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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 178
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Too Much to Bear, My Love Chapter 178 More Serious Than He Thinks

Gary looked over to Oscar’s unconscious body lying on the bed. “I suppose he’s in love with Amelia as

well?” he asked with a sigh.

Tiffany thought for a while, then answered slowly, “That’s what I want to find out too, actually. After

Amelia’s accident, Oscar watched over her day and night. I suppose that shows he has some heart, at

least. I’ve always seen Oscar as a firm, unshakeable man of iron. You can imagine my surprise when he

fainted just now. I think he does love Amelia, but who can tell with these rich men? All I can hope for now

is for Amelia to recover consciousness in time. She still has her baby to take care of.”

Gary looked steadily at Tiffany.

After a moment’s pause, he repeated, “Her baby?”

A faint smile hovered on Tiffany’s lips. “The doctors delivered Amelia’s baby last night. It’s a healthy baby

boy weighing approximately seven and a half pounds. His little face was red with crying, and he was

yelling at the top of his lungs. The nurse said she’d never seen such a healthy child come out of an

accident like that. Maybe Amelia was using her own life to protect his. I’m sure that when Amelia wakes

up to see her baby doing so well, she’ll definitely be overjoyed.”

Gary raised his hand. It hung in the air for a while before uncertainly patting Tiffany on her back. “Don’t

worry. Amelia will pull through this. I’ve heard stories of how a mother’s love can overcome even the

most insurmountable obstacles. I’m sure Amelia knows that her baby is waiting for her. She’ll come back

to us.”

Tiffany nodded. The glimmer of worry in her eyes remained, however.

The door of the hospital room was soon pushed open. Olivia entered with Owen by her side, supporting

her. Tiffany immediately rushed forward to help.

“Mrs. Clinton, how are you feeling?” she inquired anxiously.

Olivia managed a smile. “I’m much better. I heard from the doctor that Oscar fainted. How is he? Is he all


“Don’t worry, Mrs. Clinton. The doctor said it happened he overworked himself. The shock of Amelia’s

condition worsening triggered emotional agitation within him. He’ll be fine with some rest,” Tiffany hastily

reassured Olivia.

Olivia nodded weakly. She made her way to Oscar’s bedside and tenderly caressed his face. However,

the sight of her son lying unmoving in bed reduced her to tears.

Tiffany looked on helplessly. Forcing herself to speak calmly, she soothed, “Mrs. Clinton, please don’t cry.

The doctor said Oscar’s fine. Besides, he’s as strong as an ox. He’ll wake up soon.”

At the thought of people seeing her like this, Olivia quickly wiped away her tears. She then said slightly

bashfully, “I’m all right. I guess I’ve been feeling slightly melancholic lately. I’m sorry to have alarmed

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Owen embraced his wife. “Olivia, don’t be like this. Amelia is still in the intensive care unit, and Oscar’s

now unconscious. They need us to take care of them now. We can’t collapse ourselves,” he said firmly.

Olivia leaned against Owen’s chest, drawing consolation from his steady strength. However, she couldn’t

help but choke out a sob. “Within the span of two days, Amelia got into an accident and Oscar fainted.

What’s happening to our family? I feel as if the sky is falling down on us.”

The man patted his wife on the back as one would a child. “Don’t overthink things. Amelia will be fine.

Our grandson still needs his mother and grandmother. You have to be strong for him too.”

At this mention of her grandson, Olivia grew distraught. “That’s right! Where’s the baby? Dear, we

haven’t gotten anyone to look after him! He’s still so small. We can’t let anything happen to him!”

This time, Owen patted Olivia on the shoulder to mollify her.

“I’ve already hired two nannies to take care of him. Don’t worry. No one will dare bully a grandson of the

Clintons,” Owen declared.

At that, Olivia heaved a sigh of relief. Her eyes then wandered onto Gary, who was standing beside


She smiled apologetically at the pair. “Tiffany, is this your boyfriend? He’s rather handsome. You two

make a good match.”

Tiffany immediately rejected the idea, explaining, “He’s a friend of mine and Amelia’s. He heard about

Amelia’s accident and came to visit her.”

Gary greeted Olivia most courteously. “Hello, Mrs. Clinton. My name’s Gary Laird.”

“Nice to meet you, Gary,” Olivia said warmly. “Thank you for coming to visit Amelia. Among all of her

friends, Tiffany is the only one I’ve met. I never imagined that Amelia would have such a handsome

friend like yourself.”

“Amelia’s a very charming girl,” Gary replied. “Even though she’s married, she still attracts men and

women alike.”

Olivia smiled in agreement.

It seemed that Gary had gotten the woman’s stamp of approval.

“Mrs. Clinton, you’re a lot more friendly than I imagined you’d be. It’s really Amelia’s luck that she got

such an open-minded, kind mother-in-law,” Gary added.

Olivia’s eyes darkened. “When Amelia married into our family, she suffered a great deal. I haven’t been

as good to her as I should have. If I knew this accident was going to happen, I would have treated her

better from the start,” she reflected dispiritedly.

