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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 334
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Chapter 334 Refuse to Go

Meanwhile in Muse Peninsula, Camila and George had been sitting on the sofa for quite some time but

none of them spoke. They had negotiated with each other for hours but they failed to come to an

agreement. George was worried about letting Camila stay alone in the country. Although he had

gathered that Silas didn’t seem to have feelings for her, his intuition told him that Silas was important to


Even if Silas didn’t like Camila now, it was uncertain that it would remain that way.

Therefore, he asked Camila to return to the country with him so he could take care of her in person.

However, how could Camila agree to that? If he had asked her two weeks earlier, she would have

returned with him but now that she had Silas, how could she go back? That man had endured so much

for her so how could she abandon him and go with George? If she did that, he would definitely go mad.

It didn’t actually matter if Silas would let her leave or not because she herself wouldn’t be willing to

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Therefore, she listed out reasons why she couldn’t go back with George from her career development,

her feelings to how she wished to be in her home country.

In return, George attacked her conscience and used her seniors and juniors to guilt-trip her. He even

made a thorough analysis of the benefits and advantages that she would have if she went back with


In the end, no one convinced the other so they were in a deadlock.

Taking a puff of his cigarette, smoke spiraled upward and shrouded George’s handsome face. Actually,

he seldom smoked unless he was extremely frustrated. Usually, nothing could bring him down and he

always kept a cool head. This situation must be difficult for him.

He couldn’t free himself from concern if he allowed her to stay here, but she refused to go with him.

On the other hand, Camila was upset about this situation too but she didn’t have any better solutions.

She didn’t mean to hurt anyone but Silas was right that it was impossible to have it both ways and

protect both of their feelings. She just hoped that they wouldn’t be startled by the truth and could accept


She could differentiate the feelings she had for George and Silas.

Although she wasn’t sure how far she and Silas would go, she knew that no matter what, George would

always be her family. Otherwise, she would’ve fallen in love with George long ago! Stubbing out the

cigarette in the ashtray, George looked up at Camila. “Do you have to make me use our promise?”

Camila knitted her brows. “George, why do you have to force me? You know clearly that my studio has

just started to operate and South has just gotten used to attending school here. We’re really

comfortable now so I don’t feel like making any changes.” George took a deep breath. “I really regret

letting you come back.” Back then, he shouldn’t have acted nobly and generously. He should have

been selfish and stopped them from coming back. Camila understood what George was worried about

but she didn’t have the courage to tell the man, who not only loved her for seven years but was her

son’s savior too, that she had fallen in love with another man.

She knew that she shouldn’t have but she couldn’t control her feelings. It didn’t matter how much effort

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he had put in or how early he had appeared in her life because one had to be in the right place at the

right time and with the right person, just like when it came to her and Silas. She had always thought

that she was heartless and wouldn’t fall in love with anybody. But at that specific moment, she agreed

to be his girlfriend. She fell in love with him because of how happy he would be when she was happy

about the smallest of things, and how gently he looked at her and South. George wasn’t inferior to

anyone. In fact, he was so perfect that she felt burdened with guilt and didn’t even dare to tell him the


“George, you’re my brother and my teacher, and you’ll always be the most important person in my

heart. I know that you’re concerned for me but I want to settle down. I admit that I lied to you today but I

couldn’t reject him because Old Man Nolan is extremely pitiful. He has many maids around him but

he’s actually lonely. South went with me twice and Old Man Nolan likes him, so Silas asked South and I

to attend the party because he wanted his grandpa to have a blessed birthday. I didn’t mean to hide it

from you, but I was just afraid that you would be unhappy to know Silas and I are close. However, you

don’t have to worry because Silas has a lot of admirers and he takes care of his friends. Since I’m his

grandfather’s savior, he won’t let others hurt me.”