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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134 Did Something Happen to Josephine

Despite that, Conrad ultimately decided to interrupt Josephine. “Madarn, I’ve brought dinner. You don’t

have to continue cooking anymore.”

Josephine paused in her actions before turning to shoot him another glance.

Conrad continued, “President Alvarez is on a business trip right now, so he won’t be home these two

days. That’s why you don’t have to prepare meals for him.”

“Lewis went on another business trip again,” Josephine thought. She stared at Conrad for a short while

to make sure that he wasn’t lying to her. Finally, she lowered the kitchen knife in her hand.

Then, Josephine pulled out her phone and started typing on it. “Who went with him?”

Conrad started stammering all of a sudden. His looking away from Josephine was more than enough to

answer her question.

It was Sierra.

Josephine’s eyes glistened as she looked at the dishes she had just prepared. After pursing her lips,

she turned on her heel and walked away.

Conrad quickly laid out the food he had brought. Then, he watched Josephine eat her dinner quietly.

She was neither angry nor sad at that time. However, her quiet and thoughtful facade was what irked

Conrad the most.

He was irritated by the things he had witnessed so far, but at the same time, he didn’t know how to vent

his frustrations.

Once Josephine was done eating, she thanked Conrad with a nod.

The latter quickly cleaned up before fleeing from the mansion. Although he had only been dropping by

to deliver meals to Josephine in the last few days, he began feeling increasingly irritated and stressed.

However, Josephine was the one who stayed in the mansion every day. Wouldn’t she be depressed by


Meanwhile, the aforementioned woman looked up at the clock on the wall, soon realizing that

it was 9.30 pm.

She picked up her notebook and stared at the blank pages, not knowing what to write.

Just like that, she sat on the couch till dawn break.

That morning, Dr. Halliday visited Styx Mansion with Josephine’s test results. He stood next

to her, clearly wanting to say something.

Josephine raised her head to look at him.

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She was even more nervous than the doctor. The truth was that her heart sank the moment she

noticed the worried expression on his face.

Dr. Halliday was silent for a while before handing Josephine the report.

The latter accepted it and tore the folder open with shaky hands before extracting the report. As she

laid eyes on the diagnosis, she instinctively closed her eyes.

Josephine used one full minute to mentally prepare for what she was about to see. Finally, she opened

her eyes and looked at the bottom of the page, where the final diagnosis was written.

When she saw the word “confirmed” printed in bold, she released her hold on the report, letting it slip

from her fingers and flutter to the ground slowly.

Dr. Halliday sat down next to Josephine before pulling out a few bottles of medicine and handing them

to her. “Madam, the hospital has prescribed you your medication. Please take them regularly. Even

though this disease can’t be cured, you can still alleviate your symptoms and slow down the

progression of the disease.”

He continued, “The doctor at the hospital suggests that you return to the hospital as soon as possible

to go through another check-up. This disease isn’t as terrible as you think. There’s still a chance of

getting completely cured.”

Dr. Halliday didn’t even sound confident when he said those things to Josephine. As far as he knew,

there was no known case of a patient getting completely cured of Alzheimer’s disease.

He said all those things just to comfort Josephine, after all.

The latter pursed her lips while staring at the bottles of medicine with a dazed look on her face.

Dr. Halliday comforted, “Just jot down the things you remember whenever you can. Make sure to read

through your notes every day. This method is also effective for treating your disease as well.”

Josephine nodded without gesturing anything.

“Normally, patients use their phones to record audio logs or videos, but you should stick to using pen

and paper for now. Are you sure you don’t want to let President Alvarez know about your condition?”

Josephine snapped out of her trance when she heard the last question. She quickly shook her head

and started pleading with Dr. Halliday not to tell Lewis by making a few gestures.

“Well, what are you going to do if you’re not going to tell him anything? You’re home alone every day,

you know? This isn’t safe for you.’

Dr. Halliday wanted to convince Josephine to change her mind, but the latter kept shaking her


head wildly. She started typing on her phone instead. “I don’t want him to know for now. My condition

isn’t severe anyway because I can still remember most of the life events.”

The doctor opened his mouth, not knowing what to say all of a sudden.

