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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 265
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Chapter 265 What Makes You Think So

Two hours had passed by the time Amelia regained consciousness. Tiffany came rushing to her side

the moment she saw her wake up and asked worriedly, “How are you feeling, Amelia?”

Amelia rubbed her throbbing forehead. “What happened to me, Tiff?”

“You fainted.”

Hearing that reminded Amelia of the unpleasant memories from earlier and caused her headache to


“What’s wrong? Does your head hurt?” Tiffany asked anxiously when she saw the pained expression

on her face.

Amelia lay back down on the bed and said, “I need some time alone, Tiff.”

Tiffany was still worried. “Babe, we should get you checked at a hospital if your head is still hurting.”

“No, I just need to get some rest. Otherwise, I won’t have the energy to negotiate with Oscar later on,”

Amelia said.

Who would’ve thought a couple as close as us would someday end up having to negotiate? What a

joke, eh?

“All right. You rest well now.” Tiffany decided not to persuade her any further and simply sat down

quietly on the side.

Amelia thought to herself as she glanced at Tiffany through the corner of her eye. I feel so bad for

Tiffany. I’m always dragging her into my mess, and yet she would always stay by my side without a

single complaint. I bet some people could go their entire life without having such friendships!

“Thank you, Tiff!” she said sincerely.

Tiffany held her by the hand as she replied, “Babe, you being okay is all that matters right now. We’re

friends, so you don’t have to stand on ceremony with me. If you want to divorce Oscar, then that’s

exactly what we’ll do. After that, we’ll try our best to help you get custody of Tony so you two can leave

this place for good. Since things have come to this, there’s no point in worrying too much about it. You

can’t look after Tony if your condition becomes worse, so take good care of yourself, all right?”

Amelia let out a wry chuckle and stared at the ceiling above as she said, “Tiff, do you really think I’m in

any condition to raise Tony well even if I get custody of him? What if he blames me for troubling him

with my blindness? Given how wealthy and powerful the Clintons are, wouldn’t it be best if he stays

with them instead?”

Tiffany froze for a brief moment before exclaiming anxiously, “Amelia, have you lost your mind? Not

only are you giving up on your marriage with Oscar, but you’re going to abandon Tony as well? You

risked your life giving birth to that kid, and now you’re going to just leave him behind? I can help raise

him for you if you’re worried that you can’t do it well, but I sure as hell won’t let you leave him with the

Clintons! Don’t you know what happens to kids with stepmothers? Besides, do you really think the

Clintons are going to treat a motherless child like him well? Have you forgotten that Stephanie still

plans on killing him?”

Amelia felt a shiver down her spine when she heard that.

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“You can still see, right? I’m sure everything will get better soon. You may not be able to save your

marriage with Oscar, but you shouldn’t give up on Tony. With him around, you’ll have a reason to keep

going. On top of that, he’s your only remaining connection with Oscar. You wouldn’t want to actually cut

all ties with him, would you?” Tiffany added.

Amelia simply kept quiet.

Tiffany got so anxious that she grabbed her by the collar and shouted angrily in her face, “Pull yourself

together, Amelia! Why are you acting like you’re a living corpse or something, huh? What happened to

all that confidence and pride of yours? You survived a f*cking car accident, only to get all depressed

over some problems with your vision? Maybe the doctors shouldn’t have tried so hard to save your life

if they knew you’d just give up on it afterward! Seeing you like this pisses me off so much, you know


Amelia burst out crying from the scolding.

With her hands pressed against her heaving chest, she tried her best to stifle her sobs as she said, “It

hurts, Tiff… My heart feels like it has been hollowed out and is hurting really badly! I know I’m being

really pathetic right now, but it just hurts so much that I don’t know what to do! I love Oscar! I love him

very much, and yet I’m the one who ruined our relationship! Why is fate being so cruel to me? This is

unfair! This is so unfair! Why give me a new life only to take my eyes from me afterward? It’s just as

horrible as taking my life!”

Tiffany felt so bad for her that she, too, began crying after hearing that.

“We can just pretend this whole thing never happened if you can’t let Oscar go. That way, you can go

back to being with him as usual. We have to keep moving forward in life, Amelia. Given how advanced

medical technology is these days, I’m sure you’ll find a way to get your eyes treated! Don’t give up

hope just yet!” she shouted with tears in her eyes while hugging Amelia tightly, but Amelia still shook

her head in response.

Looking at her friend, Tiffany let out a heavy sigh.

It looks like I’m all out of options here. Amelia has way too many concerns on her mind, and her huge

ego prevents her from staying with the Clintons even if they don’t mind her disability. However, given

the size and power of the household, she’d most likely face discrimination from some of its members

anyway. As such, choosing to leave before she becomes fully blind is the only way to protect whatever

remaining sense of pride she has left. She loves Oscar so much that she’s willing to give up on

everything they have so he wouldn’t have to suffer because of her, huh? Well, I suppose there aren’t

many in this world who are capable of loving someone to such a degree.

With that in mind, Tiffany said, “Take some time to calm yourself down, Amelia. We can head back to

the Clinton residence tomorrow.”

Amelia nodded and lay back down on the bed, but she couldn’t seem to fall asleep at all.

Meanwhile, Oscar was searching for Amelia all over the streets like crazy after leaving the hotel, but he

couldn’t find her regardless. The fear of losing his loved one for good was eating away at his heart and

plunged him into a state of panic like never before.