The room fell into an uneasy silence.

At last, Olivia tossed her hair and remarked lightly, “Look at me spoiling the mood again.”

No one blamed her, however, standing as they were in the hospital where the lines between life and

death were so easily blurred. The furious struggle to live surrounded each individual in every room here.

In this particular room, however, it was the presence of death that lingered.

Amelia’s unstable condition had set everyone on edge. Between moments, they could only hope and

pray that a miracle would happen rather than a tragedy, though the probability of the latter loomed larger.

Still, the tiniest shred of hope was better than having none at all.

Oscar awoke after two hours. By then, only his parents were left in the hospital room. Tiffany and Gary

had left in the meantime to check on Amelia.

Oscar didn’t speak.

Olivia looked at him fretfully as she leaned over and said, “Oscar, are you hungry? Shall I get the maid to

bring some delicious food over for you?”

The man on the hospital bed shook his head tiredly.

Olivia clutched his hand in hers. “Oscar, don’t be like this. It makes me nervous. What are you thinking


Oscar glanced at her, asking, “Mom, how’s Amelia?”

Olivia’s eyes were teary as she replied, “She’s still the same. Mr. Lancester came by just now to tell us

not to be too optimistic about Amelia’s condition. Even Anglandur’s finest doctors won’t be able to help.”

Oscar was silent for a while longer. Then he spoke, “Mom, where’s my phone?”

Olivia hurriedly passed him his phone and asked anxiously, “Who are you planning on calling?”

“I’m going to get in touch with Anglandur’s medical team. With all the latest advancements in technology,

they managed to save Amelia even after her accident. Surely they’ll be able to work their magic again

now,” Oscar declared resolutely, punching in the numbers on his phone.

“Call them then. Your father has already contacted other overseas medical teams. Some of them have

already boarded planes to make their way here. Hopefully, once they’ve arrived, Amelia’s chances at

survival will greatly improve,” Olivia said buoyantly.

Oscar dialed James. His phone rang for a long time before someone else eventually picked up the call.

After a few words from Oscar, James came onto the line.

“Oz, what’s up?” James asked easily.

“James, Amelia got into an accident. Are you able to come over?” Oscar questioned urgently.

“I have two other operations lined up right now. I can only fly over to Chanaea after a good few hours,”

the man on the other side of the line said, frowning.

“James, can’t you hand those operations over to someone else?” Oscar pleaded, his voice breaking.

“I’ll try. If someone else is available, I’ll definitely board the next flight into Chanaea,” James promised,


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“I’ll be waiting to hear the good news then. James, we’ve been friends for so many years. Amelia’s really

on the brink of life and death now! I hope you can quickly come over to Chanaea. If you save her, I’ll

forever be in your debt,” Oscar continued feebly.

At that promise, James chuckled. “Oz, have you really fallen in love with Amelia? When I last came back

to Chanaea to save her friend, you insisted that you weren’t. For the sake of your great love, I’ll definitely

make some arrangements and ensure that I get over to Chanaea as quickly as I can.”

“Thank you, James,” Oscar replied heavily. He was neither in the mood to elaborate nor respond to the

man’s lighthearted attempts to comfort him.

He hung up the phone.

“Oscar, did you call James?” Olivia asked.

Oscar nodded in response.

“James is very skilled. I heard he became a resident physician at his hospital very early in his career. If

he operates on Amelia, I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Olivia muttered, her fears momentarily allayed.

Oscar, however, remained solemn. It was difficult for an onlooker to guess what thoughts were running

through his mind.

His mother changed the subject briskly. “Oscar, I’ve gotten the maid to prepare something for you to eat.

You need to keep your strength up.”

Oscar had already swung his legs over the side of the bed and gotten up. “Mom, I’m not hungry. I’m

going to check on Amelia,” he announced.

Without waiting for her reply, he strode out of the room.

Olivia let out another long sigh.

Owen reached out and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Don’t worry too much. The children will take care

of themselves.”

“I used to resent how Oscar neglected Amelia for work and even for his relationship with Cassie.

However, now that I see his heartrending despair over Amelia’s condition, I almost wish he’d return to the

cold-hearted man he was before. I can’t bear to see him hurt like this,” Olivia said sorrowfully.

Her husband was likewise troubled by Oscar’s state. He’d witnessed Oscar’s transformation with his own

eyes from a high-spirited young man to this dull, melancholy individual now. Owen was terrified that if

Amelia did lose her life from this accident, the emotional shock to Oscar might do him irreparable


“Dear, I’ve always treated Amelia as my own daughter. However, now that her accident has affected

Oscar so, all I wish is that he’d be as heartless as he was before. Do you think that’s very selfish of me?”

Olivia asked despondently.

“Stop thinking so much. It’s only because you love Oscar too much. I think he himself doesn’t know the

depth of his affections towards Amelia. He isn’t aware of his own feelings. I’m afraid that if she really

dies, he’ll…”

Owen trailed off. The words he’d left unspoken, however, were already written on everyone’s hearts.