friend,” Darryl replied casually. He wanted to stop Lily from probing further, he added, “I’ve got to

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go, if not I’ll be late for work.” Then he turned and left.

In the car, he was slightly worried. He sent a text to Lily, “Hold on tight to the shares. Even if Granny

Lyndon opens her mouth, don’t give it to her. From now on, you make the call in the Lyndon estate.”

Lily, who was still stunned when she received the message, replied instantly, “Got it.”

After what happened just now, she finally sees her family for who they are. Now the shares in her hands

are like an amulet protecting her. Of course, she won’t hand it out that easily.

Darryl let out a sigh of relief when he received Lily’s message, then drove off.

He had barely reached Platinum Corporation when his phone rang. It’s from an unknown caller, but the

number ends with six eights. After a short contemplation, he picked up.

“Hello, is this Mr. Darby?” the caller sounded like a middle-aged man, with a low, baritone voice.

Darryl frowned and asked, “Who are you? How did you get my number?”

The man chuckled and replied politely, “Brandon Guy gave me your number.”


“According to him, he said Mr. Darby you have a magical Godly pill that will help Cultivators that are

currently struggling to level up. I really need one desperately. Please name me your price,” said the man.

‘B****y h**l, though it’s not difficult to make the pill, it’s not like fruits that you can get it whenever! It still

needs to be extracted! I only bought one clay jar, I could only make two or three pills per time.

’I previously made two—I sold one to Brandon, one I gave to Kent Hough that b*start. I don’t have any

left. Even if I start the extraction process now, I still need a few hours,’ thought Darryl.

He replied curtly, “If you really want it, come find me again tomorrow.”

“Though I don’t think you can afford it,” Darryl added.

The man laughed, he said, “Don’t worry, money is not an issue. How much are you planning to sell? I will

make some preparations.”

“Three billion,” Darryl said without hesitation.

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Previously he sold to Brandon for two billion, Brandon barely even bat an eye, Darryl felt that he had


Of course, giving that pill to Kent was even much more of a loss!

“Three billion, it’s a deal! I’ll contact Mr. Darby tomorrow,” The man agreed without any indecisiveness,

then hung up.

’Whoa! Agreeing to three billion without any uncertainty, is he crazy?’ thought Darryl.

Nearing his office, he saw Pearl, his secretary approaching him.

“President, there are two guests in your office. They have been waiting for quite a while now,” Pearl said.


Darryl frowned and walked in.

The moment he entered, he tensed, what followed was immense joy and excitement.

His father, Daniel Darby, and his mother, Luna Shaw—a middle-aged couple in plain, simple clothes—

sat on the office couch.

“Dad, Mom, why are you here?”
