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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 76
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“Oscar Clinton, how shameless can you be?” Carter sarcastically asked.

“What is causing you such great angst, Mr. Scott? Sex between a married couple can’t possibly be called

shameful, can it? Don’t tell me a grown man like you is still a virgin!” Oscar teased.

Carter took a sip of alcohol to mask his sorrow.

“Mr. Scott, this bar is famous for its beauties. All it takes is a snap of your fingers, and they will flock to

you.” Oscar continued to push him.

Carter just quietly drank his liquor, lost in thoughts.

Oscar lifted his glass and started drinking too. For a rare moment, a sense of peace prevailed.

Finally, Carter broke the silence. “Mr. Clinton, please treat Amelia well. She had a hard life. Outwardly,

she may seem to be fearless, but she has a really kind and gentle soul. If you are the one she loves, I

am willing to retreat and watch over her from a distance.”

Oscar was tickled. “Mr. Scott, are you playing the role of a melodramatic second male lead?”

Carter was not disturbed by Oscar’s comment. “The male lead usually has affairs with different women

while the second male lead is destined to watch over the heroine. If Amelia is meant to be the female

lead of this drama, then I will willingly take the supporting role. I will do anything so long as she can be


Oscar laughed out loud. “What a passionate man you are, Mr. Scott. Unfortunately, this act does not sit

well with me. You should be grateful I am not bashing you up for eyeing my woman.”

Carter can only put on a miserable smile. He composed himself and said, “Mr. Clinton, how about we

reconcile and enjoy a drink together?”

“Reconcile? Were we ever in conflict, Mr. Scott?” Oscar questioned.

Carter was caught off guard. “No. No conflict at all. Everything happens for a reason. Let’s drink to our

acquaintance!” He laughed it off.

Oscar summoned the servers and asked for the best booze they have. He mixed the different booze,

creating a potent cocktail. “The whole idea of drinking is to get high. You wouldn’t mind this, would you?”

He challenged Carter.

One can never show any sign of weakness in the face of their competitor. Carter took a glass of the

cocktail and downed it. “Impressive! Come, have another,” Oscar urged.

“Shouldn’t Mr. Clinton have one yourself?” Carter countered.

Oscar took a glass and did a bottoms-up too.

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“Well done, Mr. Clinton,” Carter reciprocated.

And with that, they took turns to down glass after glass and finished the few bottles in no time. They held

their drinks well and were amazingly sober.

“Mr. Scott, you sure can hold your liquor,” Oscar praised.

“Not too bad yourself.” Carter returned the compliment.

“Good to meet an impressive drinking partner. Shall we do an all-nighter, Mr. Scott?” Oscar started

pouring for Carter again.

Carter nodded, and just as the two raised their glasses to toast, Oscar’s phone rang. He picked the call,

but before he can utter a word, Cassie can be heard beseeching, “Oz, I miss you. Our baby misses you

too. Please come visit us at the Yard Manor.”

“Cassie, I can’t hear you well. Can you repeat that?” The room was too noisy, and Oscar was straining to

hear her.

“Oz, where are you? Why is there so much noise in the background?” Cassie questioned.

“I am in a bar,” Oscar replied truthfully.

“Oz, the baby and I miss you. Would you come by to spend time with us?” Cassie pleaded.

“Cassie dear, I am with some clients now. It is also getting late. Don’t wait up. I will visit you and the baby

tomorrow,” Oscar said after a moment of hesitation.

Cassie wasn’t pleased with that. “Do you not love me anymore? Before I got pregnant, you said you will

treat me well. No matter where you are, you will come running to me when I need you. Now you use

work as an excuse to brush me off. Are you having second thoughts about marrying me?” she woefully


Oscar seemed flustered. Maybe the liquor was taking effect on him. “Cassie, stop this fuss and go to

bed. I will visit you and the baby tomorrow.” He was curt.

Cassie went silent for a moment, then she sobbed, “Oz, you don’t love me anymore.”

“Cassie dear, I am with my business associates. You wouldn’t want to distract me from work, would

you?” Oscar tried to keep his cool and coaxed her.

“So I am still the love of your life?” Cassie sought his assurance.

Oscar fiddled with his tie fretfully but made the effort to sweet-talk Cassie. “Of course I still love you,

Cassie. Now, go to bed, and I’ll see you and the baby tomorrow.”

Oscar finally managed to pacify Cassie. As he ended the call, his face was splashed with liquor. Once he

recovered from the shock, he glared at Carter as he wiped his face dry. “You better have a good reason

for doing this, Mr. Scott. Otherwise, I will come after not only you but your entire family.”