He even tried calling home to ask the maid if Amelia had returned. He then ended the call immediately

when she said no.

Oscar’s phone began ringing moments later, and a quick glance at the caller ID revealed that it was

Olivia calling. He was so stressed out that he didn’t want to answer the phone at first, but he did so

anyway, as he didn’t want her to worry about him.

“Oscar, did something happen between you and Amelia? Why did you call to check if she came home?

Isn’t she supposed to be with you right now?” Olivia asked the moment the call got through.

“It’s fine, Mom. I met up with her, and she said she wants to play a game with me. She then went into

hiding, and I figured I’d try calling home to check because I couldn’t find her.” Oscar came up with a

random lie on the spot.


“It’s a little thing we do to spice up our marriage, Mom. You know how it is.”

Olivia burst out laughing in response. “Oh, you cheeky boy… Amelia’s body can’t stand that much

abuse right now, so don’t take things too far, okay? You two have a lifetime to spend together!”

Oscar felt his heart sink after hearing that.

“I know, Mom. All right. I’ll be hanging up now. We’ll be back tomorrow!” he said in a somewhat hoarse


“Okay, bye now!”

Oscar grew increasingly lost after hanging up the phone.

How did things end up like this? We were practically two lovebirds two days ago, and now it’s like

we’ve come to a point of no return! I know Amelia all too well… She’s the type who’s incredibly loyal

when it comes to love, and she expects the same of her significant other. She turned a blind eye when I

cheated on her before we confessed our feelings for each other, but now… This incident is going to

take a huge toll on our relationship for sure! When I entered the hotel, I was excited about the surprise

Amelia had in store for me, so how did I end up being caught cheating on her with Cassie instead? This

doesn’t make any sense… Still, regardless of whether it was intentional, it is an undeniable fact that I

had sex with Cassie!

He felt like he was going crazy and tugged at his hair as he gave Hugo a call. “Hugo, send our men

over and have them conduct a thorough search of the area for Amelia!”

As Oscar ended the call after giving the order, Cassie could be heard calling out to him from behind.


He then turned around and shot her an icy-cold glare as he threatened, “Stop following me around, or

I’ll kill you!”

“You can’t do this to me, Oz! You were the one who told me to come here and said you wanted to get

back together! I mean, how else would I have known where to find you? I’m not skilled enough to find

out where you are without being noticed, you know?” Cassie snapped back at him with reddened eyes.

Oscar paused to analyze what she said.

“You’re saying I asked you to come here?”

Cassie nodded and pulled out her phone. “If you don’t believe me, you can take a look at the text

messages you sent me!”

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The look in Oscar’s eyes changed when he found nothing after going through her text messages.

He then threw her phone back at her and shouted coldly, “You should improve on your acting skills

before you tell a lie next time, Cassie!”

Unsure of what he meant, Cassie scrolled through her inbox in confusion. Seconds later, her eyes went

wide as she realized all of their text messages had disappeared without a trace.

“What? This can’t be! How is this possible?” she exclaimed in disbelief.

Oscar ignored her as he was in a hurry to find Amelia, but Cassie stopped him again and protested

persistently, “Oz, you have to believe me! You really did text me about how you still love me!”

Oscar used to care a lot about Cassie back then, but all he felt toward her at the time was hatred and


Being a very loyal person when it came to relationships, Oscar felt utterly disgusted at the thought of

him having sex with Cassie. Seeing her in front of him only served to amplify those feelings of disgust.

“Get lost!” he yelled.

“You can’t treat me like this, Oz! You can’t just pretend to not know me after having sex with me!”

“How much money do you want?”

Cassie was confused. “What money?”

“It’s for your services earlier.”

Cassie was so shocked that she took a few steps back in response. Did Oscar just call me a wh*re?

“Don’t you go too far now, Oscar! The Yard family is a pretty prominent family too, you know? You were

the one who told me to come over, and you were the one who had sex with me! How could you say

such insulting things to me after refusing to take responsibility?”

“Am I wrong? If you had just a little bit of shame, you wouldn’t cling to men like a f*cking wh*re just

waiting to serve them! You know what? I’m ashamed to even know you! You’re worse than a wh*re!”

Oscar snapped back at her and stormed off while Cassie slumped weakly to the floor in


Whatever expectations she had toward him had turned to hatred in that very instant.

She hated Oscar for being heartless, but she hated herself even more for desperately trying to win him

back when he didn’t even care about her at all.

“I hate you, Oscar!” Cassie muttered under her breath with a vicious look on her face.

Suddenly, a man wearing leather shoes approached her from the front. She looked up at the man and

saw June staring down at her. June asked coldly, “Feeling satisfied now that you’ve been humiliated by

a man?”

“Why? Why? Why?” Cassie shouted while crying out loud.

June simply shot her a cold glare as he mocked her, “Did you really expect Oscar to change his mind

about a shameless woman like you?”

Cassie continued crying her heart out while June watched from the side without even attempting to

console her.

It took quite a while for her to finally vent all of her emotions. With tears in her eyes, Cassie looked at

June and pleaded with him, “June, will you please help me get my revenge on Oscar? In return, I’ll

agree to be your mistress! I’ll do anything you want!”

“Oh, Cassie… You’re nothing but used goods now. What makes you think I would even want you?”

June asked with a sneer.

Cassie’s eyes went wide instantly from shock.