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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 352
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Chapter 352 The Truth Silas was still sitting on the sofa, and he was playing games on his phone. He didn’t even lift his eyes

and just asked coldly, “So, will you tell me now?” Robin wasn’t willing to talk, but if he refused, he would

die. . He never wanted to experience that punishment ever again. His mind started racing and he only

spoke after a while, “Will you let me go if I tell


Silas continued to play his mobile game as he sneered, “You’re bargaining before you even speak?

What right do you have?” Robin surrendered and replied, “It was my cousin, Aleena Jones, who

wanted me to look for Luca Matthews!”

After hearing his reply, Silas’s body froze, causing the character in his mobile game to be slain. He

looked at Robin in astonishment. “Aleena Jones?” Robin peeked at him. “Yes.” Although Silas had

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suspected it might be Aleena Jones, he didn’t think she would have the guts. Who knew that it would

really be her? “Go on!” Robin continued, “Aleena likes you a lot. Previously at Ruby Palace, after you

had given her a warning and left with Miss Brooklyn, she had me look for Luca Matthews. We wanted

him to have an alliance with us to spite Miss Brooklyn, but before we could carry out our plan, Luca

Matthews was already dead. At first, we thought it was just an accident, then we found out that Luca

had once sent someone to run into Miss Brooklyn. But this time, it really wasn’t us who sent Luca to run

into Miss Brooklyn.” The pupils of Silas’s eyes constricted. “What was your plan for Camila?” Robin

carefully peeked at Silas’s face again. “W-We also planned on using drunk driving as an excuse, but it

really wasn’t us this time. Our plan was supposed to be enacted three days later, but by then, Luca had

already run into Miss Brooklyn and died. We were afraid that you would think we were the ones who

did it, so we cancelled the plan.”

Silas frowned as Robin’s answer was surprising. “Do you have any evidence that it wasn’t you who did

it?” Robin panicked and explained hurriedly, “H-I don’t have any proof, but it really wasn’t us. If you

don’t believe me, you can ask Aleena. We originally thought Luca’s death had something to do with


Silas closed his eyes. If it wasn’t them, this matter would be more complicated.

It was obvious that someone was trying to frame them. This person not only knew of Aleena and

Robin’s plan, but also took advantage of this chance to target Camila. They knew that he would

investigate, and even managed to kill Matthews before he could get to him. Even to this day, he could

only find out that Matthews had been in close contact with Robin. However, his instincts were telling

him that Robin was telling the truth.

This person was so meticulous it was frightening! Besides that, that person seemed to be very well-

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connected and never left a trace! Silas got up and prepared to leave. Robin pleaded with him. “Silas,

please let me go. We really didn’t do anything. It was Matthews who took action himself and we had no

idea about it either.” Silas stopped and lowered his gaze at him. “Even if it wasn’t you who did it this

time, but if it wasn’t for the two of you who suggested this plan, Matthews wouldn’t have followed the

plan. What are you feeling aggrieved about?”

With that, he turned around and walked away. Xavier immediately followed him. “President Nolan, what

should we do now?”

Silas was a little annoyed as this meant that they had reached a dead end again. He gave it a thought

and said, “Go back and check on everyone who had been in contact with Luca Matthews for this

month. There must be someone else who is suspicious.” Xavier looked at Silas and held back from

what he wanted to say. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that President Nolan was making a

mountain out of a molehill. In the end, he couldn’t hold back anymore and finally asked, “President

Nolan, do you think we’re overcomplicating things? Maybe it was Luca Matthews who did it, and his

death was just an accident.”