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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 175
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Too Much to Bear, My Love Chapter 175

Amelia’s surgery went on until two in the morning. When the sign above the operating room remained lit,

the atmosphere in the corridor became even heavier. Nobody spoke a word. Only silence settled among

them all.

Suddenly, the doors to the operating room parted. Two nurses rushed out in a hurry. Everyone tensed at

the sight.

“Miss, how is my daughter-in-law?” Olivia asked, feeling scared and anxious.

The nurses responded hurriedly, “The patient is hemorrhaging. She is in critical condition. We need a

blood transfusion. Who has the O blood type?”

“I do!” Olivia and Tiffany raised their hands simultaneously and exclaimed at the same time.

“Then the two of you come with me.”

Olivia and Tiffany trailed behind the nurses. Oscar and Owen followed in apprehension as well.

The two nurses did a quick body check for both women. Due to her heart condition, Olivia could not give

blood. Tiffany, on the other hand, was fit as a fiddle, so they took her blood.

Tiffany said fearlessly, “Miss, please take more. As long as you can save Amelia, take as much as you

need to. I am healthy. I can replenish the blood by eating more meat after this.”

The nurses laughed at what she said, relaxing the tense atmosphere a little.

Under Tiffany’s aggressive request, the nurses did take slightly more blood than they should. After

donating a relatively big amount of blood, Tiffany was visibly pale. Her hands were extremely cold too.

Olivia hugged her tight, her heart aching for the brave woman.

“Tiffany, are you alright?” asked Olivia.

The pale woman shook her head and answered a little feebly, “I’m okay. I’ll be alright after resting. As

long as Amelia can be saved, taking more of my blood is no big deal.”

Olivia sat her down on the bench and turned to her son. “Oscar, go buy something warm for Tiffany to

eat. She just donated a lot of blood. Her body is weak.”

Oscar nodded and went ahead swiftly.

Olivia held Tiffany’s hands tightly and thanked her. “Tiffany, I can’t thank you enough for today. You are

Amelia’s savior and our family’s savior. In the future, if you need anything, feel free to tell me. I will

definitely do my best to help you.”

Tiffany smiled and replied, “Mrs. Clinton, you’re too kind. Amelia is my friend. We have known each other

for many years. I only want her to get through this. I would willingly donate my kidney to her if she

needed it. Our friendship is not something everyone can understand.”

From that moment onwards, Olivia began to regard Tiffany with admiration.

She suddenly blurted, “I’ll make you my goddaughter.”

Tiffany’s eyes widened, and she looked at Olivia, flabbergasted.

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Olivia smiled and was about to say something when two nurses came out with a baby wrapped tightly in

a bundle. Tiffany, Olivia, and Owen immediately stood up and rushed over. Olivia looked at the baby that

was still sticky with blood. Her eyes reddened at the sight, and her lips trembled. She was suddenly

overcome with emotions.

Her lips trembled for some time before she found her voice. “This is my grandson?”

The two nurses nodded and said, “Madam, we need to bathe the baby. If you would like to watch, you

may come over to the newborn nursery. This baby is the bravest baby that I have ever seen. Despite

being in an accident, he was born without any complications. It’s nothing short of a miracle.”

The three of them let out a breath of relief. At least the baby was safe. Now they only hoped for Amelia to

survive as well.

Olivia instructed her husband, “Dear, you stay put with Tiffany. I’ll follow them to have a look at the baby.”

Owen nodded in agreement and understanding.

After Olivia went with the nurses, only Tiffany and Owen were left to stand in front of the operating room.

The atmosphere suddenly became deafening.

Owen was a man who looked graceful and gentlemanly. Even though he was over sixty years old, he

knew how to take good care of himself. Therefore, he looked like a middle-aged man who was slightly

over forty. On the whole, he was quite charismatic.

If it weren’t for her close relationship with Amelia, Tiffany would have a good impression of him. However,

Amelia’s life with the Clintons wasn’t as smooth sailing as it seemed on the surface. That was why

Tiffany felt guarded around this man, even if he seemed refined.

Owen coughed a little and said gently, “Tiffany… Is it alright if I call you by your name?”

Surprise flashed across Tiffany’s eyes, but she replied politely, “Of course.”

He pointed to the long bench in the corridor and said, “I noticed you don’t look so well. I think it would be

better if you sit down and get some rest.”

Upon hearing him say that, Tiffany was even more surprised. She had never expected Mr. Clinton, who

was renowned to be ruthless in the corporate world, to one day speak to her so amiably.

She suddenly felt overwhelmed.

“Err… okay.” Her response came slightly slow, but she sat down all the same.

Owen said, “Tiffany, it’s all thanks to you today. Since Olivia would like to take you as her goddaughter,

we will hold a party after Amelia gets well. We will invite our good friends from the business community

and introduce you to them. I have heard that you are a freelance writer. Coincidentally, I know a few

CEOs of some publishing houses. We will also get you a reliable manager and groom you to become a

top writer in our country.”

