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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 668
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Chapter 668 Sonia’s Helplessness

Toby drank too much, and he had no strength left. In fact, he was so foolish that he didn’t know how to

swim up after going under the water in the bath.

Maybe he really slid to the bottom of the bath after I left. Maybe he drowned!

When Sonia thought of this, her heart sank, and her face turned pale. The next second, she quickly

opened the door and rushed in. After entering, she didn’t see the horrible scene she had imagined, but

only saw Toby lying on the edge of the bathtub with his eyes closed like he was asleep.

Seeing this, Sonia breathed a sigh of relief and patted her heaving chest. Great, he didn’t sink and

drowned. That really scared me to death! But Toby’s current situation is indeed worrying.

Rubbing her temples, Sonia walked over slowly, squatted by the edge of the bathtub, raised her hand,

and then touched Toby’s face lightly, confirming that he was indeed asleep and hadn’t met with an

accident. Only then did she feel relieved.

“Ugh, you can even fall asleep while taking a bath.” Sonia flicked Toby’s forehead out of revenge.

Immediately, Toby’s forehead became red, showing that she had really hurt him. Serves him right for

tormenting me for a few hours!

“Wake up, Toby. Wake up.” Sonia shook the man, trying to wake him up.

“Don’t sleep here as you will catch a cold. Get up, put on your clothes and go to sleep in the room.”

However, Toby only moved a little and did not look like he had any intention of waking up at all. Sonia’s

hands were tired from shaking him, yet he didn’t even flutter his eyelashes but simply slept on

peacefully. This made Sonia feel a little helpless but also a little amused.

It seems that I really owed him in my last life, so in this life, I will be tortured by him to repay the debt.

Oh well, I took off his clothes before, so it’s not a big deal to put them on now for him. Isn’t there a

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saying that whoever takes off the clothes is responsible for putting them on?

Sighing, Sonia rolled up her sleeves, grabbed Toby’s armpits with both hands, and pulled him out of the

bath. Toby was tall and big, so naturally, he couldn’t be light. In addition, he was in a state of

drunkenness and sleep, so Sonia felt he was much heavier than his actual weight.

Hence, to pull him out, she almost exerted all of her strength. Two minutes later, she finally succeeded

in dragging him out, but because she ran out of strength, she couldn’t stand firm after dragging him out

and staggered back two steps. Finally, she fell back on her bottom on the cold ground with Toby in her


Stunned, Sonia took a while to recover. She looked speechlessly at the floor behind her and then at the

heavy naked man sitting in her lap.

What is this? How did things turn out like this?

She put one hand on the man’s shoulder and the other on her forehead and suddenly laughed aloud,

amused by the funny pose that they were in. After laughing for a while, Sonia took a long breath to

calm down, put both hands on the man’s back, brought the man up from the ground, and helped him to

the bathroom door. Along the way, she tried to look straight ahead and not at the man so as not to see

anything inappropriate.

However, in the room, when Sonia threw him on the bed, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and

inevitably saw something inappropriate.

“Ugh!” Sonia’s eyes widened as she gasped for breath, and her entire face turned red right to her neck.

“B*stard!” Sonia blushed and scolded Toby, then quickly covered her face and eyes before she turned

away. At this point, her heart was beating so fast that it was about to leap out of her chest.

God, how could I see that thing?

Under her hands, Sonia’s face was full of annoyance and anger. Frowning, she regretted that she

shouldn’t have glanced just now. However, what she just saw kept appearing in her mind. That thing is


When she had sex with him the one time before, she was in a state of drunkenness and medication, so

she knew little about what was happening and didn’t see his body, either. Now that she saw it, she was

really taken aback.

He is really well endowed!

Thinking of that time when something as big as Toby’s manhood entered her body, Sonia felt that she

was pretty impressive.

Hey, hey, what am I thinking? Calm down, calm down!

Sonia waved her hand and quickly banished the thoughts from her mind, then took a deep breath and

hastened to the bathroom to get Toby’s pajamas. Soon, she came out holding Toby’s clothes and stood

beside the bed with a somber expression, as if she was facing life and death. Because next, she was

going to dress him, and dressing one was no better than undressing. Undressing was easier and could

be done with eyes closed.

But she couldn’t do that while dressing him because it was easy to button the wrong button with her

eyes closed. Moreover, he had to wear underwear, and she had heard before about how men had to

adjust their manhood while wearing underwear. So, with her eyes closed, how could she adjust? That

also meant that she would not only look at Toby again, but also touch him. God, spare me!

Sonia closed her eyes, feeling like she wanted to cry. If only Tom is here now.

Although she thought so, she knew it was impossible. After all, she couldn’t really wait for Tom to come

back and let him help his boss get changed.

Who knows when Tom will come back?

Thus, Sonia pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a long sigh.

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Forget it! I’ll do it! I’ve seen it all, anyway! So what if I touch it? Besides, in the future, I can’t avoid it.

Thinking of this, Sonia took a deep breath, and then got Toby’s underwear out of the clothes in her

arms, ready to put it on. She threw the other clothes aside and began to unfold his underwear.

After that, she held Toby’s ankles and began to put the underwear on for him. When she reached his

hips, she paused, as if she was readying herself. After a few seconds, she calmed her fast-beating

heart and continued to pull his underwear up.

Finally, Sonia saw that thing again, and her face that was already red reddened even more now, and

her breathing became much more rapid. But this time, she didn’t avoid it anymore. Although she was

shy, she stared boldly at it.

After watching for a while, she curiously poked at it with her finger. When she realized what she had

done, she hurriedly raised her head to prevent blood from flowing out of her nostrils.

God, I’ve just found out that I’m also a lustful person! How could I actually touch Toby’s manhood on

purpose… Sonia, nothing can save you now!

Sonia twitched the corners of her mouth, then lowered her head and continued to dress Toby. This

time, she was calm and no longer nervous and shy like just now. After all, she had seen and touched it,

so the ty was gone, and she was no longer interested in it. Finally, Sonia successfully put Toby’s

pants on the man. She sighed in relief and sat on the bed to rest. Yes, rest. For her, putting Toby’s

pants on him was akin to fighting a battle, and her tired back was soaked with sweat.

Turning her head, Sonia glanced resentfully at the man who was still sleeping soundly on the bed and

shook her head helplessly. “You’re really my archenemy!”

Then, she stood up, picked up the pajamas on the side, and continued to put them on Toby. It was less

stressful to change his shirt than pants, so Sonia quickly pulled his right arm into the right sleeve. When

she came to his left arm, she halted.

“This is…”