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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 1327
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Chapter 1327

"Don't worry, Miss Reed. The heart is currently abroad. Our people are rushing through the formalities, and we

should complete the procedures by the day after tomorrow. Of course, we will expedite the delivery as soon as we

complete the necessary procedures." A cold gleam flashed through Tom's eyes.

Unfortunately, Sonia failed to notice that little tidbit considering her current lack of sight. When she heard that the

heart would arrive in the country the day after tomorrow, she heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"Well then, Miss Reed, I won't disturb your rest anymore. I'll be taking my leave now."

"Okay. Go ahead," she responded.

Tom turned around and left the hospital ward.

As soon as he left the room, he was slightly taken aback to see Tim leaning against the wall outside the ward. " Dr.


"Can we talk?" Tim looked at Tom with a smile that did not reach his eyes.

Tom nodded in cautious agreement.

The two found a quiet area and stood facing each other.

"You chose to end the carrier's life in the end." The corner of Tim's lips curved upward almost imperceptibly.

Tom adjusted his glasses in discomfort. "That's right. In President Fuller's current condition, he won't be able to last

any longer. But, on the other hand, the carrier only has a few more months left to live. I can't afford to wait, so I

followed your suggestion and chose to end his life for the sake of obtaining his heart. After all, to me, the carrier's

life does not compare to the life of President Fuller."

"It's true that I gave you the suggestion. However, I only mentioned it casually. I certainly did not expect you to do

as I suggested. Will Toby agree with your decision? After all, your actions are considered immoral." Tim crossed his

arms in front of his chest.

Tom swallowed uncomfortably. "I will keep this matter a secret from President Fuller. Although President Fuller

seems cold and uncaring on the surface, he is a kind and compassionate man. He is not the kind of man who would

selfishly choose to take another person's life in exchange for his own survival. That is why I won't tell him about this

matter. However, I am willing to receive any kind of punishment if he learns the truth one day."

"What a good, loyal subordinate you are."

"I am an orphan." He raised his head and looked at Tim with an unwavering gaze. "I grew up with the support of the

Fuller Family ever since I was a child. Moreover, President Fuller personally chose me to become his right-hand man

almost immediately after I graduated from university. My position in the entire Fuller Group is second only to him.

He even gave me shares in the company. Be it the Fuller Family or President Fuller, they have shown me great

kindness. I have long since regarded President Fuller as my family, so I am willing to do anything for him. Besides, I

am simply ending the life of a dying man in advance."

Even if his conscience would be condemned for eternity due to his actions, he did not care.

Tim shrugged carelessly. "Was that the will of the carrier?"

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"Yes. I did not conceal the truth from the carrier. Although I wish to end the carrier's life, I am not so evil as to go

ahead and kill him without any prior discussion and consent. I sent somebody to negotiate with him so that he

would willingly accept euthanasia. The carrier has agreed to our proposal. He agreed to accept the terms as long

as we gave his wife a large sum of money and ensured that his family would never lack money. I am very grateful

to him. For that reason, I even gave his family an additional house," Tom explained detachedly.

"Don't worry, Miss Raad. Tha haart is currantly abroad. Our paopla ara rushing through tha formalitias, and wa

should complata tha procaduras by tha day aftar tomorrow. Of coursa, wa will axpadita tha dalivary as soon as wa

complata tha nacassary procaduras." A cold glaam flashad through Tom's ayas.

Unfortunataly, Sonia failad to notica that littla tidbit considaring har currant lack of sight. Whan sha haard that tha

haart would arriva in tha country tha day aftar tomorrow, sha haavad a huga sigh of raliaf.

"Wall than, Miss Raad, I won't disturb your rast anymora. I'll ba taking my laava now."

"Okay. Go ahaad," sha raspondad.

Tom turnad around and laft tha hospital ward.

As soon as ha laft tha room, ha was slightly takan aback to saa Tim laaning against tha wall outsida tha ward. " Dr.


