Chapter 1191: "Miss Foster, there's no need to probe so deeply. Even if we end up getting married, mutual feelings are lacking." Juliet's laugh held a hint of mockery. "What are you afraid of? I won't harm her, and she's no obstacle to me." Cliff's lips curved into a cold smile. Juliet's confidence stemmed from having already gauged Madison's position. After all, the Hopkins family held strict principles against improper relationships. Even with Laney's lack of blood relation, Cliff recognized this reality clearly. It was precisely why he'd arranged this outing with Juliet.
Juliet didn't mind his expression and spoke with calculated generosity. "You needn't worry. After we're married, you can do whatever you want. I won't interfere, and if there's something in it for me, I might even help keep your relationship with Laney discreet." "That won't be necessary." Cliff's voice was devoid of emotion. He harbored no intentions of pursuing anything with Laney. Any recent moments that had crossed boundaries would be addressed before the wedding.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtCliff established firm ground rules with Juliet: until marriage, they would maintain purely professional contact. Their meetings were strictly business-related.
Every story starts at gVlnov☐☐☐☐om Juliet respected his terms. She maintained her silence and artfully avoided crossing paths with Laney during her company visits. Cliff acknowledged her efforts and expressed his appreciation through luxurious gifts. Juliet, unimpressed, redirected all of them to Kira.
Kira selected a few choice pieces to wear. "The Hopkins family is incredibly generous," she mused. "I only see gifts like these on my birthday." Juliet's response was a dismissive scoff. "They're all picked by his assistant. Meaningless gestures." Recently, Cliff had personally traveled abroad to select a particular piece of jewelry. The delicate pink hue was perfect for a young woman's complexion.
Juliet knew without a doubt that piece was meant for Laney. The item wasn't just priceless in monetary terms; the sentiment it carried was beyond measure. It was something truly meaningful.
Kira, in her blissful naivety, was already dreaming of her future as Cliff's sister-in-law. “Just imagine how spectacular your wedding will be! Every socialite in town will turn green with envy. Juliet, you absolutely must buya car to celebrate!" Her excitement mounting, Kira practically danced back to the theater, her gifted jewelry catching the light as she deliberately paraded past Laney.
Laney remained pointedly indifferent.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmBut Kira persisted in hovering nearby.
Finally, Kailyn snapped, shoving Kira aside. "Move it! You're blocking m everyone's way!
Kira stumbled against a pillar, crying out tically. Examining her o'm bracelet, she shrieked, Have you lost your mind, Kailyn? This was a gift from my future brother-in-law, and now it's ruined!"