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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 533
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Chapter 533 A Psychopath

“Ms. Yard, Amelia has already taken Oscar away from you. Are you going to let her do the same to

your fiancé now?” asked Jennifer, sneering. She had intentionally asked that question to fan Cassie’s

flames of jealousy.

With an aggrieved look on her face, Cassie ground her teeth in hatred. “I will never let June fall in love

with Amelia, even if it means destroying him.”

With the corners of her mouth arched upward, Jennifer revealed a smug smile on her face.

“If only you realized this sooner, Ms. Yard. Perhaps, Oscar will not be taken away,” said Jennifer

mockingly. She was determined to add fuel to the fire with her words.

Feeling rather humiliated by rage, Cassie glared at Jennifer. “Are you saying that I’m dumb?”

“Ms. Yard, I can’t do anything if you insist on thinking that way. This time, I’ve made a mistake coming

to see you. Initially, I thought I got myself an intelligent and amicable partner that I can get along with. I

guess my assumptions are wrong,” said Jennifer as she shrugged her shoulders. She added, “I think

you don’t need me as your partner anymore, Ms. Yard. Hence, I’ll make a move first.”

“Stop right there!” Cassie stood up and extended her hand to Jennifer. She said, “It’s a pleasure to

know you.”

Next, Jennifer broke into a grin as the corners of her mouth arched up. She said, “Ms. Yard,

congratulations on making a smart decision.”

When the duo shook hands, their eyes met instantly. They sized each other up with a judgmental look,

revealing a manipulative gaze.

Cassie said, “I hope you really have a plan that works this time. If you let me down again, I am going to

make sure you pay for it with your life.”

Jennifer sniggered and replied, “Ms. Yard, your words are amusing indeed.”

Instantly, Cassie’s face fell when she heard that.

“Okay, don’t get mad. I’ll help you think of a plan. If you want to go back to Oscar, you have to change

your temperament. I heard Oscar likes women who are gentle yet resolute. Isn’t Amelia like that? You

can become gentler toward him. Shower him with niceness without compromising your dignity. That is

how you can extend the bait to him. Do you understand? You come from a wealthy family, after all. I’m

sure you know how to act in accordance with circumstances,” said Jennifer, who assumed she had a

great plan.

Meanwhile, Cassie ruminated in her thoughts.

“It’s getting late, so I ought to go back. We will contact each other again if there’s time,” said Jennifer.

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She wanted Cassie to take her number down, so she said, “Ms. Yard, if you don’t mind, just record my

number down. You may get in touch with me if anything happens. I will respond to you immediately.”

Cassie took down Jennifer’s number and placed a missed call on the latter’s phone.

Jennifer waved her hand a few times and said, “I shall not take up too much of your time, Ms. Yard. I’ll

make a move first.”

After Jennifer left, Cassie sat alone in the pavilion. She ran through various thoughts in her mind. After

clearing her thoughts, her angry temperament gradually simmered down.

Cassie got up and left after she sat for a while more. Then, she drove back to the Yard Manor. Once

Cassie arrived and got out of the car, she noticed June strolling leisurely. Cassie had felt good earlier

on after spending some time alone. After she saw June, her good mood vanished in the blink of an eye.

After scurrying over to June with hurried footsteps, Cassie glared furiously at him.

When June saw Cassie, he grinned devilishly. “Honey, you are back! I’ve been waiting for a few hours

for you,” said June. He reached over to hold Cassie’s waist, but the latter evaded his move.

With her eyes narrowed, Cassie questioned June, “Did you go and see Amelia?”

June opened his arms wide in nonchalance. Then he chortled and replied, “Honey, even if I had a

relationship with Amelia in the past, you are the one I love most in my heart. It’s true.”

Cassie was livid. What a shameless man! It’s perverse and low-down! How despicable!

Instantly, those menacing words flashed past continuously in Cassie’s mind.

“June, just how shameless can you get? You should know that Amelia is the woman I hate most. Why

are you still in endless entanglements with her? Do you really hate me so much?” uttered Cassie as

she gritted her teeth in anger.

Even after June heard those words, the sinister smile on his face remained constant. No matter how

Cassie looked at him, she found his menacing smile exceptionally irksome.

“Baby, how can you say that? I’m doing all this for your sake. Once I get hold of Amelia, you can make

use of the opportunity to take Oscar back. That way, we can both get what we want. Aren’t you happy

about that? I don’t think you look particularly happy to me. Please don’t tell me you are actually

jealous?” said June. After that, the latter looked in jest at Cassie.

Cassie revealed a panicked look on her face as if someone had exposed her secret. As she took two

steps back instinctively, she noticed the playful look in June’s gaze. Instantly, she knew June was

teasing her again.

By this time, Cassie felt fury had raged through her chest. Feeling embarrassed, Cassie shouted

furiously, “June, don’t try to test me with a method like that. I would rather be jealous of a beast. I will

feel no jealousy for a despicable, shameless, and perverse scoundrel like you. In my eyes, you are

nothing but a thoroughly disgusting parasite.”