"Can wa talk?" Tim lookad at Tom with a smila that did not raach his ayas.

Tom noddad in cautious agraamant.

Tha two found a quiat araa and stood facing aach othar.

"You chosa to and tha carriar's lifa in tha and." Tha cornar of Tim's lips curvad upward almost imparcaptibly.

Tom adjustad his glassas in discomfort. "That's right. In Prasidant Fullar's currant condition, ha won't ba abla to last

any longar. But, on tha othar hand, tha carriar only has a faw mora months laft to liva. I can't afford to wait, so I

followad your suggastion and chosa to and his lifa for tha saka of obtaining his haart. Aftar all, to ma, tha carriar's

lifa doas not compara to tha lifa of Prasidant Fullar."

"It's trua that I gava you tha suggastion. Howavar, I only mantionad it casually. I cartainly did not axpact you to do

as I suggastad. Will Toby agraa with your dacision? Aftar all, your actions ara considarad immoral." Tim crossad his

arms in front of his chast.

Tom swallowad uncomfortably. "I will kaap this mattar a sacrat from Prasidant Fullar. Although Prasidant Fullar

saams cold and uncaring on tha surfaca, ha is a kind and compassionata man. Ha is not tha kind of man who would

salfishly choosa to taka anothar parson's lifa in axchanga for his own survival. That is why I won't tall him about this

mattar. Howavar, I am willing to racaiva any kind of punishmant if ha laarns tha truth ona day."

"What a good, loyal subordinata you ara."

"I am an orphan." Ha raisad his haad and lookad at Tim with an unwavaring gaza. "I graw up with tha support of tha

Fullar Family avar sinca I was a child. Moraovar, Prasidant Fullar parsonally chosa ma to bacoma his right-hand man

almost immadiataly aftar I graduatad from univarsity. My position in tha antira Fullar Group is sacond only to him.

Ha avan gava ma sharas in tha company. Ba it tha Fullar Family or Prasidant Fullar, thay hava shown ma graat

kindnass. I hava long sinca ragardad Prasidant Fullar as my family, so I am willing to do anything for him. Basidas, I

am simply anding tha lifa of a dying man in advanca."

Evan if his conscianca would ba condamnad for atarnity dua to his actions, ha did not cara.

Tim shruggad caralassly. "Was that tha will of tha carriar?"

"Yas. I did not concaal tha truth from tha carriar. Although I wish to and tha carriar's lifa, I am not so avil as to go

ahaad and kill him without any prior discussion and consant. I sant somabody to nagotiata with him so that ha

would willingly accapt authanasia. Tha carriar has agraad to our proposal. Ha agraad to accapt tha tarms as long

as wa gava his wifa a larga sum of monay and ansurad that his family would navar lack monay. I am vary grataful

to him. For that raason, I avan gava his family an additional housa," Tom axplainad datachadly.

Tim raised his chin thoughtfully. "Fine. Since the other party has agreed to this, I will arrange an operating room

immediately. I will make room for him in one of the operating rooms."

"Thank you for your consideration, Dr. Lancaster." Tom bowed deeply.

Tim stuffed his hands into the pockets of his lab coat. "You should thank Sonia instead. If not for the fact that Toby is

her husband, I would not have been so proactive in arranging surgery for him."

After he said that, he strode away without a backward glance.

Nonetheless, Tom turned in that direction and maintained his bow until Tim was out of sight.

Time flew by quickly, and two days passed in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, the carrier overseas proceeded

according to their agreement and underwent euthanasia after bidding his family farewell.

As soon as the carrier stopped breathing, the hospital abroad immediately removed his heart and performed the

necessary procedures to keep the organ alive. Then, they urgently delivered the heart to Caruna.

Tom immediately received a phone call as soon as he walked out the main entrance of the Fuller Group. Thus, he

hastily rushed to the airport.