“Two-timer scumbag, I think you deserved that,” Carter responded indifferently, leisurely sipping his drink

as he spoke.

Oscar nodded. “Well, yes. But who are you to interfere in my personal affairs?”

“Just the one who loves Amelia and would not want to see her get hurt,” Carter avowed.

Now, that hit a raw nerve. Oscar pounced on Carter, waving his fist right into Carter’s face. Carter was

taken aback momentarily but recovered swiftly and fought back with a vengeance. The bar’s security

staff struggled to separate the two furious men. The fight ended with a trip to the police station.

As both Oscar and Carter were influential bigwigs, the police did not make things difficult for them. They

were allowed to summon their lawyers to assist in settling the case.In the meantime, Amelia got a call

from an old acquaintance,

a policewoman, who informed her of Oscar’s incident.

A heavily pregnant Amelia came to the police station. She was surprised to see Oscar and Carter

together. She could not figure out how the paths of these two men crossed and why they ended up

injured in a fight.

Amelia crossed her arms and showed no sympathy for these two men. “The two of you fought?” she

asked, looking down at the pathetic men.

Oscar looked up to her and complained, “Your husband was bashed. Can’t you comfort me?”

“Serves you right! Two grown men fighting. Aren’t you embarrassed?” Amelia sounded harsh but was still

gently examining the wound on his mouth. “How did you get hurt so badly?” she lamented when Oscar

let out a painful whimper.

Carter’s heart sank when he noticed Amelia only had eyes for Oscar. “I am sorry, Amelia. I was too hot-

headed and picked a fight with Mr. Clinton. I am to be blamed,” he apologized.

It was only then that Amelia became aware of Carter’s injuries. They were as bad, if not worse, than

Oscar’s. She frowned slightly as she looked over his bruises. “Carter, your injuries look bad too. Does it

hurt a lot?”

Carter was consoled by her concern. “It’s no big deal,” he assured her with a smile.

Suddenly, Oscar cupped his mouth and yelped in pain. “Os-Oscar, what’s wrong?” Amelia immediately

turned her attention back to him.

Oscar took the opportunity to grab her and bury himself in her, whining, “My mouth hurts. My head hurts.

I am hurting all over my body. Let me lean on you for a while, Amelia.”

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Amelia was pleasantly surprised by Oscar’s act, and her lips curled into a gentle smile. That look of bliss

stabbed Carter deeply in the heart. He instinctively knew that Amelia had fallen for Oscar. She could try

to hide her feelings, but she was not able to conceal the look of affection in her eyes.

Amelia gently caressed Oscar’s hair. It felt stubby. “Such childish behavior from a grown man. Carter is

here. You will be a subject of ridicule,” Amelia teased.

Oscar rested his head on her tummy and said, “You are my wife. What is so ridiculous about us? Is our

son a good boy? Is he giving Mommy any trouble?”

“Maybe he could sense his daddy is in trouble, so he is putting on his best behavior,” Amelia happily


Oscar buried his face in her tummy but suddenly looked up in astonishment. “Honey, our little fella just

kicked me!” he exclaimed.

Amelia was beaming with joy. “That is fetal movement. Our little fella knows daddy is interacting with him,

so he is saying hi to you too.”

That scene of marital bliss tore Carter’s heart out.

“Amelia,” he called out, his voice thick with sadness.

That reminded Amelia of his presence. She pushed Oscar’s head aside and looked apologetically at

Carter. “I’m sorry. I almost forgot you are here, Carter.”

That apology was even more gut-wrenching for Carter.

“Amelia, that would have been better left unspoken.” Carter smiled feebly.

“Carter, I am sorry. I…” Amelia was at a loss for words.

Carter stood up, smiled at her adoringly, and brushed it aside. “Silly girl! You did nothing wrong. Why the


Amelia subconsciously rubbed her nose again, obviously embarrassed. Oscar was agitated and

solemnly said, “Mr. Scott, I am capable of adoring my woman. Mind your behavior, lest it causes


“Mr. Clinton, I am more than happy to indulge her. Whatever she wants, I will oblige. Unlike the man who

acts lovey-dovey with her, and then turn to whisper sweet nothings to another woman the next moment.”

Carter was in a provocative mood.

However, he quickly realized he should not have said that. He turned around to find Amelia’s smile

frozen in place.

“No, no, no. I was only kidding, Amelia.” Carter tried to salvage the situation.

Amelia shook her head and asked, “Is the case settled? Can we leave the police station now?”