Tiffany was completely shell-shocked by now. She could not believe that Mr. Clinton was offering to

support her. One must know that the man was considered a leader in the local business community. With

his support, one could achieve success much earlier and face fewer obstacles. This was the kind of

chance many people often dreamt of. She certainly did not expect that such a great opportunity would

just fall into her lap.

However, Tiffany did not let the surprise get to her head.

She replied rationally, “Mr. Clinton, thank you for your kindness, but there is no need for that. I am just an

ordinary person. Putting in my honest work and getting the pay that is enough to sustain myself is good

enough. As for taking me in as a goddaughter, I think Mrs. Clinton only said it at the heat of the moment.

It should not be taken seriously.”

It was Owen’s turn to be surprised.

People would normally coyly reject him when given this offer, but their eyes would still shine with desire.

He observed Tiffany closely and found that she really did not want to have anything to do with the


“Olivia does not speak lightly. She earnestly wishes to have you as her goddaughter. Being related to the

Clintons would not only raise your reputation — it will also bring you unimaginable benefits. So many

people dream of this chance day and night, but you’re letting it pass you by?” asked Owen tentatively.

At that, Tiffany let out a dry laugh.

She was acting restrained in front of Owen, but the look in her eyes was definitely earnest.

“Mr. Clinton, what I have to say next may seem pompous. Forgive me, but honestly speaking, I do not

wish to have anything to do with the Clintons. If it hadn’t been for Amelia’s marriage to Oscar, I would not

have agreed for her to get involved with your family in any way. The Clintons are a prominent family. The

waters are too deep. Amelia and I are children from ordinary families. Just having a thousand or so to

buy something slightly lavish would have made our day. Despite living in luxury, you never know when an

accident may happen. Amelia, who is lying on the operating table right now, is proof of that.”

Pausing for a bit, Tiffany then said, “I thought a car accident like this would only happen in one of my

s. I didn’t expect it would happen in real life. To be frank, so many bad things have happened to

Amelia. I am actually quite repulsed by the members of the Clinton family.”

As she said that, she smiled sheepishly. “Mr. Clinton, please take it as me speaking rashly because I’m

still young. We should not go ahead with this whole goddaughter business. I do not want to be called a

gold digger who is latching on to the Clintons for money.”

Listening to her, Owen was surprisingly not angered.

Tiffany pursed her lips and suddenly added, “Mr. Clinton, I’m sorry. I have said too much. Perhaps it is

because of Amelia that I am quite prejudiced against the Clinton family.”

Owen shook his head and replied, “No, I think you are very truthful, and I admire your personality. You

and Amelia are quite alike. I was too fixated on social standing, so I treated Amelia unfairly. Now that she

is fighting for her life in the operating room, I reflected upon many things. I realize now that I really did

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mistreat her far too many times.”

The look in Tiffany’s eyes became complicated.

Owen peered at the sign above the operating room that was still illuminated. He suddenly sighed and

said, “I should let my children live the life they want. If Amelia overcomes this obstacle in life, I will not

interfere in her marriage with my son anymore. Too much interference on my end would only put me in a

difficult position.”

Tiffany chuckled lightly. Mr. Clinton was relatable like this. At least he was not as despicable as what she

had previously thought.

Oscar soon came back with three sets of chicken soup and buns. He passed two of them to Owen and

Tiffany. “Dad, where’s Mom?” he asked.

Owen accepted the soup and answered, “Amelia has given birth to a son. Your mom has gone off to look

at the baby.”

The man’s hand paused mid-action. His heart jolted at the news, and his blood pumped furiously. An

indescribable feeling filled his heart. It was sweet and satisfying. He felt a flurry of emotions gather all at

once and was overcome with fervor.

The thrill of officially becoming a father stunned him momentarily. The intense emotion he felt caused his

ability to manage his expression to be thrown out of a window.

Tiffany, who was busy observing him, asked, “Oscar, why are you like this? Amelia gave you a son! Are

you really that unhappy about it?”

Oscar finally regained his senses.

“Where’s Amelia?” he asked; he was worried about her.

Tiffany’s stony expression relaxed at his question.

Humph! At least you remembered Amelia first instead of being overjoyed at having a son. Otherwise, I

would do everything in my power to stop her from being with you.

“She’s still in the operating room. We don’t know what’s the situation in there,” answered Tiffany in a low

voice. She looked at the soup in her hands; it no longer looked appetizing.

The operation had gone on for far too long. The longer it was, the more despair filled them.

Oscar’s expression was solemn, but he urged, “You better eat something. If Amelia wakes up and sees

you looking as white as a ghost, she’ll think I am bullying you again.”

Tiffany nodded and took a sip obediently. She did not have any energy left to argue with Oscar. Amelia’s

uncertain condition had made her feel extremely despondent, so the soup she had in her hands seemed

to have instantly lost its taste.

On the other hand, Oscar gazed at the operating room with his lips pressed together. The elation from

becoming a father had receded. Deep in his heart, he felt a gap widen. It was like a piece of his heart

was missing. He had a feeling that the most important thing in his life was slipping away. The feeling

made him feel utterly terrified.