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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

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Ariana recognized Holden was in the tallest Ferris wheel in Eleymond.

Though both were aware of each other’s intentions by now, Holden kept his face hidden, preserving the

delicate pretense that still hung between them. Ariana chose not to say anything about it.

In that quiet moment, they both silently appreciated the night view together.

After a prolonged moment of silence, Ariana gently asked, “Are you feeling down?”

Holden responded with a soft, affirmative sound before opening up.

“I’ve been experiencing a sense of disorientation lately. It’s as if I’m navigating a vast maze with my

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eyes blindfolded. I used to think I had it all figured out, but now I realize I know nothing at all.

I can’t even distinguish between what’s real and what’s fake.”

“Sometimes, the line between reality and illusion blurs,” Ariana offered.

The two continued their candid conversation late into the night, sharing their thoughts and experiences

from both the past and the present.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

As Ariana gradually grew drowsy while talking to Holden, she succumbed to sleep, comforted by the

soothing sound of his voice.

Listening to her steady breathing over the phone, Holden chuckled softly but chose not to end the call.

He kept it connected as he returned home and placed his phone on the table. Then, he went to take a


Meanwhile, Sadie sneaked into the bedroom wearing provocative lingerie. To her delight, she found

Holden in the shower and decided to enhance the mood by pouring some wine.

While fetching the glasses, Sadie noticed Holden’s phone still engaged in a call.

Who could Holden be talking to at this hour?

Sadie’s eyebrows knit together, curiosity piqued. She reached for Holden’s phone, but before her

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fingers could graze it, she felt a sharp tug on her collar, yanking her backward.

Startled, she spun around to meet Holden’s frosty stare. He quickly ended the call and slipped his

phone into his pocket.

“Why are you snooping in my room?” His voice was frostier than a winter morning.

Trying to play it cool, Sadie glided her fingers suggestively down her neck. But Holden didn’t bite.

Instead, he took a step back, making sure to keep his distance.

“If you don’t have any legit reason to be here, you should leave,” he said, his voice dripping with


Feeling cornered, Sadie played her trump card. She jangled the bracelet on her wrist, letting it shimmer

in the dim light.