June did not understand what Cassie meant by a parasite. However, his face darkened for a while. His

gaze turned vicious, as he looked like he could murder someone.

Cassie was scared by June’s darkened countenance, so she retreated another step. With a quivering

voice, Cassie muttered, “Don’t tell me you are going to murder me?”

June’s expression changed instantly again, with no warning. With a leisurely smile, he chuckled and

said, “Honey, you are fond of joking indeed. You are perfect in every way. I can’t bear to take your life

away. I’m even thinking about growing old with you. Don’t you hate Amelia? After she becomes mine, I

will make her our lowly slave. What do you think about that?”

Cassie glanced at June in disbelief. She felt June was being absolutely ludicrous with his naïve


“June, don’t brag about it if you don’t have what it takes to salvage the situation. After too much

bragging, you are bound to get caught one day. Two years ago, you promised me you will exact

revenge on Oscar. Now, two years have passed. Oscar is still the high-and-mighty heir to Clinton

Corporations. On top of that, Amelia is back. As for you, have you done anything at all? You keep

talking big in front of me. I think that’s all you are capable of – bragging,” mocked Cassie as she

snorted at him.

June’s gaze darkened immediately as his eyes glinted turbulently in subtleness.

“What is it now? Did I hit the nail on the head? June, don’t you wish you can strangle me now? If you

have the means to do it, just strangle me to death right away. Otherwise, don’t blame me for shooting

my mouth. I have to warn you first. Stop messing around with Amelia. I don’t care how many other

women you have out there. I can keep my hands out of it. However, you simply cannot touch Amelia.

Once you lay your hands on her, I swear nothing will salvage the hate I have for you,” said Cassie.

June suppressed the look of turmoil underneath his eyes. He laughed and said, “Are you feeling


Cassie waved her hand at him and brushed him off. “Just piss the hell off! Don’t touch me.”

Instead of complying with Cassie’s words, June pulled her forcefully into his arms. He lowered his head

and pressed his lips to hers.

Initially, Cassie struggled to break free from June. Slowly, her resistance came to a stop as she turned

soft in his arms. With no choice, Cassie yielded to June’s forceful kiss. She only regained her senses

after a cold gust of wind blew across her body.

Instantly, Cassie pushed June away from her. Immediately, she pulled down her skirt, which was lifted

earlier on.

“You’ve got to show me some respect,” said Cassie with narrowed eyes. Fuming away, Cassie

sounded like she was still mad at June.

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June broke into a mocking guffaw. He seemed to insinuate that Cassie was putting up a

pretense. ”Honey, you are just putting up a show now. Don’t you find it laughable at all?”

Cassie felt her face turn pale, then red from embarrassment. She was exceptionally annoyed by June’s


“Shut your mouth this instant!” Cassie exclaimed.

“Well, I can’t do that. If I really shut up, who else can kiss you so passionately? You have no idea how

mesmerizing you sound to me every time. I love watching you, enthralled in a daze. I’ve got plenty of

footage of you in that state. As long as you wish to see it, I can upload it online anytime. I believe Mr.

and Mrs. Yard would love to see it too,” said June sardonically.

When Cassie heard that, she felt hot and cold flushes across her face instantly.

“Shut up now,” yelled Cassie, infuriated. “You are a maniac. You are simply perverse.”

Suddenly, June’s eyes flashed with a hint of gloom. He clenched his fists hard, only to release them

after a while. In the next moment, he resumed smiling like before, as if he was in a good mood.

“Oh honey, did that break your spirit already? In fact, I’ve been good to you. In a while, shall we admire

the video footage of your mesmerizing, lovely daze upstairs? You don’t even know how cute you are

when you have no clothes on,” said June, his tone perverse.

“What a psychopath you are,” uttered Cassie. Immediately, she walked past June and fled


Meanwhile, June remained rooted to the spot. June gazed longingly at Cassie as she disappeared from

his sight gradually. He arched his lips up in a smile and muttered to himself, “Baby, even if you want to

return to Oscar’s side, you have to see if I’d agree to it first. Don’t worry about it, though. In this life, it is

fate that you can only belong to me.”

With leisurely steps, June strolled back. He appeared to be in a better mood than before.

That night, Cassie could not escape from June’s evil clutches.

After a long night together, June brushed against Cassie’s hair. The latter had already fallen asleep

from exhaustion. June sneered and said, ”Woman, it is fate that you will never escape from my


Eventually, the duo slept in. Then Cassie woke up first, just before noon. When she got up, she turned

to look at June next to her. Immediately, Cassie kicked him mercilessly with her leg. After June woke up

from the kick, Cassie threw a punch right at June’s body.

“Scram!” shouted Cassie as she was enraged.

June was not angry with Cassie at all. Instead, he got down from the bed slowly. After putting on his

clothes, June kissed Cassie on her lips once. With an eerie smile, June said, “Honey, it’s been seven or

eight years now. I’m still as obsessed with your body as before. What shall I do? I really can’t bear to let

go of your hands.”

With her head turned the other way, Cassie replied abhorrently, “What a sicko.”

When June heard that, he was unfazed.