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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 599
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Chapter: 599

“I’m willing to communicate, but he isn’t. He conceals so much from me, forcing me to maintain a cold

facade these days.”

“True, true. For now, don’t think too much. Stay at my place and tend to yourself and the little one

growing in you. But are you truly adamant about keeping the baby a secret from him?”

Ariana’s smile faded, and she continued stuffing clothes into the suitcase. “That’s a talk for another


Having packed essential garments and personal effects, Ariana made her way to Sarah’s place with


Alina, seeing Ariana in a wheelchair, regarded her with curious eyes. The young girl halted her playful

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interaction with a toy duck, squatting beside Ariana.

Ariana gently touched Alina’s head, a smile gracing her lips. “I’ll be staying here with you for a while.”

Alina remained silent, nestling her head against Ariana’s knee while clasping onto her unhurt leg.

“By the way, your ankle was quite severe. Is it wise to leave the hospital in such a state?” Sarah asked

with concern, bringing a glass of warm water to Ariana.

“It’ll be fine. I’ve obtained the attending physician’s contact information. He has provided me with a

prescription. I can fetch the medication myself. I’ve memorized the massage techniques. However, I’ll

still need to visit the hospital for prenatal checkups.” Ariana expressed worry. “I wonder when Theodore

will discover my escape and if he’ll assign someone to keep a watchful eye on me. When I go for

checkups, I must evade Theodore’s men. It’s quite troublesome.”

Sarah’s concern etched worry lines on her face as she leaned in closer to Ariana.

“My dear, it’s high time you revealed your pregnancy to Theodore. He is, after all, the father of this

precious baby. Moreover, your belly is becoming an undeniable testament to your condition.”

Ariana, with a touch of melancholy, caressed her swollen abdomen and replied, “I had intended to

share the news with him, but given the recent turn of events, I am hesitant. I fear he may not warmly

embrace the idea of welcoming our child.”

“What do you mean? Will he suggest that you have an abortion?” Sarah’s eyes widened with a mixture

of anger and shock. In an instant, Alina sensed the tension and clung tightly to Sarah’s leg.

Quickly, Ariana reassured them both, “No, no, it was merely a passing comment. I shall inform him


“That’s more like it.” Relieved, Sarah calmed herself and resumed the conversation, “I don’t believe

Theodore has ever dispatched his men to trail you discreetly.

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Otherwise, your frequent hospital visits would have been exposed. It seems he isn’t as twisted as you

might suspect.”

Ariana remained silent, acknowledging that even though he had never spied on her before, it didn’t

necessarily mean he wouldn’t resort to it now.

“Nevertheless, I must exercise caution. I shall find a way to attend my prenatal check-ups without

arousing suspicion.” Ariana resolved.

“| shall accompany you on these hospital visits,” Sarah gave her word, embracing Ariana warmly in an

attempt to provide calm within her being.

However, Ariana, looking at her outfit and being mindful of Sarah’s fame, hesitated before saying

awkwardly, “You, being a renowned star, are easily recognizable wherever you go.”

“Are you doubting my chameleon-like disguise abilities?” Sarah responded with a hint of offense.

Ariana quickly diverted the topic, saying, “What are your thoughts on Betsy?”