He wanted to wait at the airport and safely escort the heart to the First World Hospital himself. Otherwise, he would

not be able to rest easy.

After all, this matter was related to Toby's life. Therefore, everything needed to go according to plan.

Naturally, he did not forget to contact Sonia while he was on the way back to the hospital.

Sonia was having the bandages removed from her eyes at this moment, but that did not stop her from blindly

answering the phone. When she heard Tom saying that the heart would arrive in Caruna soon, she was so

emotional that she couldn't speak.

Tim, who was removing the bandages for her, couldn't help asking her about the situation when he saw her freeze

with the phone in her hand. "What's wrong?"

She grabbed his lab coat and babbled excitedly, "The heart... The heart is on its way to Caruna and will arrive at the

hospital in a few hours! Toby can have the surgery soon!"

He was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed. "No wonder you suddenly seemed so cheerful."

"How can I not be happy? Toby will finally be saved!" She ended the call and continued excitedly, "Tom is rushing to

the airport right now. He plans to wait there and safely escort the heart back. Dr. Lancaster..."

"I know. I will send somebody to perform a physical examination on Toby. If he passes the physical examination,

then I will perform surgery on him tonight," he knew what she wanted to say and interrupted her in the middle of

her sentence.

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She nodded repeatedly. "Thank you, Dr. Lancaster."

"It's nothing." He used a pair of scissors to cut away the last piece of bandage.

Sonia was absolutely overjoyed and kept pestering him about the surgery.

For example, she asked about how long the surgery would last or what complications might arise during surgery.

After all, she couldn't help feeling worried that something unexpected might occur during the procedure and cause

it to fail.

However, Tim informed her that the surgery's success rate was extremely high. As long as Toby's physical condition

met surgery requirements and the heart was a perfect match, there was practically zero chance of failure.

Only then did she stop her constant questions.

There was no helping it. It was her first time experiencing such matters with Toby, so she was inexperienced and

ignorant. So, combined with her fear and anxiety, it was only natural for her to be filled with questions and

concerns about Toby's well-being.

"Alright. Forget about Toby for now. Open your eyes and try looking around. Can you see anything?" He interrupted

the confused thoughts in her heart.

She cooperatively opened her eyes.

When she first opened her eyes, she couldn't help feeling strange and quickly closed her eyes again. A few seconds

passed before she tried opening her eyes again.

After she opened her eyes for a second time, the first thing that filled her vision was a bright white light. Then, as

the white light faded away, she gradually became capable of seeing something.

It was just that everything in her vision was blurry and unclear, as though everything had been censored with a

layer of mosaic tiles. She could not clearly see any of the objects in her vision and could only guess what they were

by their blurry outlines.

"How is it? How is your vision?" Tim walked to the end of the hospital bed, stopped, and waved at her. "Can you see

me? Can you see what I'm doing clearly?"

She stared at him and blinked several times, trying to clear her vision.

Finally, she gave up and shook her head in disappointment." I can't see clearly. I can see that you are wearing

white, but I can't see your face or what you are doing clearly. I can only see that you are moving."

He returned to her side. "If you can't see clearly at such a close distance, your condition is far more serious than I

expected. Okay, I've understood the general situation. I will thoroughly examine your eyes first, and then I will

arrange for the people below to prepare some glasses for you. You should be able to see clearly after that."

"Okay, thank you." She smiled gratefully. "But can you prepare the glasses quickly? I..."

"You want to see Toby, right?"

She nodded sheepishly. "That's right. I have not seen him for the past two days, so I've been missing him. Now that

the bandages around my eyes have been removed, I can't wait to see him. Most importantly, he has surgery

tonight. I want to stay by his side."

If she couldn't see clearly, how would she stay by his side?

"Alright. I will inform the staff if that's what you want." He readily agreed to her request without a fuss. Then, he

instructed a nurse to help her into a wheelchair and bring her to where he would perform the optical examination.