There was no such thing as a grace period when it came to Alzheimer’s disease. For all he knew,

Josephine’s condition might deteriorate the next second.

He thought for a moment before finally relenting. “Fine, I won’t tell him anything, but you must

remember to take the medication.”

Josephine nodded while casting Dr. Halliday a grateful look.

The doctor had visited her many times in the past, but he never had such a pitiful expression on his

face. When Josephine noticed the look of pity, she could feel her nose prickle.

Looks of pity frightened her the most.

Whenever she saw them, she was reminded of the fact that she was different from other people. She

wasn’t normal at all.

The thing was, she wanted to be as normal as everyone else.



Dr. Halliday clearly had mixed feelings written all over his face as he looked at Josephine. Madam, p-

please don’t cry. Alzheimer’s disease isn’t severe at all. As long as you take medication on time and

keep recording the day’s events in your notebook every day, you’ll realize that it’s not as scary as you

make it out to be.”

Josephine bowed her head while staring at the report. A moment of silence ensued before she picked it

up and read through it carefully.

Then, she ripped the report into tiny pieces and threw them into a nearby trash can.


Josephine picked up her phone and started typing. “I’m fine. Thank you for your concern, Dr. Halliday.”

“Don’t get depressed now. It’s detrimental to your illness.”

The woman nodded slightly in response.

Dr. Halliday said a bunch of things to her after that, most of them just words of consolation. Josephine

listened to him quietly. Occasionally, she would respond with a short message.

Upon noticing Conrad, who had entered the mansion to deliver another piping hot meal to Josephine,

Dr. Halliday stood up sensibly and said his goodbyes to her.

Meanwhile, Conrad glanced at both of them in confusion. Josephine and Dr. Halliday had grim looks on

their faces. The assistant had no idea what they were talking about prior to his arrival.

“Madam, have you been feeling well these past two days?”

Josephine squeezed out a smile while nodding at Conrad to indicate that she had recovered from her


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Conrad furrowed his brows, still perplexed by what he had seen, but he didn’t ask Josephine any

questions. After setting the meal on the table, he watched Josephine finish her dinner before leaving

the mansion.

Once he got into his car, he tried to rack his brain and think about any possible answers, but nothing

came to his mind. In the end, Conrad decided to call Lewis on the phone.

However, he didn’t know what to say when the call went through.

Before he could speak, however, he could hear Sierra’s voice drifting from the speaker. “What are you

doing, Lewis? Someone is calling out for you.”

“Alright. You should go there first.”

“Hurry up, okay?”

Once Sierra left his side, Lewis finally called out to the person on the other end of the line. Conrad.”

“President Alvarez, when are you returning from your trip?” While sneaking a peek in the direction of

the mansion’s entrance from the corner of his eye, Conrad inquired, all the while observing that the

doors remained tightly shut.

Perhaps Josephine was spacing out on the couch right now.

“I’ll be back in two days. Did something happen to Josephine?”

“Not really. When I dropped by the mansion earlier, I ran into that doctor. He seems to be visiting the

mansion frequently these two days. Did you ask him to visit Madam, President Alvarez?”

Conrad posed the question to gauge Lewis’ response, but he couldn’t shake off the memory of

Josephine’s and Dr. Halliday’s peculiar expressions. There was an air of secrecy and shock.

surrounding their conversation, leaving Conrad intrigued by what they might be discussing.

“Has Josephine made a full recovery?”

“I think she looks healthy now. It’s just that Madam stays at home all by herself every day. Won’t she

get bored?”

“Mind your own business.”

Lewis ended the call after leaving that sentence hanging in the air. He didn’t even give Conrad a

chance to say anything.

Gazing at the screen displaying the disconnected phone call in his call history, Conrad couldn’t

suppress a sigh that escaped him after a brief moment of silence.

He had no idea what Lewis was thinking. That man’s wife was still sick, yet he decided to go frolicking

with Sierra somewhere else to scout out places for her next shooting. Sometimes, Conrad couldn’t

discern who Lewis liked the most.

Meanwhile, when Sierra noticed Lewis had yet to join her side, she walked over to him and latched

herself to his arm.

“Who called you just now? You’re already here, so you should stop thinking about that mute.”